
Welcome back to the latest installment of the ongoing ‘design your blog’ series on Blogelina! Last week we looked at a few of our favorite places to find good, free or cheap photos to use on your blog with your posts. We were going to leave it at one but there are so many good resources out there that we thought it would be helpful to give you a few more places we like to hunt for good pictures.

Remember that choosing well-composed, clear, compelling photos on your blog is a necessary piece to the puzzle of creating and maintaining content that people want to keep coming back for on your blog. If you missed any of our other posts on the topic of photos, you can catch up on that reading by clicking on the links below:

Using Photos on Your Blog

Faces and Places – Why People Make the Best Subjects for Your Blog Photos

Finding Photos – Where to Look Online for Blog Photos

We’ve said it before but it bears repeating. Even more important than choosing compelling images is respecting the creators’ requirements for using or sharing their work.

Make sure that you are either using royalty-free images that you bought or that you are attributing the photo with a credit at the end of your post. Some photographers require you to notify them and gain their permission before sharing their work on your site so make sure you read the fine print before running a photo on your blog, no matter how good it looks or how badly you want to use it.

A Few More Places to Find Free Photos for Your Blog

As we discussed last time, there are many good resources online when it comes to photos.


What we really like about ImageBase is they are very clear about the requirements for using their photos. Their ‘What does Free Mean?’ page is one of the best we’ve seen in making it easy to understand how to use and credit the images available on their site.

ImageBase also does a good job of making it easy to search for the type of image you need. You can quickly search by categories like people, objects, and nature.

Photo Rogue

What we like about Photo Rogue is that it offers a unique concept – custom, on-demand photography for free. The way it works is that you can request a photo of what you’re looking for and a photographer will go take that picture and send it to you for use on your site. It’s best to try Photo Rogue when you have time to spare.

If you’re thinking about a specific post that you want to run in a few weeks’ time, try submitting a photo request and see what you end up with. You could be pleasantly surprised!



Open Photo

Open Photo is another great free stock image site. Generally, its photo requirements follow the creative commons model (although you should still carefully read about the rights before using any photo).

Open Photo also makes it easy to look for photos by season and events, as they have timely categories on their home page like “Christmas” and “Back to School.” This is a wonderful site to add to your photo repertoire.

By now you should have a few more good weapons in your arsenal when it comes to finding good photos for your blog.


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