
I've just updated the documentation part about the SOLID Design

The former blog article
(almost 4 years old!) sounds like a bit deprecated now...

This is why I would extract here an updated version of this material.

Ensure you checked the
corresponding part of the mORMot documentation, which is the updated
reference, and probably the easiest to read - including links to all the other

The acronym SOLID is derived from the following OOP principles (quoted from
the corresponding Wikipedia article):

Single responsibility principle: the notion that an object should
have only a single responsibility;

Open/closed principle: the notion that "software entities ...
should be open for extension, but closed for modification";

Liskov substitution principle: the notion that "objects in a
program should be replaceable with instances of their subtypes without altering
the correctness of that program” - also named as "design by

Interface segregation principle: the notion that "many client
specific interfaces are better than one general purpose interface.";

Dependency inversion principle: the notion that one should "Depend
upon Abstractions. Do not depend upon concretions.". Dependency
injection is one method of following this principle, which is also called
Inversion Of Control (aka IoC).

If you have some programming skills, those principles are general statements
you may already found out by yourself. If you start doing serious
object-oriented coding, those principles are best-practice guidelines you would
gain following.

They certainly help to fight the three main code weaknesses:

Rigidity: Hard to change something because every change affects
too many other parts of the system;

Fragility: When you make a change, unexpected parts of the system

Immobility: Hard to reuse in another application because it cannot
be disentangled from the current application.

1. Single Responsibility Principle

When you define a class, it shall be designed to implement only one feature.
The so-called feature can be seen as an "axis of change" or a "a
reason for change".


One class shall have only one reason that justifies changing its

Classes shall have few dependencies on other classes;

Classes shall be abstract from the particular layer they are running - see
Multi-tier architecture.

For instance, a TRectangle object should not have both
ComputeArea and Draw methods defined at once - they
would define two responsibilities or axis of change: the first responsibility
is to provide a mathematical model of a rectangle, and the second is to render
it on GUI.

Splitting classes

To take an example from real coding, imagine you define a communication
component. You want to communicate, say, with a bar-code scanner peripheral.
You may define a single class, e.g. TBarcodeScanner, supporting
such device connected over a serial port. Later on, the manufacturer deprecates
the serial port support, since no computer still have it, and offer only USB
models in its catalog. You may inherit from TBarcodeScanner, and
add USB support.

But in practice, this new TUsbBarCodeScanner class is difficult
to maintain, since it will inherit from serial-related communication.

So you start splitting the class hierarchy, using an abstract parent

We may define some virtual abstract methods, which would be
overridden in inherited classes:

Then, TSerialBarCodeScanner and TUsbBarCodeScanner
classes would override those classes, according to the final

In fact, this approach is cleaner. But it is not perfect either, since it
may be hard to maintain and extend. Imagine the manufacturer is using a
standard protocol for communication, whatever USB or Serial connection is used.
You would put this communication protocol (e.g. its state machine, its stream
computation, its delaying settings) in the TAbstractBarcodeScanner
class. But perhaps they would be diverse flavors, in
TSerialBarCodeScanner or TUsbBarCodeScanner, or even
due to diverse models and features (e.g. if it supports 2D or 3D

It appears that putting everything in a single class is not a good idea.
Splitting protocol and communication appears to be preferred. Each "axis of
change" - i.e. every aspect which may need modifications - requires its
own class. Then the T*BarcodeScanner classes would
compose protocols and communication classes within a single

Imagine we have two identified protocols (named BCP1 and
BCP2), and two means of communication (serial and USB). So we
would define the following classes:

Then, we may define our final classes and components as such:

And each actual inherited class would initialize the protocol
and connection according to the expected model:

Here, we inject the connection instance to the protocol, since the later may
need to read or write some bytes on the wire, when needed.

Another example is how our database classes are defined in
SynDB.pas - see External SQL database access:

The connection properties feature is handled by
TSQLDBConnectionProperties classes;

The actual living connection feature is handled by
TSQLDBConnection classes;

And database requests feature is handled by
TSQLDBStatement instances using dedicated
NewConnection / ThreadSafeConnection /
NewStatement methods.

Therefore, you may change how a database connection is defined (e.g. add a
property to a TSQLDBConnectionProperties child), and you won't
have to change the statement implementation itself.

Do not mix UI and logic

Another practical "Single Responsibility Principle" smell may
appear in your uses clause.

