
As you probably know, the WORDsearch website is the place to go to download books and purchase software. But did you know that you can find out the new releases, how to use different features, the latest sales, and more just by visiting the homepage?

Here’s some tips to stay in the know:

New to Bible Software Tab – At the very top of the homepage, you’ll see a yellow box with “New to Bible Software? Start here!” If you click on that box, you will be able to see an introduction to what WORDsearch is and how to use it. This is somewhere you can direct people when they ask you about Bible software.

Weekly Email List Sign Up – If you aren’t signed up yet, our weekly emails will let you know about our best sales throughout the week. We send out two a week, and sometimes they even include free stuff!

The Carousel – When you first get to the WORDsearch homepage, you’ll notice the rotating carousel at the top. This is where we put what we think is the most important information for you to see every week, including the most recent sales and technology updates. You can stop the carousel at any time by clicking on one of the black dots just beneath it.

Today’s Daily Deal – This is usually a book that’s on sale for one day only for a very low price. We don’t send out any information on the Daily Deal, so it’s important that you check each day to make sure you don’t miss anything!

Weekly Special – This is where you’ll see the book cover of the current week’s sale so that you can easily navigate to the product description.

New Releases – We usually release books without any fanfare, so in order to see the newest books, you can just scroll down to the New Releases section. The most recent will show up, and you can scroll through some more by clicking on the triangles on the side. To see all of our new releases, you can click on the “View All” link.

There’s this week’s Quick Tip! We hope this will help you navigate our website and not miss out on anything that might be important to you.

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