
Heading to Dalmatica: Chants of the Adriatic on 22 January at City Recital Hall? It is going to be an extraordinary performance by four women from medieval vocal ensemble Dialogos together with Kantaduri, a group of six Croatian cantors. To help you enjoy the evening, we have put together English translations of some of the pieces that will be performed…

Download the translations as a PDF here.

Pismu novu svi pivajmo,

pivajuć se izminimo.

Mi od sina zapivajmo,

mi od majke odpivajmo,

Sinka s majkom slavimo.

Hvaljen slavni Isus budi,

i Marija od svih ljudi.

Hvaljen sinak po sve vrime,

i prislatka majka s njime,

Hvaljen Isus s Marijon.

Let us sing a new song

And answer each other through our songs.

Let us sing to the Son

Sing to his Holy Mother

Let us glorify the Son with his Mother.

Praised be glorious Jesus

And Mary, of all the people

Praised be the little Son for ever and ever

And his sweet Mother with Him

Praised be Jesus and Mary.

O prislavna božja mati,

Dostoj nam se milost dati,

Da ja ljubim sinka tvoga,

Boga moga pri dobroga.

Da sva moja govorenja,

Dilovanja i mišljenja,

Vazda budem upravljati,

Kako ću mu ugoditi.

Obećajem prije umriti,

Nego li ga uvriditi,

Ili štogod pomisliti,

Sto mu može žao biti.

Najpri majko sinu tvomu,

Poklanjam se prislavnomu,

Zatim tebi koja jesi,

Za njim prva na nebesi.

On je vrelo od milosti,

Ti si vrutak od slatkosti,

Njemu hvala, njemu dika,

Tebi poklon u vik vika. Amen.

Oh, most glorious Mother of God,

Deign give us the grace

To cherish your Son,

My infinitely good God.

May all my words,

My actions and my thoughts

Be ever directed

To be pleasant to him.

I promise to die rather

than offend him

Or have any thought

That might sadden him.

First I bow down, Mother,

before your most glorious Son,

Then, I bow down before you

Who are, after him, the first in Heaven.

He is the source of mercy,

And you the source of gentleness,

To him praises, to him honour,

To you, homage throughout the ages. Amen.

Sanctus. Sanctus. Sanctus dominus deus Sabaoth.

Pleni sunt celi et terra gloria tua.


Osanna summe meliflua,

Osanna dulcis est cantica,

Osanna vox est salvifica,

Osanna vox est angelica,

Osanna filio dei, in excelsis.

Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini.

Osanna in excelsis.

Holy, holy, holy Lord Sabaoth.

Heaven and earth resound with Thy glory.


Hosanna, sweet as honey,

Hosanna, sweet is the song,

Hosanna, brings salvation,

Hosanna, is the voice of angels,

Hosanna, praise be to the Son of God on high.

Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord,

Hosanna in heaven.

Iube domine nos tibi laudes canere et sacris lectionibus proficere.

(Isaias, 40, 1-9)

„Consolamini, consolamini populus meus“, dicit Deus vester. „Loquimini ad cor Hierusalem et avocate eam quoniam conpleta est malitia eius dimissa est iniquitas illius suscepit de manu Domini duplicia pro omnibus peccatis suis.

Vox clamantis in deserto: parate viam Domini rectas facite in solitudine semitas Dei nostri.

Omnis vallis exaltabitur et omnis mons et collis humiliabitur et erunt prava in directa et aspera in vias planas. Et revelabitur gloria Domini et videbit omnis caro pariter quod os Domini locutum est.

Vox dicentis: clama. Et dixi: quid clamabo?

Omnis caro faenum et omnis gloria eius quasi flos agri. Exsiccatum est faenum et cecidit flos quia spiritus Domini sufflavit in eo vere faenum est populus. Exsiccatum est faenum cecidit flos, verbum autem Dei nostri stabit in aeternum.

Super montem excelsum ascende tu quae evangelizas Sion. Exalta in fortitudine vocem tuam quae evangelizas Hierusalem. Exalta, noli timere, dic civitatibus Iudae: ecce Deus vester.

Haec dicit dominus Deus : convertimini ad me, et salvi eritis. Deo gratias.

Order us, Lord, to sing your praises and proclaim the holy ready.

[Isaiah, 40: 1-9]

Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.

Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and cry to her that her warfare is ended,

that her iniquity is pardoned, that she has received from the Lord’s hand

double for all her sins.

A voice cries: ‘In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.

Every valley shall be lifted up, every mountain and hill be made low;

the uneven ground shall become level, and the rough places a plain.

And the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.

For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.’ A voice says, ‘Cry out.’

And I said, ‘What shall I cry?’ ‘All flesh is grass,

and all its beauty is like the flower of the field.

The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand for ever.’

Get you up to a high mountain, O Zion, herald of good tidings;

Lift up your voice with strength, O Jerusalem, herald of good tidings,

lift it up, fear not; say to the cities of Judah, ‘Behold your God!’

Thus says the Lord: ‘Convert to me, and you will be saved.’

Thanks be to God!

Spavaj, spavaj, Ditiću, ti nebeski Kraljiću,

U tim tvrdim jaslicam, di te stavi Divica,

Majka tvoja premila, majka tvoja premila.

Spavaj, spavaj, Djetiću, ti nebeski Kraljiću,

U tim tvrdim jaslicam, gdje te stavi Djevica,

Majka tvoja premila, majka tvoja premila.

Spavaj rajska svjetlosti, spavaj vrelo milosti,

Na to malo slamice, koju pomnja Djevica,

Po toj špilji pokupi, po toj špilji pokupi.

Spavaj svita radosti, spavaj vrelo slatkosti,

Koga majka Divica, svim nebeska Kraljica,

Namin noćas porodi, namin noćas porodi.

Sleep, sleep little child, you, King of Heaven,

In this very hard manger, where the Virgin laid you,

Your beloved mother, your beloved mother.

Sleep, sleep little child, you, King of Heaven,

In this very hard manger, where the Virgin laid you,

Your beloved mother, your beloved mother.

Sleep, splendour of Paradise, sleep, source of mercy,

On this bit of straw that the Virgin’s meticulousness

gathered in this cave, gathered in this cave.

Sleep, joy of the world, sleep, source of gentleness,

You, whom the Virgin mother, the Queen of Heaven,

Brought forth for us this night, brought forth for us this night..

Oj Bog se rodo, oj joj Bog se rodo oj,

i Bog se rodo, Vitlijanjo oj.

Oj, Vitlijanjoj, oj joj Vitlijanjoj oj,

i Vitlijanjoj, va blagdanjoj oj.

Oj božje blago, oj joj, Božje blago oj, i Božje blago,

milo i drago oj.

Oh God is born, oh oh God is born,

God is born, oh Bethlehem.

Oh, Bethlehem, oh oh Bethlehem,

And Bethlehem, the feast day.

Oh, gift of God, oh oh, gift of God,

Dear and precious.

In principio erat Verbum, et Verbum erat apud Deum, et Deus erat Verbum.

Hoc erat in principio apud Deum.

Omnia per ipsum facta sunt, et sine ipso factum est nihil, quod factum est ; in ipso vita erat, et vita erat lux hominum,

et lux in tenebris lucet, et tenebrae eam non comprehenderunt.

Fuit homo missus a Deo, cui nomen erat Ioannes ;

hic venit in testimonium, ut testimonium perhiberet de lumine, ut omnes crederent per illum.

Non erat ille lux, sed ut testimonium perhiberet de lumine.

Erat lux vera, quae illuminat omnem hominem, veniens in mundum.

In mundo erat, et mundus per ipsum factus est, et mundus eum non cognovit.

In propria venit, et sui eum non receperunt.

Quotquot autem acceperunt eum, dedit eis potestatem filios Dei fieri, his, qui credunt in nomine eius,

qui non ex sanguinibus neque ex voluntate carnis neque ex voluntate viri, sed ex Deo nati sunt.

Et Verbum caro factum est et habitavit in nobis; et vidimus gloriam eius, gloriam quasi Unigeniti a Patre, plenum gratiae et veritatis.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

He was in the beginning with God; all things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that has been made.

In him was life, and that life was the light of men.

The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not overcome it.

There came a man sent from God; whose name was John.

He came for testimony, to bear witness to the light, that all might believe through him.

He was not the light, but came to bear witness to the light.

The true light that enlightens every man was coming into the world.

He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world knew him not.

He came to his own home, and his own people received him not.

But to all who received him, who believed in his name,

he gave power to become children of God;

who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth.

