Whether you know a lot about wine, or simply enjoy drinking it, Huon Hooke’s free Wine Guide app is your trusted friend in the wine aisle, or at your table in a restaurant.
Redesigned from the ground up, with more powerful free wine content than any other app:
- Free star ratings for 35,000 wines
- Free price benchmarks to see if you are getting a good deal
- Every wine ranked to its peers - often more insightful than a rating
- Top Drops under $25, taken from 400-700 new wines tasted monthly
It also has some cool new and improved features, such as:
- Directory style browsing of wines by region, variety, style, price
- Super-fast search lets you find a wine quickly when looking at a restaurant list or in a shop
- Keep track of the wines you drink with “My Wines”
Huon Hooke has personally reviewed almost 35,000 wines, with 400-700 new reviews added each month to keep you up to date with the latest wines on the market. Wines are rated blind, so you get Huon’s honest and unbiased opinion.
So, get connected to your joy of wine on your iPhone free to download from the iTunes store HERE.
As a paying HuonHooke.com subscriber you get access to Huon’s point ratings and read reviews. You can subscribe to our subscription plan at Huonhooke.com/subscribe or via in-app subscription on the iPhone.
It’s the ideal companion to confidently cruise the mountainous amounts of wine on retail shelves with, or browse encyclopedic wine lists in restaurants and find the wine that best suits your taste, budget and occasion with a touch of your iPhone screen.