If your data-only or peripheral-only unit starts like this:

It would induce a dependency about the Windows Operating System,
whereas your data would certainly benefit from being OS-agnostic. Our todays
compiler (Delphi or FPC) targets several OS, so coupling our data to the actual
Windows unit does show a bad design.

Similarly, you may add a dependency to the VCL, via a reference to the
Forms unit.

If your data-only or peripheral-only unit starts like the following,

If you later want to use FMX, or LCL (from
Lazarus) in your application, or want to use your MyDataModel unit
on a pure server application without any GUI, you are stuck. The upcoming
Windows Nano Server architecture, which targets the cloud and won't
offer any GUI to the server applications, would even be very sensitive to the
dependency chain of the executable.

Note that if you are used to developed in RAD mode, the units generated by
the IDE wizards come with some default references in the uses
clause of the generated .pas file. So take care of not introducing
any coupling to your own business code!

As a general rule, our ORM/SOA framework source code tries to avoid such
dependencies. All OS-specificities are centralized in our
SynCommons.pas unit, and there is no dependency to the VCL when it
is not mandatory, e.g. in mORMot.pas.

Following the RAD approach, you may start from your UI, i.e. defining the
needed classes in the unit where you visual form (may be VCL or FMX) is
defined. Don't follow this tempting, but dangerous path!

Code like the following may be accepted for a small example (e.g. the one
supplied in the SQlite3\Samples sub-folder of our repository
source code tree), but is to be absolutely avoided for any production ready
mORMot-based application:

In your actual project units, when you define an ORM or SOA
class, never include GUI methods within. In fact, the fact that
our TSQLRecord class definitions are common to both Client and
Server sides makes this principle mandatory. You should not have any GUI
related method on the Server side, and the Client side could use the objects
instances with several GUI implementations (Delphi Client, AJAX

Therefore, if you want to change the GUI, you won't have to recompile the
TSQLRecord class and the associated database model. If you want to
deploy your server on a Linux box (using e.g. CrossKylix or
FPC as compiler), you could reuse you very same code, since you do not have
reference to the VCL in your business code.

This Single responsibility principle may sound simple and easy to
follow (even obvious), but in fact, it is one of the hardest principles to get
right. Naturally, we tend to join responsibilities in our class definitions.
Our framework architecture will enforce you, by its Client-Server nature and
all its high-level methods involving interface, to follow this
principle, but it is always up to the end coder to design properly his/her

2. Open/Closed Principle

When you define a class or a unit, at the same time:

They shall be open for extension;

But closed for modification.

It means that you may be able to extend your existing code, without breaking
its initial behavior.

Some other guidelines may be added, but you got the main idea.

Conformance to this open/closed principle is what yields the greatest
benefit of OOP, i.e.:

Code re-usability;

Code maintainability;

Code extendibility.

Following this principle will make your code far away from a regular RAD
style. But benefits will be huge.

Applied to our framework units

When designing our ORM/SOA set of units, we tried to follow this principle.
In fact, you should not have to modify its implementation. You should define
your own units and classes, without the need to hack the framework
source code.

Even if Open Source paradigm allows you to modify the supplied
code, this shall not be done unless you are either fixing a bug or adding a new
common feature. This is in fact the purpose of our http://synopse.info web site, and most of the
framework enhancements have come from user requests.

The framework Open Source license - see License - may encourage
user contributions in order to fulfill the Open/closed design principle:

Your application code extends the Synopse mORMot Framework by
defining your own classes or event handlers - this is how it is open for

The main framework units shall remain inviolate, and common to all users -
this illustrates the closed for modification design.

As a beneficial side effect, this principle will ensure that your code would
be ready to follow the framework updates (which are quite regular). When a new
version of mORMot is available, you should be able to retrieve it for
free from our web site, replace your files locally, then build a new enhanced
version of your application, with the benefit of all included fixes and
optimizations. Even the source code repository is available - at http://synopse.info/fossil or from https://github.com/synopse/mORMot - and
allows you to follow the current step of evolvment of the framework.

In short, abstraction is the key to peace of mind. All your code shall not
depend on a particular implementation.

Open/Close in practice

In order to implement this principle, several conventions could be

You shall better define some abstract classes, then use specific overridden
classes for each and every implementation: this is for instance how
Client-Server classes were implemented - see Client-Server

All object members shall be declared private or
protected - this is a good idea to use Service-Oriented
Architecture (SOA) for defining server-side process, and/or make the
TSQLRecord published properties read-only and using some
client-side constructor with parameters;

No singleton nor global variable - ever;

RTTI is dangerous - that is, let our framework use RTTI functions for its
own cooking, but do not use it in your code.

