

Working with the Radixweb is something like never-ending celebrations, or in other words, I would say that “We know how to steal the Good Times.” At our ‘Art House,’ we don’t serve a plonk. Overtly this picnic sedated Radixians.

“The purpose of Picnic is Leisure”

I don’t know who said that ‘carpe diem my boy carpe diem’ maybe it was a voice from the heart of all the Radixians, and so we seized it. Today we are stacked with memories and tonnes of selfies and groupfies that the hangover is still juggling in our mind.

Sum-up the day after RxPicnic – as it was a much needed hiatus

The astonishing venue had everything right from the swimming pool to outdoor and indoor games. As soon as the sunrise in this chilling atmosphere we kicked off our day. Antakshri the most loved game was played by all in the bus, and the journey began. Everything was Baluster for the day.

One by one, when I was laying my eye on the group of people at the venue, all were playing with the happy face in their sumptuous way. Some people were on the cricket ground so some were on to the football, many dived into the pool, so some were brainstorming the mind on chess, others were with Snooker so the others with cards, T.T & Tennis was never ending fun.

We locked this moment, because the Time is not an X-box game.

The savoring food was served on the table with the hand-picked menu. As we know the food tastes delicious in winter – it was rightly implied over here right from the hi-tea to lunch followed by the dinner.

P.S – Our renowned Indian dessert “Jalebi” was star of the day. “Aakhir kar jalebiya lazeez hai lekin kaafi azeez bhi”

We Pangram-ed food deliberately Om nom nom nom…

DJ just bass off music in the soirée, and everybody just lost into the trance state. It was ‘so Malang so live’ that the baby from the heart shouted Hey. Jude, we’re on the dance floor. Those moving steps, the loud roars, high volume, pitching the rap & riffs.

Picnic is not over it naturally became THE Memoire

Hey HR Team What’s next, then?


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