
Energy clearings can radically change peoples’ lives.

In the video above, you can watch Christie Marie Sheldon perform an energy clearing session on Vishen Lakhiani shortly before his company, Mindvalley, took off.

And to give you some examples of the kind of things you can expect to happen in YOUR life, below are some letters we received from people describing their experience after a clearing session:

“Christie’s meditation changed my attitude and opened many doors for me.”

Christie’s meditation changed my attitude, which in turn opened many doors for me. When the business my husband and I worked for was sold, we lost two jobs and a home in one fell swoop. That same week, my husband drove hundreds of miles to attend the funeral of his beloved aunt, his third family member loss in a year, not to mention our dog. We were both down, to say the least.

I practiced Christie’s Ball of Light meditation and joined her webinar to erase blocks. Wow! After struggling for months seeking a low-cost rental in an expensive resort town, one appeared within 7 minutes of starting the meditation. It’s the perfect place to live while we regroup and refocus our lives, and the price is unbelievable.

Then, I traveled to California to visit my mom on Mother’s Day and other family members. Coming home, the airline asked if anyone was flexible and could give up their seat for reimbursement. With no job, I jumped at the chance and earned a $600 credit voucher plus free motel room. The next day, I sat at the airport waiting my flight and meditated using Christie’s “Love” meditation. Once again, the airline was overbooked and they were seeking someone “flexible” to give up their seat. I did this four flights in a row within a 24-hour period and earned a total of $3,000 in free flight vouchers!!!!

I wish I could afford to attend all of her monthly classes, but the money I’m visualizing has yet to reach me. I have no doubt it will. Christie is unlike any other teacher I’ve known. She’s open, down-to-earth and a joy to experience. I highly recommend her to anyone who can afford her.

~ Constance See

“It has been miracle after miracle after miracle showing up in my life”

My goal for this course was to create the feelings of freedom and independence, and the confidence to know that I deserve to be self-sufficient.

Let me say… my life has changed overnight! It has been miracle after miracle after miracle showing up in my life! I can’t believe everything that has happened! My life has totally turned around for the better and I can’t believe my own eyes! I only started this course three weeks ago and my dreams are already manifesting.

I’ve been accepted to the University of Colorado and have registered for classes when I didn’t think it was possible. I received $13,500 in financial aid (!!!), I won a settlement at a court hearing… I’m not sure how much I’m going to get yet, but my lawyer thinks it will be around $20,000 PLUS a $700 monthly stipend for 18 months!

And guess what else? Today, I bought the car of my dreams and I DEFINITELY didn’t think THAT was possible! It’s so much better than I ever imagined! I can’t believe it’s real!

I feel like a completely new person after only three weeks! I’m not even half-way through the course! I can’t wait to see what other wonderful things miraculously show up in my life!!! I am living a magical, wondrous, exciting life!!!

~ Melanie Porter

“I feel that it is urgent and imperative for people to work with this program”

My health has improved instantly – after listening to the first webinar; I have reunited with an estranged sister and my financial abundance is starting to clear. I know and feel that this is the most important and incredible program that an individual could be involved with.

My family members and many friends have now been involved in this and part of my intent is to be able to fund this program for as many families as possible. I have been involved as a practitioner, in the fields of Energy Frequency healing and Life Mentoring for 50 years and in all that time have never come across a program as powerful as Christie and her Abundance and Love or Above programs.

I feel that it is urgent and imperative for people to work with this program before they do anything else… then everything else will work!!

~ Marrienne de Blois

“It is a great opportunity to release any kind of blocks”

I don’t even know how to start telling the benefits and the blessings that Unlimited Abundance is bringing into my life. I’ve decided to start my own swimwear business, more and more people are showing up to help me open up the business, meanwhile a new position with a better pay at my job opened up and I’m having a interview this coming Thursday.

It is a great opportunity to release any kind of blocks and belief systems that are holding you back from being who you are supposed to be financially, emotionally and physically.

~ Adriana Cezar

“I feel blessed and in tune with the universe”

I am so grateful to Christie and can’t wait to learn more from her. I would absolutely recommend the course to others and actually have already! Christie’s generosity shines through and I am grateful to her for sharing her knowledge. I know this won’t be the last product that I purchase from Christie.

~ Sandra Allagapen

Christie is hosting a FREE online training on August 11th on Mindvalley Academy. If you feel like there’s something stopping you from letting abundance flow into your life, you do not want to miss this! Choose your session below to sign up.

Sign Up To Join Christie Marie And Enjoy A Breakthrough In Your Abundance

This Online Training is absolutely FREE and takes place on Tuesday, August 11th, 2015.

Choose your preferred session to attend:

US & Asia: Tuesday, August 11th, 6PM PST

Europe: Tuesday, August 11th, 7PM London Time

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Look out for emails from us soon.

The post Crazy Things Happened To These People After An Energy Clearing… appeared first on Mindvalley Academy.

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