
My first npm publish was unusual. npm didn’t exist at the time, so
that presented a bit of a challenge.

This is the story of helping to inventing a universe so that I could
make an apple pie from


Back in 2009, I was working at Yahoo! as a Front-End Engineer. That
meant that I wrote a lot of PHP and JavaScript. I had just finished
a project where we had front-end components generated on the back-end
and shipped to the client based on some data being parsed into a
template, and then later on, on the front-end, do the same work in
JavaScript with the same templates and data services.

These days, that’d be called “fast boot” or “isometric templates” or
something clever, but back in those dark days, it required tediously
maintaining two implementations of a view layer, one in PHP and the
other in JavaScript. Maintaining the same thing in two languages was
downright awful.

“Well”, I figured, “JavaScript is a language, and we can control
what’s on the server, why not just run JavaScript on the server?”

The state of the art in server-side JavaScript (SSJS) was Rhino on the
JVM. The problem was, unless you compiled your JavaScript into JVM
bytecode using arcane special magicks, it was godawful slow. I
started messing around with V8 and SpiderMonkey, thinking “I want
something like PHP, but JavaScript”.

The SSJS community at that time was a very different place than the
Node.js of today. There were dozens of projects, any one of which
could’ve seemed like it would be the breakout hit.
SpiderApe and
v8-juice were trying to
make it easier to embed spidermonkey and v8, and add a standard
library to each. v8cgi
(renamed to TeaJS)
provided a CGI binding to use v8 in Apache2. I started messing around
with K7, which provided a bunch of
macros for using V8 in various contexts, and
Narwhal, which was the only
one of these that seemed to be delivering a fully thought-out platform
for making programs. There was also Helma and
RingoJS, and probably a bunch of others I’m

A few years ago, we used to joke that every Node.js dev had their own
test framework and argument parser. Well, in 2009, every server-side
JavaScript developer had their own SSJS platform.

The contributors to all of these platforms got together in a mailing
list and tried to form some kind of standard for server-side
JavaScript programming. Front-end JavaScript has the DOM, so we
thought, and right now, writing server-side JavaScript suffers from a
dearth of portability. What we need is a standards body, clearly!
This was initially called “ServerJS”, but then expanded its scope to

The first proper “module” I wrote in JavaScript was a port of a url
parser I wrote for YUI. I landed it in Narwhal. There was no
userland, really. Just lots of little cores.

Some time later, in August of 2009, I gave a tech
about SSJS and demonstrated using Narwhal and Jack, a Rack-like thing
built on top of Narwhal, using the
JSGI protocol.

After the talk, one of the people in the audience asked if I’d ever
tried out Node.js. As it turned out, I had, but like so many SSJS

It had a single developer working on it, and no other contributors
or community.

The documentation was extremely

It failed to build on my mac laptop.

Ergo: Not a thing.

“I dunno,” he said. “Maybe try it again. It’s pretty nifty.”

He insisted that it was fast, and I was like, “Meh. JVM is fine.”


I checked the website again, and they’d added a “Community”
section. Also, the docs
still sucked, but it was version 0.0.6 now, which was like, 4 more
than it was the first time I’d checked, so whoever this Ryan guy was,
he was at least working hard on the thing.

It compiled successfully, and I was hooked! It started up so fast
compared to Rhino! And it had tests that ran when I did make test,
and they passed!

3 important lessons for OSS success:

Docs and tests matter.

At least have a link to a mailing list or something. (Remember:
this was before GitHub connected us all with Issues.)

It has to build and be fast.

I gradually stopped paying much attention to CommonJS, and instead
just threw my efforts at Node. I hung out on the mailing list and in
IRC during all my free time.

The problem with Node back then was that even though a growing number
of people were all writing really interesting programs, it was hard to
share them. So, I wrote this
thing, which was a port of
a bash script I was using to play with people’s code.

The Registry

Technically that wasn’t “publishing” though. In order to actually
publish to npm there had to be an npm registry. Today, that
registry is a webservice at https://registry.npmjs.org/, run by
npm, Inc.. The first registry was a git
repo called “npm-data”. I collected up the handful of modules that’d
been shared from on the mailing list and in the Node.js wiki page, and
made a JSON file with links to them.

One principle of package management that I felt was really important
was that no one person should be the bottleneck in community growth.
Especially if that person is me. Because I really hate that crap.

I don’t mind working really hard on lots of challenging stuff, but if
I have to do some simple task over and over again, especially if other
people are depending on me to do it, it’s like torture to me. The
prospect of being in someone’s critical path for deploying their
module was just… ugh. Gross.

I needed a web service type thing that would let people publish
packages and then could download those packages and install them.

I got to talking to Mikeal Rogers, who
worked at
Couch.IO. He
built the first npm registry
and got it functional.

Fun fact! For a little while, anyone could publish any package, and
we relied on the honor system to keep anyone from clobbering
anyone else’s name. It was an ok system for a short while, since
there were only about 4 or 5 people in the world who knew this thing
existed, but we got an authentication and authorization system set up
before anyone could take advantage of it.

By that time, I’d quit my job at Yahoo! and was taking a sabatical.
If you can afford it, I highly recommend saving up a little nest egg
and taking a few months off to see what comes out of you. Muses
can be fickle, and tend to call when least expected.

I know what you’re thinking…

You’re thinking that the culmination of this story is that I published
npm to npm and that was my first npm publish, and it’ll be super meta
and awesome like that. It’d be a beautiful punchline.

Real life is sloppy sometimes.

I knew that I wanted npm to be able to accept abbreviated versions of
commands, so that npm inst would do the same thing as npm install.
(To this day, the friendly CLI shorthands are some of npm’s most
beloved features.)

The first thing I published to npm was abbrev.
I’d written it already, mostly as a sort of coding crossword
puzzle some… Saturday? Wednesday? All the days were pretty
identical during those two lazy/exhausting months of funemployment.

Since abbrev was only one module, no build command, it was
really easy to publish and install repeatedly. Ever since then, it’s
always been one of my go-to testing modules to make sure things are
working properly. Not only was it my first npm publish, it was
the first npm publish, and it was published probably dozens or
hundreds of times to http://localhost:5984/ while I was working on
npm. So, of course, when I had a registry running on my little
DreamHost instance, abbrev was the first thing I published to it.

The really wacky part: despite it being the first thing I’d published
with npm, I didn’t actually use abbrev in npm until 5 months
later. That whole time I
kept trying to figure out how to have proper dependencies in the thing
that installed dependencies. Eventually, I gave up and threw it in a
utils folder.

Looking back over abbrev now, it’s amazing to me how little it’s
changed. Most of the code is still that initial implementation from
May 2010.

The moral of the story is that you don’t know how it’s going to end.

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