
Claire Brear of Bearista

Instagram Guru and Lover of ZA Design

In this post we’d like to introduce the multi-talented designer Claire Brear, who spoke at our last Shopstar marketing workshop about Instagram for Business - which coincidentally is also the title of her new eBook to be published shortly.

Hello! I’m Claire, aka @_bearista. I love Instagram because of the creativity it inspires and the community it builds. I want to help you take advantage of this brilliant platform to build your creative business. I also write a blog about Instagram in South Africa. I live on the edge of Cape Town between the sea and the mountains in St James, with my blues loving husband. In my spare time you’ll find me drooling over beautiful South African design or hunting proteas on the mountain side.

1.What do you love about your work?

I love working with creative teams and individuals, brainstorming, generating fresh ideas, and building effective Instagram strategies. I also really enjoy the process of research, writing and resource development.

2. Where do you find your ideas?

I think my ideas find me rather than me finding them! Through interacting with people in real life and online, and listening to their questions, concerns and frustrations, I find that my brain begins to tick over with ideas and solutions. I’m also a big information hoarder so inspiration often strikes while reading.

3. Who inspires you?

I’m inspired by multi-talented creators like infopreneur Regina Anaejionu (byRegina.com), and South African artists Heather Moore (Skinny laMinx) and Tori Stowe (toristowe.com). I think the thing they have in common is that whatever they put their creative ‘touch’ to seems to become golden.

4. Your favourite material/s?

I love working with creative online design tools and apps, images and fonts, graphics, and Instagram, of course. On the textile side I really have a thing for shibori (indigo resist dyeing), linocut and bold African print.

5. What are your aspirations for the future?

I’d really like to continue to build up a hugely useful set of tools and services to equip South African makers and creators both on the creative and on the entrepreneurial side of things. I’d love to see South Africa’s small creative businesses on a par with or even overtaking the Australian design scene. I think we have what it takes!

6. Anything else you want to mention?

I’m really excited to be working on my new eBook - Instagram for Business which is going to be available mid-July 2016. It will focus specifically on the South African creative business scene and aims to help business owners win at Instagram - find out more here: www.bearista.co.za/resources.

Claire will be speaking at our next workshop in Stellenbosch on July 19th. Find details on our Shopstar facebook page shortly.

For more information on Bearista’s services and to follow her online:

Instagram: @_bearista

Website: www.bearista.co.za

Facebook: facebook/bear1sta

Twitter: @_bearista

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