We have beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father.

Velika nam djela učini Gospodin: opet smo radosni!

Kad Gospodin vračaše sužnjeve sionske,

bilo nam je ko da snivamo.

Usta nam bjehu puna smijeha,

a jezik klicanja.

Velika nam djela učini Gospodin: opet smo radosni!

Vrati, Gospodine, sužnjeve naše

ko potoke negepske!

Oni koji siju u suzama, žanju u pjesmi.

Velika nam djela učini Gospodin: opet smo radosni!

The Lord has done great things for us: we are joyous once again!

When the Lord freed the captives of Zion,

It was as if we were in a dream,

Our mouths were full of laughter,

And our tongue with cries of joy.

The Lord has done great things for us: we are joyous once again.

The Lord brought back our captives,

like torrents in the Negev!

They who sow whilst weeping, harvest whilst singing.

The Lord has done great things for us: we are joyous once again!

Čitanje Poslanice svetoga Pavla apostola Filipljanima


Radujte se u Gospodinu uvijek!

Ponavljam: radujte se!

Blagost vaša neka je znana svim ljudima!

Gospodin je blizu!

Ne budite zabrinuti ni za što, nego u svemu – molitvom i prošnjom, sa zahvaljivanjem – očitujte svoje molbe Bogu.

I mir Božji koji je iznad svakog razuma

čuvat će srca vaša i vaše misli u Kristu Isusu.

Riječ je Gospodnja.

Reading of the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Pilippians

My brethren!

Rejoice in the Lord always!

Again say I: rejoice!

Let all men know your forbearance!

The Lord is at hand!

Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything,

by prayer and supplication

with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

And the peace of God, which passes all understanding,

will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

U se vrime godišta, mir se svitu navišta,

Porođenjem Djetića od Djevice Marije.

Od prečiste Djevice i nebeske kraljice,

Anđeoske cesar(i)ce, svete Djeve Marije.

U se vrime godišta, mir se svitu navišta,

Porođenjem Djetića, od Djevice Marije, od Djevice Marije.

Od prečiste Djevice i nebeske kraljice,

Anđeoske cesarice, svete Djeve Marije, svete Djeve Marije.

Slava Bogu višnjemu, Gospodinu našemu,

I čovjeku smjernomu, svetom Djevom Marijom, svetom Djevom Marijom.

In that time, peace was announced to the world,

by the birth of the Virgin Mary’s little Child.

Of the Virgin most pure, Queen of Heaven,

Empress of the angels, holy Virgin Mary.

In that time, peace was announced to the world,

by the birth of the Virgin Mary’s little Child.

Of the Virgin most pure, Queen of Heaven,

Empress of the angels, holy Virgin Mary.

Glory to God in the highest, our Lord,

and to humble man

with the Virgin Mary, with the Virgin Mary.

Annuntiamus vobis universali gaudio

Plebs sancta Deo deserviens ocupit audire ut videre desiderat.

Sicut gavisi estis de Nativitate domini nostri Jesu Christi, ita et resurrectionem eius, annunciamus vobis universali gaudio.

Inicium vero septuagesime, annunciamus vobis die undecimo exeunte februario.

Inicium vero quadragesime die septimo intrante marcio, qua propter astantibus vobis, fratres carissimi, annunciamus vobis diem sanctam sacratissimum Pascha, annunciamus vobis die vigesimo secundo intrante aprilis. Ut vobis sit gratia cum omnibus vobis. Amen.

Naviscujemo vam opceno veselje.

Puk sveti Bogu službeni ovo je rad slisati ča i viditi želi.

Kroči to stecim vam okolo, bratia predraga, naviscujemo vam opceno veselje.

A tada, kako ste veseli bili od porojenja Gospodina nasega Isukarsta, takoje i od njegova postovanoga skarsnutja, ka oce biti na dan dvaesetidrugi ulazeci miseca aprila. Početak ujistinu korizmeni ta oce biti na dan sedmi ulazeci miseca marca. Septuajezima ča jistinu kada se pusca alleluja, to oce biti na dan jedanaesti ishodeci miseca febrara.

Da bude mir i veselje sa fsimi vami bratja. Amen.

We announce to you universal joy.

The holy people of God

will hear what it desires to see.

As you were joyful

at the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ,

we announce to you that his resurrection

shall spread universal joy.

