
Whether your a blogger looking for some gift-giving ideas to give your friends and families – or you’re the friend or family of a blogger or WAHM looking for a gift idea, this list is for you!

One of the best things you can give an online entrepreneur is help in growing their business.

Need more help choosing the PERFECT gift?  Send me an email and I’ll help you narrow the right gift choice!

Getting Started

Beautiful Blog Set Up Service – Know someone who would like to start their own successful blog for 2017?  Give them gift of a beautiful blog – all set up and ready for them to start adding content!  They’ll get their first year of web hosting and domain, a beautiful custom blog design with their choice of colors, layout, and logo – plus some great resources to help them know how to start building their brand new blog!  $147/ one time

Web Hosting

The cost of hosting a business site or blog online can add up pretty quickly.  If you’re not sure what web hosting is, it’s what keeps a blog or website running – without hosting, an online business can’t run.

Here are a couple of my favorite hosting companies:

Siteground – Siteground offers affordable hosting and AMAZING support.  Plus, they’ll move your site to their hosting for free – so this gift is perfect for any blogger, no matter what hosting platform they’re using!  I’ve used Siteground to host several of our blogs and their support team never ceases to amaze me.  They’re always willing to help when I run into any issues and have always worked hard to make sure any problem is resolved – even if it’s a problem that’s all my fault!  If the blogger in your life has mentioned having problems with their hosting – or they’re due to renew for another year – why not make life easier for them and set them up with this amazing hosting company?  $48/yr.

WPEngine – WpEngine is the top-of-the-line hosting for WordPress sites.  They specialize in taking care of blogs and sites that are hosted by WordPress – which means less headaches and problems trying to figure out what went wrong with your blog.  When Blogelina grew too large for the standard shared hosting plans, we made the switch the WpEngine and have been there ever since!  Our blog went from being down a LOT to consistently having 100% up-time each month with WpEngine!  $348/yr.

Blogging Help

There is A LOT that goes into running a business online – and all these tasks can get a little overwhelming.  Here are some services that can help give your favorite blogger or WAHM the gift of time.

WpCurve – SAVE TIME & HEADACHES – Imagine never having another WordPress headache!  One of the biggest complaints we get from bloggers here at Blogelina is how overwhelming the tech side of blogging can be.  So many bloggers just want to write and not have to deal with all the headaches of WordPress – which is why giving a subscription to WpCurve could be the perfect gift for the blogger in your life!  It’s the gift of no more tech headaches!  $79/mo.

Fresh Scribes – SAVE TIME & BOOST TRAFFIC – The complete blog editing & proofreading service!  This service will save you hours proofing, prepping and promoting your online content – so that you can focus on the tasks you really love! $95/mo.

Tailwind – SAVE TIME & BOOST TRAFFIC – Tailwind helps you boost your blog traffic AND makes keeping up with Pinterest faster and easier.  Tailwind gives the blogger in your life a great tool for scheduling your pins and increasing your presence on Pinterest!  $9.99/mo.

Blog Critique & Action Plan – GET FOCUSED & KNOW THE NEXT STEP TO TAKE – Get expert eyes on your blog and know the exact next steps YOUR blog needs to take!  $67/one time

Stuck trying to figure out which gift is BEST?  Send me an email and I’ll help you narrow the right gift choice!

Blog Design

Give the gift of beauty with a brand new blog design!

Build Your Own Custom Design Service – It just takes 5 easy steps to build your own brand new blog design!  You get to choose the blog logo, your colors, and your layout – and we put it all together to make it awesome!  $147/one time

Restored 316 themes – If you’re looking for a more feminine Studiopress theme, Restored316Designs offers several beautiful options.  Just grab the Genesis Framework and then choose your child theme at Restored316.  $75/one time fee

Haute Chocolate – We use these amazing stock images here at Blogelina and you would not believe how EASY they make it to create stunning blog and social media images.  One of the biggest requests we get is how to find beautiful images to use in blogging – and Haute Chocolate is the top one we recommend!  $75/3 months (includes 500 images!)

