
We’ve updated our Linux Cloud Tools to 3.0.12. The changes include:

1. Supports deleting of files during sync

If a user deletes files locally and syncs then the files will be deleted on the server. If a user  deletes files on the server and then syncs then files will be deleted locally. These 2 options are ‘Off’ by default. and can be turned on in settings of the sync center.

2. In Ubuntu 11.10+ “Hide in tray” works correctly.

3. Fixed Menu duplication

4. Fix for large fonts bug.

5. In Explorer new option to upload folder (previously only individual files were possible to upload).

6. Fixed bug with trash in explorer (not all files from trash were displayed)

7. Sync center works as per other OS sync tooling.  The ”My syncs” folder concept is not used any more and desktop to different cloud folders can be mapped. ie. any folder can now be nominated for sync.  The free version has a restriction of 3 folders that can be sync’d

8. Encryption now supported (only for Personal Cloud or Business Cloud users.). In the Properties window it is possible to set a password for encryption of files during sync.

9. Small fix for Properties window for small screens. Scrolling works correctly now.

The Linux Cloud Tools can be used with the following Clouds:

Google Docs, Google Storage, Google Sites,

Amazon S3, MobileMe, Microsoft Live Mesh (read only),

Microsoft SkyDrive, DropBox, Azure Blob Storage,

Box.net, RackSpace Cloud Files, OpenStack Swift,

Gmail-as-a-Cloud, Email-as-a-Cloud, Mezeo,

HP Object Cloud Storage, S3 compliant Clouds such as (Eucalyptus Walrus),

Ubuntu One Cloud, iKeepinCloud, PogoPlug,

BaseCamp SaaS Service, IBM Connections Files,

EMC Atmos, Office365, SharePoint, CloudMe,

HostingSolutions.it, Scality, Alfresco (on-premise),

Zimbra Briefcase, SafeSync(WebDav enabled),

FilesAnywhere (WebDav enabled), and any WebDav enabled Cloud.

The tools can be downloaded from the Linux Cloud Tools Page.

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