The beginning of Septuagesima, we announce to you

on the eleventh day of the second moon of February;

the beginning of Lent,

on the seventh day of the first moon of March.

To you, dearest brethren gathered here,

we announce the holy day of Easter,

on the twenty-second day of the first moon of April.

May grace be with you and with all of yours. Amen.

We announce to you universal joy.

The Holy people of God await this hour.

To you, dearest brethren, gathered here,

we announce a universal joy.

As you were joyful

for the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ,

so shall you celebrate his resurrection,

which will be on the twenty-second day of the month of April.

The beginning of Lent

on the seventh day of the first moon of March.

Septuagesima, which is when we abandon the alleluia,

we announce it for the eleventh day of the second moon of February.

May grace be with you and with all of yours. Amen.

Tri su kralja idrila da b’ Isusa vidila.

Mnoge gore projdoše dok u Betlem dojdoše.

Kad u Betlem dojdoše tu Isusa najdoše,

I njemu se klanjaše Bogu hvale dadoše.

Svetom Divom Marijom, svetom Divom Marijom.

Three kings made their way to see Jesus.

They crossed many a mountain to come to Bethlehem.

When they arrived in Bethlehem they found Jesus there.

They bowed, giving thanks to God,

With the Virgin Mary, with the Virgin Mary.

Kad se Isus, Ditić, u Betlem porodi

Mnoga se znamenja na istoku vidi.

Tri su kralja prišli Bogu, veselimo se,

Isukarstu, gospodinu, poklonimo se.

Tri su kralja prišli Bogu, veselimo se,

Isukarstu, gospodinu, poklonimo se.

Gašpar i Markija, Baltazar mogući,

konje osedlaše, pođoše jašući.

Tri su kralja prišli Bogu, veselimo se…

Ta prisvitla zvizda da nam da znamenje,

I objavi svitu Isusa rođenje.

Tri su kralja prišli Bogu, veselimo se…

When baby Jesus was born in Bethlehem,

Numerous signs appeared in the East.

The three kings approached God.

Let us rejoice, let us bow down before Jesus Christ.

The three kings approached God.

Let us rejoice, les us bow down before Jesus Christ.

Gaspar, Melchior and the powerful Balthazar

left after having saddled the horses.

The three kings approached God, let us rejoice.

May this very bright star give us a sign

and announce to the world the birth of Jesus.

The three kings approached God, let us rejoice.

Tota pulchra es, Maria.

Tota pulchra es, Maria.

Et macula originalis non est in te.

Et macula originalis non est in te.

Tu gloria Ierusalem.

Tu laetitia Israel.

Tu honorificentia populi nostri.

Tu advocata peccatorum.

O Maria.

O Maria.

Virgo prudentissima.

Mater clementissima.

Ora pro nobis.

Intercede pro nobis ad Dominum Iesum Christum.

Alleluia, alleluia !

Thou art all fair, O Mary.

Thou art all fair, O Mary.

And the original stain is not in thee.

And the original stain is not in thee.

Thou art the glory of Jerusalem.

Thou, the joy of Israel.

Thou art the honor of our people.

Thou art the advocate of sinners.

O Mary.

O Mary.

Virgin most prudent.

Mother most tender.

Pray for us,

Intercede for us with Jesus Christ our Lord.

Alleluia, alleluia!

Slava, čast i hvala ti, spasitelju Kralju Kriste,

kom’ Hosana klicahu, mala usta djece čiste.

Izraelov Kralj si ti, Davidov o svijetli sine, koj’ u ime Gospodnje, dolaziš nam pun miline.

Glory, honour, praise be to thee, our Lord, King Jesus Christ,

to whom the small mouths of pure children cried ‘Hosanna’.

Thou art the king of Israel, luminous son of David, who comes to us,

full of mercy, in the name of the Lord.

Počinje plač Jeremije proroka.


Kako sidi usamjen grad pun puka.

Posto je kao udovica gospodar naroda.

Dušmani postaše glavari njegovi.

Neprijateji se njegovi progone,

Jer je Gospod progovorio za bezakonja njegova.

Here beginneth the lamentations of Jeremiah the prophet


How doth the city sit solitary, that was full of people!

how is she become as a widow!

she that was great among the nations!

Her adversaries are the chief, her enemies prosper;

for the Lord hath afflicted her for the multitude of her transgressions…

Ante sex dies Pasche venit Iesus Bethania ubi Lazarum resuscitavit a mortuis.

