
NameJet.com is the Goldnames favorite website where to place domain name backorders. Day by day “we” try the best to prepare a compact list of pre-drop domain names. This takes a lot of time and energy. Names selection is done following a certain rules and strategy. Thousand and thousand domain names are dropping each day, the main task is a skilled squeezing of everydays huge drop list. It doesn’t automatically mean that at the output side you will see the ideal domain name to backorder. It’s just a vision of Goldnames with pre-filtered domain names, some of them may have value, some may not. You need to do a final analyze yourself to gather the names you like. Few words about the process as a whole: compiling and squeezing is performed manually, with the help of FreshDrop.com website (still prefer the old classical web interface and it’s available, ask support). Finally the domain names are sorted in descending order by an age. Order of sorting is due to the fact that older names usually have more weight, because they are registered long time ago in the past. But absolutly everything count, not the age alone, backlinks, Google page rank, Dmoz listing, website history, domain itself, and so on

You always have the option to choose what you like.

Welcome and Enjoy!


Pending delete domain names:

creative-tech.com 1995 creative tech

blackhawkgeo.com 1995 black hawk geo

decoint.com 1996 decoint

foxstrategies.com 1997 fox strategies

singer-songwriter.com 1997 singer songwriter

battlearea.com 1998 battle area

michiganstateuniversity.net 1999 michigan state university

universityofmichigan.net 1999 university of michigan

e-nc.com 1999 e-nc

sgda.net 1999 sgda

certifiedpublicaccountants.net 1999 certified public accountants

milliondollarsmiles.com 1999 million dollar smiles

websitedesignandmarketing.com 1999 website design and marketing

faglia.com 1999 faglia

giocolandia.com 1999 giocolandia

equal5.com 1999 equal5

accountspecialist.com 1999 account specialist

asianartist.com 1999 asian artist

asianartists.com 1999 asian artists

pharmavision.com 1999 pharmavision

cicak.net 1999 cicak

triathlet.net 1999 triathlet

gayinspain.com 1999 gay in spain

dvconsultant.com 2000 dv consultant

dvconsultants.com 2000 dv consultants

southamfamily.com 2000 southam family

kingdomlifeministries.net 2000 kingdom life ministries

cosag.com 2000 cosag

nwfd.com 2000 nwfd LLLL.com

sevenbox.com 2000 sevenbox

simf.com 2000 simf LLLL.com

prosolva.com 2000 prosolva

squaremind.com 2000 squaremind

freeonlinevirusscan.com 2001 free online virus scan

keywordsuggestiontool.com 2001 keyword suggestion tool

visitbornholm.com 2001 visit bornholm

hypersat.com 2001 hypersat

robocops.com 2001 robocops

whozit.com 2001 whozit

makx.com 2001 makx LLLL.com

mintbell.com 2001 mintbell

elettronico.net 2001 elettronico

fukugyo.com 2001 fukugyo

questions-answers.com 2001 questions answers

besthills.com 2001 best hills

optologie.net 2001 optologie

free-web.net 2001 free web

optomedia.com 2001 optomedia

barcelonarental.com 2001 barcelona rental

brainbubble.com 2001 brain bubble

redmooseinn.com 2001 red moose inn

c-system.com 2001 c-system

turbotraffic.net 2001 turbo traffic

mortgage-insurance.net 2001 mortgage insurance

gdwd.com 2001 gdwd LLLL.com

mountainaccess.com 2001 mountain access

creativeroom.net 2002 creative room

nickmead.com 2002 nick mead

animecube.com 2002 animecube

highschoollife.com 2002 highschool life

magnetwire.net 2002 magnetwire

schadenfreiheitsrabatt.net 2002 schadenfreiheitsrabatt

hash-bash.com 2002 hash bash

avepro.com 2002 avepro

kennzahlen.com 2002 kennzahlen (indicators)

fullpoker.com 2002 fullpoker

erziehungsgeld.net 2002 erziehungsgeld (education money)

