
Customer experience expert Jeanne Bliss joined us for a webinar where she took an in-depth look at one of her key customer leadership competencies: alignment around experience. You can watch it now.

Chief Customer Officer 2.0

In Jeanne’s new book, “Chief Customer Officer 2.0: How to Build Your Customer-Driven Growth Engine,” she provides a roadmap to achieve success with the CCO core competencies, and how to drive transformational customer experience change across the business, breaking down silos.

We love this book so much that we ran a competition to give away 50 copies. We had so many entries (way more than we had books to give!) so Jeanne kindly offered to talk about some of her ideas from the book in a webinar that everyone could attend.

Alignment around experience

In this webinar, Jeanne discusses her ideas behind the five customer leadership competencies that she outlines in her book, and delves into one of the core competencies: alignment around experience.

In CCO 2.0, Jeanne describes what alignment around experience does:

[This competency] gives leaders a framework for guiding the work of the organisation; requiring cross-silo accountability to deliver deliberate customer experiences.

In the webinar, Jeanne shows you how to put this into practice in your organization and how to use it to build a customer-driven growth engine.

You can watch a recording of this webinar at any time here.

#Webinar – Build your customer-driven growth engine with @JeanneBliss #custexp #cx
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About Jeanne Bliss

Jeanne Bliss is the Founder and President of CustomerBliss, and the Co-Founder of The Customer Experience Professionals Association. She is the author of the groundbreaking books, “Chief Customer Officer”, “I Love You More than My Dog: Five Decisions that Drive Extreme Customer Loyalty in Good Times and Bad”, and her latest book, “Chief Customer Officer 2.0”, published in June 2015.

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