Et dixit discipulis suis : Desiderio desideravi manducare vobiscum antequam patiar.

V. Magister dicit tempus meus prope est apud te facio pascha cum discipulis meis.

V. Gloria Patri et filio et spiritui sancto.

Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethania, where he had

resurrected Lazarus from dead.

And he said to his disciples: “With desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you, before I suffer.”

V. The master saith : « My time is near at hand. With thee I make the

Passover with my disciples. »

V. Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Potamnjele oči moje od plača moga,

jer se je udaljio od mene koji me je tješio.

Vidite svi narodi, ima li boli kao što je bol moja?

O vi svi koji prolazite putem, pazite i vidite. Ima li boli, kao što je bol moja?

Potamnjele oči moje od plača moga,

jer se je udaljio od mene koji me je tješio.

Vidite svi narodi, ima li boli kao što je bol moja?

My eyes clouded over because of my tears

for he has drawn away from me, he who comforted me.

See, all ye people, if there be suffering equal to my suffering?

Oh, all ye who pass by this road, look and see if there is suffering equal

to my suffering?

My eyes clouded over because of my tears,

for he has drawn away from me, he who comforted me.

See, all ye people, if there be suffering equal to my suffering?

Ante diem festum paschae, sciens Jesus quia ejus hora venit ut transeat ex hoc mundo ad patrem, et cena facta surrexit, linteo praecinxit se misit aquam in pelvem.

Coepit lavare pedes discipulorum. Venit ad Petrum. Dicit ei Simon: non lavabis mihi pedes in aeternum.

Respondit Jesus: si non lavero tibi non habebis partem mecum.

Domine non solum pedes tantum sed manus et caput.

Now before the feast of the Passover, Jesus knew that his hour had

come to depart out of this world to the Father. And during the

supper, Jesus rose from the table, laid aside his garments, and

girded himself with a towel.

Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet. He came to Simon Peter; and Peter said to him, ‘Lord, do you wash my feet?’

Jesus answered him, ‘What I am doing you do not know now, but

afterward you will understand’. ‘Lord, not my feet only, but also my

hands and my head!’

Crucem tuam adoramus, domine, et sanctam resurrectionem tuam glorificamus. Venite omnes, adoremus Christi resurrectionem.

Ps 66

Deus misereatur nobis et benedicat nos*

inluminet vultum suum super nos et misereatur nobis,

ut cognoscamus in terra viam tuam*

in omnibus gentibus salutare tuum.

Confiteantur tibi populi, Deus*

confiteantur tibi populi omnes.

Laetentur et exultent gentes+

quoniam iudicas populos in aequitate *

et gentes in terra diriges.

Confiteantur tibi populi, Deus*

confiteantur tibi populi omnes.

Terra dedit fructum suum*

benedicat nos Deus, Deus noster.

Benedicat nos Deus*

et metuant eum omnes fines terrae.

Gloria Patri et Filio*

et Spiritui Sancto.

Sicut erat in principio, et nunc et semper*

et in saecula saeculorum amen.

We worship your cross, o Lord, and we glorify your holy resurrection.

In adoration, let us celebrate Christ’s resurrection.

[Psalm 67]

May God be gracious to us and bless us

and make his face to shine upon us,

That thy way be known upon earth:

thy saving power among all nations.

Let the peoples praise thee, O God:

let all people praise thee!

Let the nations be glad and sing for joy,

for thou dost judge the people with equity

and guide the nations upon earth.

Let the peoples praise thee, O God;

let all the peoples praise thee!

The earth has yielded its increase;

God, our God, has blessed us.

God has blessed;

let all the ends of the earth fear him!

Glory be to the Father and the Son

and the Holy Spirit,

in the beginning, now and always, to the end of all time.


Križu sveti, Križu blagi, sam dostojan ti koji si da na tebi sin predragi, nebeskoga Oca visi

Slavne grane prigni doli Sina Božjeg htij nan datiKi i krv svetu za nas proli i nje cinom dug moj plati

O Isuse moj, jubavi ja san uzrok Križa tvoga.

Moj grih tebe na Križ stavi ja te prope Boga moga

Sad te molin prosti meni moj Isuse Božanstveni

Smiluj se nama Gospodine, smiluj se.

