
What do the people making cameos in your dreams mean? Could they possibly be telling you something about your love life? Kelly Sullivan Walden has answers for you in her book The Love, Sex, and Relationship Dream Dictionary: Your Guide to Interpreting 1,000 Common Dreams and Symbols about Your Romantic Life. She’ll teach you how to approach your dreams with questions and delve into them to find the answers.

Here are five of the people you might encounter in a dream and what they’re trying to tell you about your love life.

1. Alien

A dream of an alien might be preparing you for a lover from another universe (compared with the typical ones you habitually choose). This dream could be giving you permission to move beyond your longing for belonging and to wave your freak flag with pride so that you can experience out-of-this-world sex. This dream could also be revealing your fear of being alienated if you expose your true feelings. Also, this dream might expose the aspect of yourself that is most alien to you: your power. If you dream of having sex with an alien, you might feel that you and your lover are from different planets and are having a difficult time finding your sexual groove. Alternatively, dreaming of sex with an alien indicates that you may be exploring the pathways to otherworldly ecstasy, connection, and potentially higher love.

2. Authority Figure

Dreams of an authority figure can relate to your thoughts about, feelings for, and past experiences with specific authority figures in your life. Maybe you’ve gotten caught in the submit (obey)/rebel cycle in your relationship, and are trying to figure out who has the upper hand. Often a dream of an authority figure, such as a policeman, judge, father, mother, principal, or boss, means we are working out our issues with our parents, teachers, or anyone who has misused his or her power with us. This dream could also mean you are grappling with the part of you that regulates your behavior, informed by your moral compass. If you’ve been taking risks (e.g., being more flirtatious or promiscuous than you normally are), your inner police might put you in jail. Alternatively, this dream might also indicate maturity, and that you are stepping into a leadership role in your relationship, willing to take responsibility for your life and your choices.

3. Brother

Symbolically speaking, a brother in a dream represents the masculine aspect that has your back (or not); that protects you (or not); and helps you to feel stronger (or not). Dreams of a brother could signify you are processing feelings that relate to your actual brother or to being a brother, and what those qualities represent to you. Additionally, this dream can be symbolic of your desire for brotherly love, being or having a soul brother, and being connected to the sacred brotherhood of men.

4. Child

Dreams of a child might reflect feelings you have about your own child in waking reality. Or this dream could represent the aspect of you that is vulnerable, insecure, innocent, joyous, or in need of nurturing and reassurance. It could also be a message to acknowledge the childlike aspect of you and your partner, to stop taking things so seriously and be playful. Perhaps your lover is making you feel like a virgin all over again, all sparkly and new. Dreams of a child indicate that you are feeling safe enough to show your underbelly to your lover. Keep in mind that the child part of you is your most precious and tender aspect, and without it, there is no true intimacy. In any case, this dream may be a message to value your innocence and vulnerability.

5. Doctor

Dreams of a doctor may be a message that your relationship is in need of some emotional or sexual healing. Your relationship’s most vulnerable, fragile, and weak aspects, once tended to, can become the most powerful aspects of depth and intimacy. This dream affirms your inner authority to tend to your mental, spiritual, physical, sexual, and relational health—and to inject you and your beloved with the self-care that will bring your relationship back into balance. Additionally, this dream might be a message to go deeper than just putting a bandage on your wound; examine the attitudes and beliefs that are producing the imbalance. Also, this dream could be a message to have some fun playing doctor with your lover.

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Have you dreamed of a handsome stranger and felt the pangs of love (or lust)? Do you wake up panicked from being chased by a menacing intruder or from falling from a cliff into darkness? Do you wake up to dreams of sex with an ex, your boss, or a celebrity?

Don’t be ashamed or alarmed! These dreams are normal and highly symbolic. Learn to decode dream symbols through the steamed-up lenses of our relationships, sexuality, and our human imperative to love and be loved. This guide will show you how to interpret everything and everyone in your dreams as an aspect of yourself. After all, the best relationship advice you can receive is being revealed by your own brilliant dreaming mind. To that end, this bedside companion offers:

– Interpretations and definitions for more than 1,000 common symbols, themes, and images from your dreams

– Tools for interpreting dream themes, patterns, and emotions

– Love, sex, and relationship advice to help support you in finding and/or keeping the partner of your dreams

– Definitions organized by dream theme — People and Animals, Time and Place, Physical Objects, Ideas and Whims, and Action and Scenarios

Kelly Sullivan Walden is America’s premiere dream expert and a trusted advisor to leaders, executives, celebrities, and countless other individuals. She will guide you on a journey into your subconscious mind where the answers reside to the questions you seek, so you can make real, transformational changes in your waking life. Will you fall in love or love the one you’re with? Are you willing to release your blocks to love and fall in love with yourself? How do you inspire better dreams? How do you transform a nightmare into soul-healing therapy? You’ll find answers to these questions and many more in this comprehensive dream reference.

The post The 5 People You Might Meet in Your Dreams appeared first on Quarto Knows Blog.

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