
Do you eat communities for breakfast? Or do you know someone who does? Then celebrate Community Manager Appreciation Day with us by spreading community happiness and sending personal #CMAD postcards! Go to www.happycmad.com and create your own!

At InSites Consulting, we launch 200 communities per year and we want to thank our community managers for making it happen. Communities may feel like a roller coaster at times – facilitating emotional situations, connecting with participants 24/7, dealing with ever-changing priorities and analyzing big piles of data – so we think it is very important to celebrate today and to say thank you!

For this special occasion, a Google Hangout was organized on research communities. Next to other thought leaders of the industry, our very own Tom De Ruyck shared his vision on topics such as ‘What role does market research have in online communities? and ‘How important is the role of a ‘community manager’ within an online research community?’. Discover more CMAD events online!

Tweetaway: Happy #CMAD! Create your personal celebration card and send it to your community manager insit.es/1erHMLP #insites

Tweetaway: You eat communities for breakfast! Happy #CMAD insit.es/1erHMLP by @InSites www.happycmad.com

Tweetaway: You can manage my community any day! Happy #CMAD insit.es/1erHMLP by @InSites www.happycmad.com

Tweetaway: I won’t tell anyone where you check the community! Happy #CMAD insit.es/1erHMLP by @InSites www.happycmad.com

Tweetaway: No thread is impossible for the community manager! Happy #CMAD insit.es/1erHMLP by @InSites www.happycmad.com


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