Holy cross, sweet cross, you who, alone, are worthy

of bearing the beloved Son of the heavenly Father.

Bow down your glorious branches, deign give us the Son of God,

Who shed his holy blood and, by this gesture, paid my debt.

Oh my Jesus, Love, I am the cause of your cross.

My sin has put you on the cross, I have crucified you, my God.

Now I beseech you, forgive me, my Divine Jesus.

Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy.

Ego sum alpha et o, primus et novissimus, initium et finis, qui ante mundi principium et in saeculum saeculi vivo in aeternum.

Manus meae quae vos fecerunt clavis confixae sunt, propter vos flagellis caesus sum, spinis coronatus sum, aquam petii pendens, et acetum porrexerunt;

in escam meam fel dederunt et in latus lancea;

Mortuus et sepultus sum, resurrexi, vobiscum sum.

Videte quia ego ipse sum et non est deus praeter me, alleluia.

I am the alpha and the omega, the first and the last, the beggining and

the end. I who have lived since before the world began and live

throughout eternity.

My hands which created you were pierced by nails; on account of you, I

was scourged and crowned with thorns. As I hung on the cross, I

asked them for water and they gave me vinegar.

They poured gall into my drink and they pierced my side with a spear.

I died and was buried and rose again, and I am with you.

See, it is myself and there is no other God than I, alleluia.

Ja se kajem Bože mili, od svakoga griha moga

Moje srce gorko cvili, jer uvrijedih tebe Boga.

Milosrđe tvoje veće nego moje sve krivice,

Tvoja milost pustit neće skrušen grješnik da pogine.

Ja te ljubim dobri Bože iz dna srca ljubim tebe,

Što mi više duša može više nego samog sebe.

I repent, beloved God, for all my sins

My heart moans profoundly for I have offended you, my God.

Your mercy is greater than all my offences,

Your love will not allow the repentant sinner to perish.

I cherish you profoundly, good God, from the bottom of my heart,

As much as my soul is able, more than myself.

Govorenje Judino skalam na obisenje hodeci

Pukni, sarce, smisljajuci,

Ove skale gledajuci,

A nad njimi drivo to je

Gdi cu obisit tilo moje.

Gledajuci jednu s drugom,

Stani, Juda, s gorkom tugom.

Stup’ na parvu, zalo sime,

ja proklinjam moje ime.

Kad na drugu brez karsmanja

Ter ne vidim vec ufanja.

Boga necu vec moliti

Jer mi nece on prostiti.

Rec mi treca, ki su glasi ?

Skubi, Juda, čarne vlasi !

Ti četvarta moja muka,

Svim sad ljudem bud nauka !

Peta me ce čekat malo

Jer mi konop stiskal garlo.

Ti si, sesta, meni svoja,

Bud prokleta mati moja

Koja me je porodila,

Najpri mlikom zadojila !

Darž se, sedma ! Juda, gdi si ?

U tebi su veli grisi.

Sedam smartnih koji jesu,

Skariote, u tebi su.

Vazmi, Juda za konopac,

To ti budi gorki otac,

Koga ubih rukom mojom,

Zato trudim s družbom ovom.

Za pinezi Mestra prodah

Te se u ruke djavlu podah.

A sada dusa i tilo moje

Budi, djavle, u ruke tvoje !

Juda’s speech to the stairs before hanging himself

Break my heart, think,

Look at these stairs.

Above them there is the tree

Where I will hang my body.

I look at all of you,

Standing, me, Judas, in a bitter sorrow.

I step on the first one, me, evil seed,

I curse my name.

When I stand on the second stair, with no hesitation,

I won’t see any hope.

I will not pray to God

Because he will not help me.

Tell me, the third stair, what is new?

Pull off your black hair, Judas!

You, the fourth stair, are my pain,

I will be the example to all men!

The fifth stair will wait for me a little,

Because the rope is squeezing my throat.

The sixth one, you are mine,

May my mother be cursed,

My mother who gave me birth,

And who fed me with her milk!

Wait, you, the seventh stair! Judas, where are you?

Big sins are within you,

Seven deadly sins,

Iscariot, they are all in you.

Judas, take the rope.

This rope is your father

Whom you killed with your own hand.

That is why I am here.

I sold my Master for money

And I gave myself into devils’ hands.

And now, my soul and my body

Are in your hands, o devil!