In our previous bar-code scanner class hierarchy, we would therefore define

In this code, the actual variables are stored as protected
fields, with only getters (i.e. read) in the
public section. There is no setter (i.e.
write) attribute, which may allow to change the
fProtocol/fConnection instances in user code. You can still access
those fields (it is mandatory in your inherited constructors), but user code
should not use it.

As stated above, for our bar-code reader design, having dedicated classes
for defining protocol and connection will also help implementing the
open/close principle. You would be able to define a new class,
combining its own protocol and connection class instances, so it will be
Open for extension. But you would not change the behavior of a class,
by inheriting it: since protocol and connection are uncoupled, and used via
composition in a dedicated class, it will be Closed for

Using the newest sealed directive for a class may ensure that
your class definition would follow this principle. If the class
method or property is sealed, you would not be able to change its
behavior in its inherited types, even if you are tempted to.

No Singleton nor global variables

About the singleton pattern, you should better always avoid it in your code.
In fact, a singleton was a C++ (and Java) hack invented to implement some kind
of global variables, hidden behind a static class definition. They were
historically introduced to support mixed mode of application-wide
initialization (mainly allocate the stdio objects needed to manage
the console), and were abused in business logic.

Once you use a singleton, or a global variable, you would miss most of the
benefit of OOP. A typical use of singleton is to register some class instances
globally for the application. You may see some framework - or some part of the
RTL - which would allow such global registration. But it would eventually void
most benefits of proper dependency injection - see Dependency Inversion
Principle - since you would not be able to have diverse resolution of the
same class.

For instance, if your database properties, or your application configuration
are stored within a singleton, or a global variable, you would certainly not be
able to use several database at once, or convert your single-user application
with its GUI into a modern multi-user AJAX application:

Such global variables are a smell of a broken Open/Closed
Principle, since your project would definitively won't be open for
extension. Using a static class variable (as allowed in newer
version of Delphi), is just another way of defining a global variable, just
adding the named scope of the class type.

Even if you do not define some global variable in your code, you may couple
your code from an existing global variable. For instance, defining some
variables with your TMainForm = class(TForm) class defined in the
IDE, then using its global MainForm: TMainForm variable, or the
Application.MainForm property, in your code. You will start to
feel not right, when the unit where your TMainForm is defined
would start to appear in your business code uses clause... just
another global variable in disguise!

In our framework, we tried to never use global registration, but for the
cases where it has been found safe to be implemented, e.g. when RTTI is cached,
or JSON serialization is customized for a given type. All those informations
would be orthogonal to the proper classes using them, so you may find some
global variables in the framework units, only when it is worth it. For
instance, we split TSQLRecord's information into a
TSQLRecordProperties for the shared intangible RTTI values, and
TSQLModelRecordProperties instances, one per
TSQLModel, for all the TSQLModel/TSQLRest specific
settings - see Several Models.

3. Liskov Substitution Principle

Even if her name is barely unmemorable, Barbara Liskov is a great
computer scientist, we should better learn from. It is worth taking a look at
her presentation at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDVAHA0oyJU

The "Liskov substitution principle" states that, if
TChild is a subtype of TParent, then objects of type
TParent may be replaced with objects of type TChild
(i.e., objects of type TChild may be substitutes for objects of
type TParent) without altering any of the desirable properties of
that program (correctness, task performed, etc.).

The example given by Barbara Liskov was about stacks and queues: if
both have Push and Pop methods, they should not
inherit from a single parent type, since the storage behavior of a stack is
quite the contrary of a queue. In your program, if you start to replace a stack
by a queue, you will meet strange behaviors, for sure. According to proper
top-bottom design flow, both types should be uncoupled. You may
implement a stack class using an in-memory list for storage, or
another stack class using a remote SQL engine, but both would have to
behave like a stack, i.e. according to the last-in first-out (LIFO)
principle. On the other hand, any class implementing a queue type
should follow the the first-in first-out (FIFO) order, whatever kind of storage
is used.

