
After a brief browsing of project pages at Hackaday, it’s easy to lose count of the amazing number of purple circuit boards! So, we decided to make a link roundup highlighting this outstanding overlap of our communities.

While extensive, we found it impossible to list all the projects shared. Did we miss yours? Please leave a link to it in the comment section below.

Daniel Taylor:

A Simple Runner’s GPS Logger

Henrik Alexandersson:

Prototype that OP! Prototype board for type 741 operational amplifiers


AM/FM Transmitter Pair- A pair of Altoids-tin sized transmitters, designed to be a cheap way to get music to an old device with no audio input.

Fyber Labs: The following projects are largely for their Flex modules, which are “Standard low-cost rigid PCB modules with 2.54mm castellations for breadboard and direct implementation on flexible PCB for wearable projects.”

PCA9685 Motor Driver Flex Module- The PCA9685 with forward current configuration to driver up to 16 motors (with the help of Darlington arrays).

4P-RGB-Strip Flex Module- A Flex Module 4 pin connector that supports RGB strips with 4 leads (as well as many other 1 or 2 pin I/O peripherals).

LRA Driver Flex Module- An attempt to develop a small BGA based LRA driver Flex Module.

Social Light Flex Module- An identification system that transmits a partial unique ID through light to augment radio based ID systems.

ECG ADC Buffer Flex Module- ECG Sensor summing amplifier and RC filter with 2.54mm castellation

Flex Sensor ADC Buffer Flex Module- 2.54mm 4 channel voltage converter opamp and RC filter for Spectra Symbol Flex Sensors

nRF51822 BLE Flex Module- nRF51822 implemenation utilizing Johanson balun with 2.54mm castellations. Available in 1dB, 2dB, and 3dB antenna implementations.

10-axis Flex Module- Initial version in 2.54mm castellation. 9-axis gyro and barometer (10-axis).

STM32F401 Flex Module- Smallest Cortex-M4 of the STM32 line with Espruino support in a flex module.


Robot Army : Light Play- An interactive field of 100 dancing delta robots

Kevin Krieger:

CAN-obd2 started as a way to display and save information from my 2008 Honda Civic’s OBD2 port.

Peter Ogden:

Network PDU-S, Network Power Distribution Unit with Sequencing


fixietube clock- 30ml jam jars hopefully turned into beautiful LED displays – nixietube like looking without the higher voltage fuzz – fake LED nixietubes

Sonic Screwdriver


OpenMV, Python-powered machine vision modules

Peter Jansen:

Open Source Science Tricorder

Mathieu Stephan:

Mooltipass, offline password keeper

Luke Weston:

Simple, low-cost FMCW radar- A basic radar system makes radar accessible at low cost for experiments with range finding & navigation of autonomous aircraft or spacecraft.

Nathaniel VerLee:

Solar Energy Generator, a solar energy system up to 500W in power for use with lithium batteries.

Kevin Neubauer:

Raspberry Pi Serial + Relay + LCD Board- All-in-one Raspberry Pi integration shield with 4 relays, switchable RS-232/485 serial, LCD output, power button, and graceful shutdown.

Paul Stoffregen:

Teensy 3.0 & 3.1, 32 bit ARM-based boards for use with the Arduino IDE. Want a 3.1? They’re available in our store!

Really bright addressable RGB LED


A even smaller Nanite, a downsized replica of Tim’s brilliant Nanite 85 board

Thomas Wilson:

Hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar) alert system, a compact Bluetooth device that acts as a safety net for sleeping type 1 diabetics, detecting hypoglycaemia and calling for help.

Digital Corpus:

D-DAQ, automotive parameter & performance monitor & logger based on the Doniol Boost Gauge.


A Watch, PCB LED Tilt activated watch

Tilt Touch Time- A tilt and touch activated wristwatch using a “retro” style bubble 7 segment display.


Integrated Room Sunrise Simulator, an alarm clock that provides dawn simulation using your rooms existing lighting

Jac Goudsmit:

Software-Defined 6502 Computer, “Propeddle” is a single-board computer kit with a 6502 controlled by a Propeller.

Andreas Dahlberg:

USB DAC with amplifier- A USB DAC with a 3-W x 2 amplifier


CANPi- CANBUS adapter for the Raspberry Pi


Unhappy Hacking Keyboard- Why have a Happy Hacking Keyboard when you can have an Unhappy Hacking Keyboard. Real programmers only need a 1 and 0 key. Perfect for trying out Cherry MX switches.

Pure Engineering:

Flir Lepton Thermal Camera Breakout- This is a Breakout board for the Lepton Thermal Camera Module.

Radu Constantin:

NANDfarm => RFarmer- Small, easy to use, cheap ZigBee developement board for the internet of things.

Eric Evenchick:

seCANt- Hardware to connect to a car’s CAN buses.


Cumulus Wireless Sensor Platform- The wireless customizable low-cost home automation solution

Neven Boyanov:

The Tinusaur- The Tinusaur is a small board with ATtiny85 microcontroller and the minimum components to run properly plus shield headers and a battery

Tim Wilkinson:

BlueBasic: BASIC for Bluetooth- Embedded BASIC interpreter for CC2540 and CC2541 Bluetooth LE modules


DSP 01: hi-fi audio signal processor- a digital signal processor with integrated quad-channel amplifier for high-fidelity speakers.


Internet of “Thing”- Thing…. Internet Enabled. With command line and GUI over a TCP connection


Practical Home Automation- We’ve connected our entire apartment, DIY style.

Neil Movva:

Pathfinder – Haptic Navigation, Wearable Navigation Assistance for the Blind

Johan Lans:

MIDI2VC- Connects a MIDI keyboard to an analogue synthesizer


HD6309 Singleboard Computer- Hitachi HD63C09 clocked at a blistering 3 MHz with a capacious 64K of RAM! Retroputing bliss

Pierce Nichols:

MultiSpork- A wireless analog/digital multitool & data recorder


Captain Pugsley – Smart motion sensor, Smart wifi connected motion tracker & iOS app with a personality!


Raspberry Pi – PSU, Add a soft-power switch to your Raspberry Pi


PIPduino, a ‘duino especially for putting in projects.


T-Board: uc Prototyping- Simplified AVR Prototyping with a breadboard-friendly breakout

Don Smith:

PASS- (personal ambient space sensor) humidity, pressure and temperature logger


Aquila IoT Platform- Internet of Things rapid prototyping platform.


Watson – 120dB RF Measurement System- Watson is a relatively simple RF power meter based on the “120 dB Measurement System” outlined in the Analog Devices (AD) AD8307 data sheet.


Smart Solder reflow oven- This would be blog post how to make smart solder reflow oven step by step

Mandy Zheng:

Adapative Nodes- Instant prototyping without a single line of microcontroller code


ATX-Pi- An unholy marriage of an Arduino, an ATX power supply and a Raspberry Pi.


One button TV remote- A TV remote with one button that cycles thought a list of preset channels based on a attiny85


Universal Screw-Block Proto-Shield for Arduino- Quickly, easily, and securely connect your Arduino Unos, Leonardos, Dues, and Megas to the outside world..


Simple, Extensible Home Security System- A modular home security setup utilizing ZigBee sensor nodes, a security camera/DVR system and a host server.

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