Tužna mati tad se uputi puten, čineć plač priljuti.

Kantanje (Gospin plač)

Muka gorka Gospodina, Isukrsta Božjeg sina,

po Ivanu ‘vanđelist koji Gospin plač navisti.

Plačnim glasom sve vas molju čujte majke sad nevolju.


The sad Mother set off, weeping hot tears.

Chant (Virgin’s Lament)

The profound suffering of the Lord Jesus Christ, son of God,

according to John the Evangelist who described to us the tears of the

Mother of God.

I implore you with tearful voice to listen.

Svit se konča i slnce jur zahodi,

pravda gine, ljubav stine, tma ishodi.

Djaval jure svoju vojsku kupno vodi,

gda se svrsi Sveto pismo dan prihodi.

Isuhrst je danas zabljen i njegov sluga,

vsaki ki je z Babilona njim se ruga.

Gda to slisah, obuje mi srce tuga,

ar [je] nesklad, krivo gleda drug na druga.

V redovnicih ki čtu sveto evan’jelje

imela bi pravda biti i svrsen’je,

a sada je opačen’je i prevraćen’je

i vsakomu dobru dilu razoren’je.

Ot istini oči svoji uklonise,

u pohoteh sego svita zabljudise,

k bezakon’ju srce svoje priklonise

svojmu tilu, a ne Bogu ugodise. (…)

Mala bratja i koludri, predikavci,

remetani, karmeliti, kavčenjaci,

vsi popove, koludrice i vsi djaci,

vsi se nazad obratise kako raci.

Mnozi ot njih ki ako bi v svite stali,

skot bi pasli i kopali i orali,

a sada su prevtil trbuh podpasali

komu kako Bogu služe veli i mali.

Licemeri, vražji posli, svitom hine,

zlato, srebro i čto mogu moćno pline.

Antihristu put gotove, zlo v tom čine.

Se su oni komi dusa mnogo gine.

Ki bi hotel božju pravdu udržati

i Isusa njegova sina slidovati,

u pokori i ubožastvi grih plakati,

povele ga svojim gnivom zlo sprognati.

The world ends and the sun now sets,

justice perishes, love is extinguished, darkness rises.

The Devil leads his big army.

The day comes when the Holy Scripture will be accomplished.

Jesus is forgotten today with each of his servants,

Everyone from Babylone is mocking him.

When I hear it, my heart is covered with sadness,

Confusion reigns, even friends fight each other.

Among the monks who read the Holy Gospel

There should be justice and perfection,

And now there is crime and subversion,

Destruction of every good deed.

They turned away their eyes from the truth,

They lost their way in worldly lust,

Their hearts embraced evil ways,

They obey their bodies instead of God.

Franciscans, monks, dominicans,

Hermits, carmelites, tonsured brothers,

All priests, nuns and deacons,

walk backwards like crabs.

Many of them, if they were in the world,

would work and labour the earth.

Instead, they have big bellies

which they serve as God, big and small monks.

Hypocrites, doing devil’s deeds, cheat the world,

steal gold, silver and anything they can.

They are preparing ways to Antichrist, to evil.

Many souls will perish through them.

But whoever wants to observe God’s justice,

And follow his son, Jesus Christ,

He should live in penitence, poverty and weep for his sins.

Then he will send away evil with all his force.

Puče moj, što učinih tebi, ili u čemu ožalostih tebe,

odgovori meni.

Ja izvedoh tebe iz Egipta potopivši faraona u Crveno more,

a ti mene izvede u sudnicu Pilata.

Puče moj, što učinih tebi, ili u čemu ožalostih tebe,

odgovori meni.

Ja pred tobom otvorih more, a ti otvori kopljem bok moj.

Puče moj, što učinih tebi, ili u čemu ožalostih tebe,

odgovori meni.

Oh my people, what have I done to you, or in what way have I saddened you?

Answer me.

I have brought you out of Egypt by drowning Pharaoh in the Red Sea.

And you have sent me before Pilate. Oh my people, what have I done to you, or in what way have I saddened you?

Answer me.

I have opened the sea before you, and you have opened my side with a spear. Oh my people, what have I done to you, or in what way have I saddened you?

Answer me.

English Translation : John Tyler Tuttle

The post The chants from Dalmatica, translated into English appeared first on SYDNEY FESTIVAL.

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