
With the release of Wowza Streaming Engine 4 Wowza Media Systems made a great step towards better user experience. Its server control and monitoring dashboard provide a great way of controlling a single given media server.

How does WMSPanel fit this new Wowza approach to server management?

WMSPanel still works perfectly for any user of Wowza Streaming Engine. Let's review basic areas of useful functionality.

Server management

In spite of the fact that Wowza management web GUI provides a great user experience for majority of control features, WMSPanel can still propose unique capabilities.

WMSPanel provides multiple servers management. When an administrator wants to make some action like creating application, or its instance, or managing streams, he selects the designated servers and applies an action to them. It will be applied and this action will be logged in central panel log.

WMSPanel gives an exterior third-party view on running server so it can alert about server downtime. Moreover, with Dispersa streams availability monitoring an administrator can be sure that he's notified about any gives stream malfunction.

So if you manage a number of Wowza servers and live streams, WMSPanel is still useful for you.

Excellent reporting capabilities for end users

That's where WMSPanel does its best. All of your Wowza servers will send statistical information and WMSPanel central handler will process and store this info for further display via web browser. It works from any device with a web browser, including iOS and Android. Here's what the panel can do for you.

Daily statistics include a variety of reports including connections, bandwidth and traffic, geo-location report, playtime and duration, players and devices stats.

High precision report gives statistics for connections, traffic, peak bandwidth and 95% bandwidth with 5-minutes granularity.

Streams real-time and retro statistics will give you a brief snapshot of any given stream.

White label - let's start with the end-user look. You can set up your own domain, logo, CSS and even favicon for displaying reports. Moreover, you can create multiple domains with their logos and favicons.

Data slices allow splitting your statistics into any number of buckets and assign non-admin users to see those statistics. You can create both applications-based and streams-based slices. Having white label, you can give end-users access to their data via separate domain or domains. You can even make end-user billing based on user's data.

Statistics export API allows you obtaining the collected statistics for further processing in case you have some complex data processing mechanics within your company.

With all this you may have a full view of what's happening to all your Wowza servers. You can watch it real time or get back to collected data any day after.

Streaming protection and restriction

On top of advanced management and excellent reporting, WMSPanel gives more power to control streaming process.

We call this a Paywall feature set:

Pay-per-view framework gives ability to control every connection and every unique user to make user-based workflow.

Hot-linking protection allows protecting streams from re-streaming, or links hi-jacking.

Geo-location and IP range restriction gives a tool to define location-based viewers control.

Connections and bandwidth limitation can give you a simple way to set up quantitative limits for your media.

More than just control panel

So WMSPanel is more than yet another control panel tool. It's a framework for controlling the streaming process and collecting the data for further business analysis.

And if you need more than just configuring apps and streams, WMSPanel is the right way to do it.

Now sign up and try these features if you haven't tried them yet.

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