In practical Delphi code, relying on abstractions may be
implemented by two means:

Using only abstract parent class variables when
consuming objects;

Using interface variable instead of class

Here, we do not use inheritance for sharing implementation code, but for
defining an expected behavior. Sometimes, you may break the Liskov
Substitution principle in some implementation methods which would be coded
just to gather some reusable pieces of code, preparing some behavior which may
be used only by some of the subtypes. Such "internal" virtual methods of a
subtype may change the behavior of its inherited method, for the sake of
efficiency and maintainability. But with this kind of implementation
inheritance, which is closer to plumbing than designing, methods should be
declared as protected, and not published as part of the type

By the way, this is exactly what interface type definitions have
to offer. You can inherit from another interface, and this kind of polymorphism
should strictly follow the Liskov Substitution principle. Whereas the
class types, implementing the interfaces, may use some protected
methods which may break the principle, for the sake of code efficiency.

In order to fulfill this principle, you should:

Properly name (and comment) your class or
interface definition: having Push and
Pop methods may be not enough to define a contract, so in this
case type inheritance would define the expected expectation - as a consequence,
you should better stay away from "duck typing" patterns, and dynamic languages,
but rely on strong typing;

Use the "behavior" design pattern, when defining your objects hierarchy -
for instance, if a square may be a rectangle, a TSquare object is
definitively not a TRectangle object, since the behavior
of a TSquare object is not consistent with the behavior of a
TRectangle object (square width always equals its height, whereas
it is not the case for most rectangles);

Write your tests using abstract local variables (and this will allow test
code reuse for all children classes);

Follow the concept of Design by Contract, i.e. the Meyer's rule
defined as "when redefining a routine [in a derivative], you may only
replace its precondition by a weaker one, and its postcondition by a stronger
one" - use of preconditions and postconditions also enforce testing

Separate your classes hierarchy: typically, you may consider using
separated object types for implementing persistence and object creation (this
is the common separation between Factory and Repository

Use parent classes

For our framework, it would signify that TSQLRestServer or
TSQLRestClient instances can be substituted to a
TSQLRest object. Most ORM methods expect a TSQLRest
parameter to be supplied.

For instance, you may write:

And you may set any kind of actual class instance to anyRest,
either a local stored database engine, or a HTTP remote access:

You may even found in the dddInfraSettings.pas unit a powerful
TRestSettings.NewRestInstance() method which is able to
instantiate the needed TSQLRest inherited class from a set of JSON
settings, i.e. either a TSQLHttpClient, or a local
TSQLRestServerFullMemory, or a TSQLRestServerDB - the
later either with a local SQlite3 database, an external SQL engine, or
an external NoSQL/MongoDB database.

Your code shall refer to abstractions, not to implementations. By using only
methods and properties available at classes parent level, your code won't need
to change because of a specific implementation.

I'm your father, Luke

You should note that, in the Liskov substitution principle
definition, "parent" and "child" are no absolute. Which actual
class is considered as "parent" may depend on the context use.

Most of the time, the parent may be the highest class in the hierarchy. For
instance, in the context of a GUI application, you may use the most abstract
class to access the application data, may it be stored locally, or remotely
accessed over HTTP.

But when you initialize the class instance of a local stored
server, you may need to setup the actual data storage, e.g. the file name or
the remote SQL/NoSQL settings. In this context, you would need to access the
"child" properties, regardless of the "parent" abstract use which would take
care later on in the GUI part of the application.

Furthermore, in the context of data replication, server side or client side
would have diverse behavior. In fact, they may be used as master or slave
database, so in this case, you may explicitly define server or client
class in your code. This is what our ORM does for its master/slave
replication - see Master/slave replication.

If we come back to our bar-code scanner sample, most of your GUI code may
rely on TAbstractBarcodeScanner components. But in the context of
the application options, you may define the internal properties of each "child"
class - e.g. the serial or USB port name, so in this case, your new "parent"
class may be either TSerialBarCodeScanner or
TUsbCodeScanner, or even better the
TSerialBarcodeConnection or TUsbBarcodeConnection
properties, to fulfill Single Responsibility principle.

Don't check the type at runtime

Some patterns shall never appear in your code. Otherwise, code refactoring
should be done as soon as possible, to let your project be maintainable in the

Statements like the following are to be avoided, in either the parents or
the child's methods:

Or, in its disguised variation, using an enumerated item:

This later piece of code does not check self, but the
fProtocol protected field. So even if you try to implement the
Single Responsibility principle, you may still be able to break
Liskov Substitution!

