A Sun Salutation is a series of poses performed in a smooth flow, linked by breath— aka vinyasa. It’s a great way to warm-up your muscles, hence why yoga classes typically start with this.
When Sun Salutations feel good, they feel really, really good. The fluid, rhythmic postures awaken the whole body, focus the mind, and get your lungs working. But the same continuous movement that makes this sequence so exhilarating is also what makes it difficult to home in on its individual parts and really perfect them. And so there is likely one part or another that doesn’t feel so good to you. Perhaps you consistently stub your toe as you step forward to a lunge, or you feel pain in your lower back when you jump back into Plank. Maybe you get super winded during certain parts of the sequence, or you’re confused by how to make the deep breathing sounds that everyone around you is making.
These troubling spots are more than just annoying—they prevent you from getting the full range of benefits from Sun Salutations. So, here are some Pink Lotus Pointers on how to get better at them:
Mountain Pose
Stand in the Mountain Pose, with your feet hip-width apart and your weight evenly distributed between them, your spine straight, and your arms at your sides.
Arms Reaching Upward
Inhale into the Arms Reaching Upward Pose, extending your arms overhead, bringing your palms together, and expanding your chest.
PPP!!! For an extra stretch, arch your spine slightly backward into the Crescent Moon Pose—but don’t overdo it or you might strain your lower back.
Standing Forward Bend
Exhale into the Standing Forward Bend, bringing your chest toward your thighs and your hands toward the floor.
Lung Pose
Inhale into the Lunge Pose, placing your hands on the groudn on either side of your right foot as you lunge your left leg straight back behind you. Expand your chest as you lengthen your spine.
PPP!!! Be sure your bent knee is aligned directly above your heel; if it juts out over your toes it will cause too much strain on your knee.
Plank Pose
Exhale into the Plank Pose, stepping your right leg back so your feet are now side by side. Look straight at the floor, keeping your arms extended and your body straight. Hold this pose for 3 to 5 full breaths…. Inhale, exhale.
Kneel & lower head
Exhale, slowly dropping your knees to the floor. Untuck your toes, bring your hips back to your heels, and lower your head to the floor with your arms still extended in front of you.
Get on all fours
Inhale, slowly bringing yourself up on all fours.
Lower chest & chin
Exhale, slowly bending your elbows and lowering your chest and chin to the floor so your hands, knees, and feet are touching the mat.
PPP!!! If this pose is difficult to hold, lower yourself all the way down to the mat instead.
Upward Facing Dog
Inhale into the Upward Facing Dog Pose, pushing your head and ribcage up off the mat by fully extending your arms as you press the tops of your feet into the ground. Your thighs and hips should rise a few inches above the mat.
PPP!!! If you do not have the upper body strength for this pose, lower your knees to the ground, but don’t let your hips sag to touch the floor.
Downward Facing Dog
Exhale into the Downward Facing Dog Pose, tucking your toes and lifting your hips up and back so that you’re bearing your weight on the balls of your feet. This should create an upside-down V shape with your body. Relax your neck and allow the weight of your head to lengthen your spine.
Lung Pose
Inhale into the Lunge Pose again, stepping your left foot forward.
Standing Forward Bend
Exhale into the Standing Forward Bend again, stepping your right foot forward next to your left foot so your weight is on both feet.
Arms Reaching Upward
Inhale into the Arms Reaching Upward Pose again.
Mountain Pose
Exhale, completing the Sun Salutation by returning to the Mountain Pose.
And there you have it!
The post Pink Lotus Pointer: How to do a Correct Sun Salutation Sequence appeared first on The Wantable Style Blog.