Most companies approach hiring part-time people the same way they did 10 years ago: Place an ad on Craigslist. Wait. Get a flood of poor quality applicants. Interview a few. Hire someone. Figure out quickly they aren’t the best choice. Start all over again.
Frustrating! (Not to mention a waste of time and money).
We’ve got five cheats you can use to hire quality part-time people quickly and easily. You’ll not only get away with it, but win!
1. Know what candidates want
When you’re looking to fill a position, you know what you need. What most employers don’t know is what candidates want. By considering what a candidate wants (we’re talking things like hours, schedule, pay rate and distance from home), you can focus on people whose wants are a good fit for your current opening. No need to bring in that person who wants to work weekends for your Monday–Friday position.
So how do you figure out what candidates want? HipHire can help with that. We collect the candidate’s wants, and then rank candidates whose wants meet your needs.
2. Look in the right places
This is a two part cheat. You want to be in the right place AND you want to be looking. So where’s the right place? Not old school job boards. You want to be where quality candidates set up profiles. You want to be some place dedicated to part-time employment. Hmm . . . that sounds a lot like HipHire.
Once you’re in the right place, good people can find you. And here’s the key to step up your hiring practices: you can seek them out. Don’t wait for the best people to knock on your virtual door. Let them know you’re interested. HipHire makes it easy with our I’m Interested feature. If they’re interested too, it’s easy for them to let you know so you can make a match.
3. Don’t pay a lot
Worried that the job search will be expensive? Don’t. While the cost to your company of bringing new employees onboard adds up fast, there are a couple of easy ways to keep costs down. One is to hire right the first time to end the seemingly endless hiring cycle. That means attracting quality candidates and making a good match (see #1 & 2).
Another way to make the process more affordable is to cut down on the cost of posting the job and connecting with candidates. HipHire doesn’t charge to post an opening, nor does it charge if people click through. With HipHire, you pay only a small fee for each quality connection made. See how we stack up against others for cost here.
How do you cheat when you’re #hiring?
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4. Let someone else do the grunt work for you
Have you gone bleary eyed looking through resumes and applications in the past? There’s a better way. Instead of wasting time wading through folks who are poor fits for your opening, let HipHire find the people who fit your needs—and rank them by how well they fit—so you can make good choices about who to interview.
You’ll find better fits with less time and energy, so you’re less likely to make a bad hire just to get somebody, anybody to fill your opening.
5. Keep it simple
A complex hiring process isn’t a better hiring process. In fact, a streamlined process helps you get people onboard faster and gives you a better chance at nabbing top candidates. Take a look at your hiring process and see what you could combine, cut out, or shorten.
At HipHire we know the value of your time, so we’ve streamlined our systems so you can start connecting fast. Go ahead, look around without even entering a profile. When you’re ready to get down to business, enter a bit of info and you’ll be just a few clicks away from starting your matchmaking process. It’s really that easy (take a look).
Hiring part-time people doesn’t have to be a drag. If you’re stuck back in the cave days of hiring for part-time positions, these cheats will catch you up—and let you get ahead.
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How to Cheat Hiring Part-time People (and get away with it)
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