Note that both patterns will eventually break the Single Responsibility
principle: each behavior shall be defined in its own child
class methods. As the Open/Close principle would also be
broken, since the class won't be open for extension, without touching the
parent class, and modify the nested if self is T* then ... or
case fProtocol.* of ... expressions.

Partially abstract classes

Another code smell may appear when you define a method which will stay
abstract for some children, instantiated in the project. It would
imply that some of the parent class behavior is not implemented at
this particular hierarchy level. So you would not be able to use all the
parent's methods, as would be expected by the Liskov Substitution

Note that the compiler will complain for it, hinting that you are creating a
class with abstract methods. Never ignore such hints - which may benefit for
being handled as errors at compilation time, IMHO. The (in)famous
"Abstract Error" error dialog, which may appear at runtime, would
reflect of this bad code implementation.

A more subtle violation of Liskov may appear if you break the
expectation of the parent class. The following code, which emulates a bar-code
reader peripheral by sending the frame by email for debugging purpose (why
not?), clearly fails the Design by Contract approach:

We expected this class to fully implement the
TAbstractBarcodeProtocol contract, whereas calling
TEMailEmulatedBarcodeProtocol.ReadFrame would not be able to read
any data frame, but would raise an exception. So we can not use this
TEMailEmulatedBarcodeProtocol class as replacement to any other
TAbstractBarcodeProtocol class, otherwise it would fail at

A correct implementation may perhaps to define a
TFakeBarcodeProtocol class, implementing all the parent methods
via a set of events or some text-based scenario, so that it would behave just
like a correct TAbstractBarcodeProtocol class, in the full extend
of its expectations.

Messing units dependencies

Last but not least, if you need to explicitly add child classes units to the
parent class unit uses clause, it looks like if you just broke the
Liskov Substitution principle.

If your code is like this, you would have to remove the reference to the
inherited classes, for sure.

Even a dependency to one of the low-level implementation detail is to be

Your abstract parent class should not be
coupled to a particular Operating System, or a mean of communication,
which may not be needed. Why would you add a dependency to raw RS-232
communication protocol, which is very likely to be deprecated.

One way of getting rid of this dependency is to define some abstract types
(e.g. enumerations or simple structures like record), which would
then be translated into the final types as expected by the
ComPort.pas or Windows.pas units. Consider putting
all the child classes dependencies at constructor level, and/or
use class composition via the Single Responsibility
principle so that the parent class definition would not be
polluted by implementation details of its children.

You my also use a registration list, maintained by the parent unit,
which may be able to register the classes implementing a particular behavior at
runtime. Thanks to Liskov, you would be able to substitute
any parent class by any of its inherited implementation, so defining the types
at runtime only should not be an issue.

Practical advantages

The main advantages of this coding pattern are the following:

Thanks to this principle, you will be able to stub or
mock an interface or a class - see Interfaces in
practice: dependency injection, stubs and mocks - e.g. uncouple your
object persistence to the actual database it runs on: this principle is
therefore mandatory for implementing unitary testing to your project;

Furthermore, testing would be available not only at isolation level
(testing each child class), but also at abstracted level, i.e. from the client
point of view - you can have implementation which behave correctly when tested
individually, but which failed when tested at higher level if the
Liskov principle was broken;

As we have seen, if this principle is violated, the other principles are
very likely to be also broken - e.g. the parent class would need to be modified
whenever a new derivative of the base class is defined (violation of the
Open/Close principle), or your class types may implement
more than one behavior at a time (violation of the Single
Responsibility principle);

Code re-usability is enhanced by method re-usability: a method defined at a
parent level does not require to be implemented for each child.

The SOA and ORM concepts, as implemented by our framework, try to be
compliant with the Liskov substitution principle. It is true at
class level for the ORM, but a more direct Design by
Contract implementation pattern is also available, since the whole SOA
stack involves a wider usage of interfaces in your projects.

4. Interface Segregation Principle

This principle states that once an interface has become too 'fat' it shall
be split into smaller and more specific interfaces so that any clients of the
interface will only know about the methods that pertain to them. In a nutshell,
no client should be forced to depend on methods it does not use.

As a result, it will help a system stay decoupled and thus easier to
re-factor, change, and redeploy.

Consequence of the other principles

Interface segregation should first appear at class
level. Following the Single Responsibility principle, you are very
likely to define several smaller classes, with a small extent of methods. Then
use dedicated types of class, relying on composition to expose its own higher
level set of methods.

