
By Kelly Myers

All the blogs in the series this far have been based on Google Analytics and your Raven Tools account. However, for this post, I want to chat about your outbound marketing through MailChimp. Or, if you’re an E2 user, I’ll briefly touch on what outbound marketing through E2 looks like.

MailChimp is the default platform Integrity Marketing Solutions uses for your monthly email newsletter (eNews) to be sent out. We believe MailChimp is the best route to sending eNewsletters because of its clean layout, easy to read reports, customizable templates and automated campaigns, which are all free of charge! As mentioned, your eNews is sent out monthly and automatically. All you have to do is approve your eNews template during the on-boarding process and submit your Welcome Message in a timely manner, if you so choose to have a custom welcome message.

After each eNews is sent, a report will be generated by MailChimp. To access this report, start by logging into MailChimp, then simply navigate to the Reports page which can be seen in the top navigation bar. From the Reports page you can view Subscriber Quantity and Open and Clicks for each month's eNews distribution. To view more details, click the View Report button to the right of the campaign. Then, you can view individual information about who opened, clicked, bounced and unsubscribed, as well as the top links clicked through the eNews and the subscribers with the most opens.

The legal industry standards for performance in a monthly eNews are as follows:

% Opened               22.42%

% Clicked                  3.08%

% Unsubscribed    0.83%

If you meet or exceed the % Opened, % Clicked and % Unsubscribed, then we know your email campaigns are performing well! If not, they might need some work.

Without an effective eNews list, your marketing will not perform effectively. It’s important to add new quality emails each month to grow your list slowly and make up for unsubscribed or bounced emails.

If you’re an E2 User, much of the previously stated information can be applicable to you too! However, your information can be found in the Blog Digest and eNews groups of your E2 account. Simply hover over the Communicate tab on your top navigation and select Track Email. From there, you’ll be able to select which Blog Digest or eNews you’d like to track from the Drip Campaigns tab.

Outbound marketing, such as a monthly eNews, plays a large role in in your overall marketing performance. An eNews can drive traffic to your website, inform clients about Estate Planning and Elder Law and possibly lead to a consultation request. Because outbound marketing is impactful, you’ll want to keep an eye on these reports and track your results.

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