
At Indeed, our goal is to help people get jobs while ensuring the safety, privacy of job seekers. This requires that every job meet standards of accessibility, transparency, and honesty. Helping employers and recruiters understand these requirements is a necessary first step toward both a great job seeker experience and great hiring outcomes for companies.

In February, Indeed will augment existing search quality programs with new, ongoing strategies to make sure all jobs on Indeed meet standards for quality. This effort will include a large scale review of job listings. Jobs that violate our guidelines will be subject to a number of actions, including removal from Indeed search results.

What Is a High-Quality Job?

The gold standard for high-quality listings on Indeed is summed up in our guidelines for organic inclusion. Organic jobs are the free listings that make up the bulk of Indeed search results. “Organic inclusion” refers to the standards these listings meet in order to appear to job seekers. Organic listings meet the highest benchmarks for user experience and are notable for the degree of original, verifiable detail about both the job being offered and the hiring company.

Jobs that don’t meet Indeed standards for organic inclusion may be subject to review and require additional information from the hiring company. Listings that prove misleading or compromise the job seeker experience may be made only selectively visible or removed from search results altogether. The following guidelines will help you ensure that your jobs appear in Indeed search results.

Do’s and Don’ts for Indeed Job Listings

Don’t use offensive content. Would a reasonable person consider any aspect of your listing inappropriate or offensive?  If so, the visibility of your job may be affected.

Specifics, not clickbait. Make your job title the name of the particular job as it might appear on a business card, with no extra information or eye-catching gimmicks. Job descriptions should include the particulars a qualified candidate would search as well as other details you think are important.

Don’t use job content that isn’t yours. Each job that appears on Indeed must be offered by an authorized representative of the company seeking to fill a position.

Offer a real job. Indeed is a search engine for jobs. Non-job content–including spam, scams and other offers–will not be shown to job seekers.

Don’t try to game the system. Like other search engines, Indeed uses algorithms to provide the freshest, most relevant content in response to searches. Listings that attempt to exploit these principles by reposting roles within a short timeframe or posting roles in more locations than the job is offered for increased visibility will not be given the same visibility as a more relevant job..

Tell the truth. Job seekers deserve to know the true details of your job, including its location, duties and whether the job is being offered by the hiring company or by a recruiter on the company’s behalf.

Use Indeed to fill a job, not a pipeline. Indeed is an invaluable tool for recruiters, but each posting should represent a real and currently available job. Attracting applicants for future possible matching opportunities is not an honest use of a posting.

Don’t discriminate. Jobs on Indeed must be made available to qualified candidates regardless of age, race, gender and sexual orientation. There may be specific exemptions for some kind of jobs, but you will need to show you fall into those exemptions

Pay reliably and fairly. Jobs that people find on Indeed should have hourly or salaried wages and may not cost the candidate anything to apply, interview and begin work.

Make application accessible and transparent. Job seekers should not have to navigate through complicated steps to begin the application process.

Treat candidates with respect. Applicants should hear back from companies to which they apply and if they are invited to interview, they should be updated on their status in/at  reasonable intervals. Most importantly, the privacy of the job seeker is paramount and information you get in the application process should be safeguarded.

The vast majority of companies whose jobs appear on Indeed provide quality job content for fair and verifiable opportunities. Our goal is to prepare all companies to recruit successfully on Indeed by shedding some light on what we look for in a job listing. The guidelines above are meant to help companies understand what kind of jobs can appear in job seeker search results on Indeed.

Please note: We cannot give every reason why a job or a company may be removed, and we always retain the right to undertake such a removal if we feel it is in our interest or our users’ interest.

Look for more information about search quality at Indeed on Indeed Blog or email jobquality@indeed.com if you have questions about how these guidelines apply to your jobs.

The post Getting Your Job on Indeed: The Do’s and Don’ts appeared first on Indeed Blog.

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