The bar-code class hierarchy illustrates this concept. Each
T*BarcodeProtocol and T*BarcodeConnection class will
have its own set of methods, dedicated either to protocol handling, or data
transmission. Then the T*BarCodeScanner classes will
compose those smaller classes into a new class, with a single event

This single OnBarcodeScanned event will be the published
property of the component. Both protocol and connection details would be hidden
within the internal classes. The final application would use this event, and
react as expected, without actually knowing anything about the implementation

Using interfaces

The SOA part of the framework allows direct use of interface
types to implement services. This great Client-Server SOA implementation
pattern - see Server side Services - helps decoupling all services to
individual small methods. In this case also, the stateless used design will
also reduce the use of 'fat' session-related processes: an object life time can
be safely driven by the interface scope.

By defining Delphi interface instead of plain
class, it helps creating small and business-specific contracts,
which can be executed on both client and server side, with the same exact

Since the framework makes interface consumption and publication very easy,
you won't be afraid of exposing your implementation classes as small pertinent

For instance, if you want to publish a third-party API, you may consider
publishing dedicated interfaces, each depending on every API consumer
expectations. So your main implementation logic won't be polluted by how the
API is consumed, and, as correlative, the published API may be closer to each
particular client needs, without been polluted by the other client needs. DDD
would definitively benefit for Interface Segregation, since this
principle is the golden path to avoid domain leaking - see DTO and
Events to avoid domain leaking.

5. Dependency Inversion Principle

Another form of decoupling is to invert the dependency between high and low
level of a software design:

High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should
depend on abstractions;

Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon

The goal of the dependency inversion principle is to decouple
high-level components from low-level components such that reuse with different
low-level component implementations becomes possible. A simple implementation
pattern could be to use only interfaces owned by, and existing only with the
high-level component package.

This principle results in Inversion Of Control (aka IoC): since you
rely on the abstractions, and try not to depend upon concretions (i.e. on
implementation details), you should first concern by defining your

Upside Down Development

In conventional application architecture, lower-level components are
designed to be consumed by higher-level components which enable increasingly
complex systems to be built. This design limits the reuse opportunities of the
higher-level components, and certainly breaks the Liskov substitution

For our bar-code reader sample, we may be tempted to start from the final
TSerialBarcodeScanner we need in our application. We were asked by
our project leader to allow bar-code scanning in our flagship application, and
the extent of the development has been reduced to support a single model of
device, in RS-232 mode - this may be the device already owned by our end

This particular customer may have found some RS-232 bar-code relics from the
90s in its closets, but, as an experience programmer, you know that the next
step would be to support USB, in a very close future. All this bar-code reading
stuff will be marketized by your company, so it is very likely than another
customer would very soon ask for using its own brand new bar-code scanners...
which would support only USB.

So you would modelize your classes as above.

Even if the TUsbBarCodeScanner - and its correlative
TUsbBarcodeConnection class - is not written, nor tested (you do
not even have an actual USB bar-code scanner to do proper testing yet!), you
are prepared for it.

When you would eventually add USB support, the UI part of the application
won't have to be touched. Just implementing your new inherited class,
leveraging all previous coding. Following Dependency Inversion from
the beginning would definitively save your time. Even in an Agile kind
of process - where "Responding to change" is most valuable - the small
amount of work on implementing first from the abstraction with the initial
implementation would be very beneficial.

In fact, this Dependency Inversion principle is a prerequisite for
proper Test-Driven Design. Following this TDD pattern, you first write
your test, then fail your test, then write the implementation. In order to
write the test, you need the abstracted interface of the feature to be
available. So you would start from the abstraction, then write the

Injection patterns

In other languages (like Java or .Net), various patterns such as
Plug-in, Service Locator, or Dependency Injection are then
employed to facilitate the run-time provisioning of the chosen low-level
component implementation to the high-level component.

Our Client-Server architecture facilitates this decoupling pattern for its
ORM part, and allows the use of native Delphi interface
to call services from an abstract factory, for its SOA part.

A set of dedicated classes, defined in mORMot.pas, allows to
leverage IoC: see e.g. TInjectableObject,
TInterfaceResolverForSingleInterface and
TInterfaceResolverInjected, which may be used in conjunction with
TInterfaceStub or TServiceContainer high-level
mocking and SOA features of the framework - see Interfaces in practice:
dependency injection, stubs and mocks and Client-Server services via

Feedback needed

Feel free to comment this article in our
forum, as usual!

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