The Conservative Action Project has released a “Memo to the Movement” on the state of religious liberty in the United States.
The project was founded by former Attorney General Edwin Meese and includes leaders of over 100 organizations in the conservative movement.
The signatories urge that “we must act now to protect religious liberty in America.”
They criticized the Supreme Court’s decision on Obergefell v. Hodges, which legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states.
The decision, they said, “stripped more than 50 million Americans of their votes.”
“The court’s ruling fundamentally transforms the relationship between the American people and those in power,” they said. “Justice Alito noted this reality in his dissent: ‘Most Americans—understandably—will cheer or lament today’s decision because of their views on the issue of same-sex marriage. But all Americans, whatever their thinking on that issue, should worry about what the majority’s claim of power portends.’”
They called the ruling “abuse of power” of “historic proportions.”
The letter also says that the fine and gag order placed on Aaron and Melissa Klein after they declined to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding ceremony demonstrates an “assault on our most essential freedoms.”
“We stand united for the freedom to live according to one’s beliefs about marriage. And we will continue to speak courageously, and compassionately about the unchanging truth of marriage as the union of a man and a woman,” the writers conclude.
Signatories include Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, businessman and former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain and Rabbi Daniel Lapin, the president of the American Alliance of Jews and Christians.
Below is the complete list of signatories. Their organizations have been included for identification purposes only.
Edwin Meese III
Former Attorney General under President Ronald Reagan
Becky Norton Dunlop
Chairman of CAP and former White House Advisor to President Ronald Reagan
Tony Perkins
President of the Family Research Council
Kenneth Blackwell
Chairman of Constitutional Congress, Inc.
William L. Walton
Vice President of the Council for National Policy
Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin (Ret.)
Executive Vice President of the Family Research Council
Alfred S. Regnery
Chairman of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund
Bob McEwen
Executive Director of the Council for National Policy
Colin A. Hanna
President of Let Freedom Ring, Inc.
Erick Erickson
Michael A. Needham
Chief Executive Officer of Heritage Action for America
Brent Bozell III
Chairman of ForAmerica
Susan A. Carleson
Chairman and CEO of American Civil Rights Union
Austin Ruse
President of the Center for Family & Human Rights
Bill Dallas
CEO of United in Purpose
Rabbi Daniel Lapin
President of the American Alliance of Jews and Christians
Everett Piper
President of Oklahoma Wesleyan University
Somers H. White CPAE, FIMC
Former Arizona State Senator
Grace-Marie Turner
President of the Galen Institute
Floyd Brown
Western Center for Journalism
Dr. Rick Scarborough
President of Vision America Action
Herman Cain
President and CEO of
Ralph J. Benko
Chairman of Center for Civic Virtue
Gary L. Bauer
President of American Values
Frank Schubert
President of Mission Public Affairs, LLC
Gary Marx
Senior Partner of Madison Strategies
Edward Whelan
President of the Ethics and Public Policy Center
David W. Preston
Executive Director of the Oklahoma Wesleyan University Foundation
Bradley Mattes
President of Life Issues Institute
Kevin Kookogey
Linchpins of Liberty
Nadine Maenza
Executive Director of Patriot Voices
Terrence Scanlon
President of the Capital Research Center
Ron Robinson
President of the Young America’s Foundation
Mario H. Lopez
President of the Hispanic Leadership Fund
Charles J. Cooper
Cooper & Kirk, PLLC
Curt Levey
President of The Committee for Justice
Donna Hearne
CEO of the Constitutional Coalition
Jerry A. Johnson
President and CEO of National Religious Broadcasters
Ronald Cameron
Chairman of the Mountaire Corporation
Ted Baehr
Publisher of Movieguide(r)
Chairman of Christian Film & Television
Kelly Shackelford
President, CEO and Chief Counsel of the Liberty Institute
James C. Miller III
Former Director of OMB under President Ronald Reagan
Kenneth Cribb Jr.
Former Domestic Advisor to President Ronald Reagan
Rebecca Hagelin
Member of the Board of Directors of Family Talk
Leslee J. Unruh
Founder of the National Abstinence Clearinghouse and Alpha Center
Dr. Allen D. Unruh
Co-Founder of the National Abstinence Clearinghouse
Penny Y. Nance
President and CEO of Concerned Women for America
Morton Blackwell
Chairman of The Weyrich Lunch
Joel Anand Samy
Co-Founder and President of the International Leaders Summit
Larry L. Eastland
Former Staff Assistant to President Ford
Kirby A. Wilbur
Executive Director of the National Journalism Center
Donald J. Devine
Senior Scholar of The Fund for American Studies
John Taylor
President of the Virginia Institute for Public Policy
Tom DeLay
Former Majority Leader
Richard A. Viguerie
Chairman of
Cleta Mitchell
Joseph A. Morris
Morris & De La Rosa
Marc Rotterman
Former Treasurer of the ACU
Founding President of the John Locke Foundation
Senior Fellow of the John Locke Foundation
Andrea S. Lafferty
President of the Traditional Values Coalition
Peter Thomas
Chairman of Americans for Constitutional Liberty
R. Jerry Grossman
Co-founder of the Great Falls Philosophical Forum
Craig Shirley
Reagan Biographer
Elaine Donnelly
President of the Center for Military Readiness
Belden Bell
U.S. Ambassador (Ret.)
Thomas S. Winter
Jim Backlin
Christian Coalition of America
Bill Simon Jr.
Co-Chairman of William E. Simon & Sons LLC
Richard Gaby
Founder and CEO of A K Rikk’s
Barbara Van Andel-Gaby
Owner/Board of Trustees of Alticor Inc.
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