
SharePoint multiple documents upload is a common problem in any version of SharePoint. We find lots of question regarding cases when SharePoint upload multiple documents not working. The range of possible problems is really huge.

In this article we will examine the most common ways of SharePoint bulk upload and review the usual issues in SharePoint 2013 and 2010.

Administrator support is required.

You can use the Windows Explorer view to upload multiple documents and copy/paste items. Also, you can click the ‘Upload Multiple Documents’ button in the ribbon. But the administrator permission is required before you can upload multiple documents to SharePoint. Some restriction of a library can limit the count of uploaded files or some file types can be blocked because of security reasons.

Sometimes even with the full permission you still can't see the option for SharePoint multiple file upload under files tab and the ‘Upload Multiple Documents’ button in the ribbon will be disabled and coming grayed out. Then several things need to be checked.

Compatibility issues.

On many of the system this option working fine on Internet Explorer 11, but it seems that the 64 bit version does not always support Upload Multiple Documents to SharePoint, this option works mostly with Internet Explorer (32bit) and only on Windows. Also, in order to make SharePoint multiple file upload per Windows Explorer work correctly, your SharePoint site must be in the trusted zone of the IE.

Then you just need to re-install your IE and just revert back to using the 32 bit version.

Drag-and-drop functionality.

Of course, you can always use drag-and-drop functionality, but the problem with mass upload to SharePoint is that metadata gets lost. Also, moving folders manually is very time consuming, especially if you need to perform SharePoint bulk upload with metadata saved. In this case, you will enrich all the documents with metadata manually.

VirtoSoftware designed two professional and supported solutions, which allowing you to do SharePoint multiple file upload in just a few clicks with setting metadata.

Virto SharePoint Bulk Upload web part based on Silverlight and works in SharePoint 2013, 2010 or 2007 and HTML 5 version of SharePoint Bulk Upload for SharePoint 2013 (this solution is completely written in HTML 5) allow you to perform SharePoint multiple file upload in a few seconds.

Key features of Virto SharePoint Bulk Upload:
-Add field descriptions.
-Overwrite option.
-Support for custom metadata.
-Display of file upload progress bar.
-Maximum file size and allowed file type settings.
-Upload of large files.
-Resize jpeg images during upload.
-The possibility to redirect all requests from the standard upload page to the Virto Bulk Upload.
-Support for Content Organizer rules.
-Current user defaults for property values.
-Partial uploading if operation is cancelled.
-Cross browser support for IE, Firefox, Chrome and Opera.

Both Virto SharePoint bulk upload tools have a wide range of settings that will help you manage your files during the uploading process into SharePoint.

No more troubleshooting and the continuous necessity to moving bulk files manually one by one! Now you can perform SharePoint bulk upload with metadata into the document library in a quick and convenient way without any issues! Mass upload to SharePoint became easier with an intuitive user interface of Virto SharePoint Bulk Upload.

You can download ant try the fully functional 3-days trial version of both components on Virto site:

SharePoint upload multiple documents with HTML 5 SharePoint Bulk Upload for SharePoint 2013

SharePoint upload multiple documents with SharePoint Bulk Upload web part for SharePoint 2013, 2010 or 2007

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