Amazing E-Courses

Make growing an online business easier with these amazing e-courses:

List Surge – TRAFFIC & INCOME BOOST – Want to double your email list in 90 days? This course shows you how to strategically grow your list, fast.  Melyssa is a true sweatheart who REALLY knows her stuff – start growing your list the fast way today!  $297/one time

SimplePin Master Course – TIME & TRAFFIC – In this amazing ecourse, your favorite blogger will learn how to build a solid Pinterest strategy to gain traction and keep momentum,  will understand how to create images that target your audience and get clicks, and unlock Google analytics data so you know where the traffic is coming from and what type of content to create.  It’s WELL worth it!  $297/one time

Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing – INCOME BOOST – Michelle has built her blogging income from $0 to over $50,000/month – all with affiliate marketing.  In this course, she breaks down the steps she took to build her income to that amazing level – and she does it in a very-very-easy-to-follow-step-by-step way.  If your blogger is getting started with blogging and wants to earn an income doing it, this course will give them everything they need to know to do just that!  $197/one time

BOSS! Triple Your Blogging Productivity in 30 Days – SAVE TIME & GET FOCUSED – With the new year quickly approaching, what better time to get really focused and on track with your blogging?  Each day of this challenge gives you a concrete actionable task to make your blogging business run more smoothly – and your life as a blogger easier and less chaotic!  Melissa is a very successful online entrepreneur herself and she shares her amazing tips in this packed course.  Give the gift of time and less stress to the blogger in your life this year!  $397/one time


Problogger – GETTING STARTED & INCOME BOOST – I read this book when I first started blogging and it made a HUGE impact on the course of my blogging career.  I can honestly say that I would never have had a blogging year where I almost made 7 figures with my blog (I still can’t even BELIEVE it!) had it not been for Darren Rowse and his amazing advice.  If you know someone who wants to start a blog or someone who wants to take their blog to the next level, I highly recommend this book!  $17/one time (Plus, don’t forget about our beautiful blog design/set-up service – we’ll take care of all the tech side of setting up a new blog!)

Hustle: The Power to Charge Your Life with Money, Meaning, and Momentum – TIME & INSPIRATION – Neil Patel is flat out awesome.  Everything he produces comes packed with TONS of info on how to build a successful business – and he knows what he’s talking about because he’s built SEVERAL amazingly successful businesses himself!  I love, though, how he’s able to take the overwhelming picture and break it down into bite-sized, doable steps.  $20/one time

Platform: Get Noticed In A Noisy World – INCOME BOOST – If the blogger in your life could use some encouragement and maybe a little direction in what the next step in their blogging business needs to be, this book is one of the BEST that I’ve ever read.  One of the things I liked most about the book is how inspiring it is!  Reading it made me feel like I could actually step out and DO this amazingly successful blogging venture.  A lot of times what holds bloggers back from getting started is the fear that they won’t be able to do it.  This book shows that it IS possible and gives a lot of great practical advice on how to go about it!  $14/ one time


EPIC One Year Editorial Planner – SAVE TIME & GET FOCUSED – Coming up with content can be a big challenge as a blogger – especially coming up with content ideas that your audience really wants to read and that are going to work overtime to build your blog in a big way.  This one-year blog editorial planner helps you create a purposeful and profitable content plan for your blog through a mini blog business plan, ideal reader survey, monthly theme planning, monthly content planning, and standard monthly calendars.  Give the gift of time and focus to the blogger in your life!  $15/one time

The Badass Blog Planner: Your guide to defining your purpose, creating clarity, and building a year of killer content – SAVE TIME & GET FOCUSED – The blogger in your life is going to LOVE this planner.  Feeling overwhelmed is a common trait among bloggers – just because there is SO much to do and keep track of as you build your blog!  Help make managing all that so much easier for your blogger with this beautiful blog planner.  $14/one time

What Do YOU Want For Christmas This Year?

Share the blogging gift you’re wanting in the comments below by December 9th and you just might WIN what you’re wishing for!  We’ll randomly choose a winner and send your gift in time for Christmas.

BONUS ENTRY: Pin, share, or tweet this post and you’ll get an extra entry to win!

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