mobilecontract.com 2002 mobile contract

pinktoilet.com 2002 pink toilet

rabka-zdroj.com 2002 rabka zdroj

gennex.net 2002 gennex

big-c.com 2003 big-c

arabexperts.com 2003 arab experts

arabicactress.com 2003 arabic actress

arabiclinguist.com 2003 arabic linguist

agentdirectory.net 2003 agent directory

cool-websites.com 2003 cool websites

mattcarson.net 2003 matt carson

djelf.com 2003 dj elf

campusone.net 2003 campus one

sex-therapist.com 2003 sex therapist

tedlab.com 2003 ted lab

egoldshop.com 2003 eGoldShop

easygolftravel.com 2003 easy golf travel

ghostnation.com 2003 ghost nation

ruzomberok.com 2003 Ružomberok, town is north Slovakia

wellnessclasses.com 2003 wellness classes

babyandkid.com 2003 baby and kid

mytop5.net 2003 my top5

mrmf.net 2003 mrmf

elfclub.net 2003 elf club

kosherblog.net 2003 kosher blog

bloodpressurecheck.com 2003 blood pressure check

bahrain-financial.com 2003 bahrain financial

truebluecard.com 2003 true blue card

budgety.com 2003 budgety

montenegrotoday.com 2003 montenegro today

socialnetworkguide.com 2003 social network guide

anti-fan.com 2003 anti fan

savingmoneyexpert.com 2003 saving money expert

xunj.com 2003 xunj LLLL.com

pcflowersandgifts.com 2004 pc flowers and gifts

temporaryinternet.com 2004 temporary internet

blogbaster.com 2004 blogbaster

srilankafund.com 2004 sri lanka fund

aggrego.net 2004 aggrego

medtex.net 2004 medtex

drolly.com 2004 dr olly

92578.com 2004 NNNNN.com 92578

communityresourcegroup.com 2004 community resource group

gps-fun.com 2004 gps fun

timberandstone.net 2004 timber and stone

sharonhawk.com 2004 sharon hawk

my-mayday.com 2004 my mayday

marcogalli.com 2005 marco galli

buyservicesonline.com 2005 buy services online

ricardoandrade.com 2005 ricardo and rade

marketingsacramento.com 2005 marketing sacramento

rozoo.com 2005 rozoo

sihirlikupa.com 2005 sihirli kupa

pixelmemory.com 2005 pixel memory

camcorders.tv 2005 camcorders

mydrivinginstructor.com 2005 my driving instructor

heartandsoulnutrition.com 2005 heart and soul nutrition

icdk.com 2005 icdk LLLL.com

dllc.net 2005 dllc

quaedam.com 2005 quaedam

verticalwindtunnel.net 2005 vertical wind tunnel

meetdesi.com 2005 meet desi

yakona.com 2005 yakona

photolessons.net 2005 photolessons

draustin.net 2005 dr austin

internethalloffame.net 2005 internet hall of fame

shopconsultant.com 2005 shop consultant

crystalstore.net 2005 crystal store

triehouse.com 2005 trie house

kulak.info 2005 kulak

ardice.net 2005 ardice

mrki.net 2005 mrki

poker-rooms.net 2005 poker rooms

logopedia.info 2005 logopedia

workonlinejobs.com 2005 work online jobs

blogolandia.com 2006 blogolandia

sonic-computer.com 2006 sonic computer

bestpricetoday.com 2006 best price today

jaspermoon.com 2006 jasper moon

greenmanufacturer.com 2006 green manufacturer

votecooper.com 2006 vote cooper

pinspotter.com 2006 pin spotter

lebaro.com 2006 lebaro

mauritiushoneymoon.com 2006 mauritius honeymoon

chefmimi.com 2006 chef mimi

socialgreek.com 2006 social greek

jamiedimon.net 2006 jamie dimon

streamvideos.net 2006 stream videos

restaurant-strasbourg.net 2006 restaurant strasbourg

dekome.com 2007 dekome

detoxhome.com 2007 detox home

kidsguitar.net 2007 kids guitar

bobrov.net 2007 bobrov

72271.com 2007 NNNNN.com 72271

fantasyhoop.com 2007 fantasy hoop

bamboosecret.com 2007 bamboo secret

mygateway.net 2007 my gateway

travelbully.net 2007 travel bully

conu.net 2007 conu CVCV.net

shaleman.com 2007 shaleman

runshark.com 2008 runshark

twostore.com 2008 two store

greenliberal.com 2008 green liberal

caremoms.com 2008 caremoms

bestguitartuner.com 2008 best guitar tuner

medicalmarijuanadirectory.com 2008 medical marijuana directory

whoac.com 2009 whoac

tekija.com 2009 tekija

cambar.net 2009 cambar

74598.com 2009 NNNNN.com 74598

martinscorsese.com 2009 martin scorsese

39034.com 2009 NNNNN.com 39034

dreva.net 2009 dreva

oziland.com 2010 oziland

blacklistit.com 2010 blacklist it

itearn.com 2010 itearn

freenation.tv 2010 free nation

standpunkt.net 2010 standpunkt

dogsandwich.com 2010 dog sandwich

onemogul.com 2010 one mogul

mgsf.net 2010 mgsf

itsallaboutthestory.com 2010 it’s all about the story

casualcoin.com 2011 casual coin

mologram.com 2011 mologram

namerouter.com 2011 namerouter

andma.com 2011 andma

cosmomusic.net 2011 cosmomusic

iffie.com 2011 iffie

whitelevel.net 2011 white level

djwind.com 2011 dj wind

directball.com 2011 direct ball

startupstate.com 2011 startup state

olympic-valley.com 2011 olympic valley

autobnb.com 2011 auto bnb

mamaspot.com 2011 mamaspot

stunningstays.com 2011 stunning stays

happysoulrichmind.com 2011 happy soul rich mind

indonesia-community.com 2012 indonesia community

peachseed.com 2012 peach seed

sleepangel.net 2012 sleep angel

hotelasia.net 2012 hotel asia

newhits.net 2012 new hits

seoin.net 2012 seo in

europanel.net 2012 europanel

smallstart.net 2012 small start

studiochef.net 2012 studio chef

bronzetravel.com 2012 bronze travel

platinumin.com 2012 platinum in

Domain auctions, domains for sale, Flippa, Sedo, Godaddy, …

Want a link to your external “domain auction”, “make offer” or “buy now” listing?

Want to advertise domain names and websites on Goldnames blog?

Contact us by email info(goldnames)com

Easybiz.com – Make offer
Organico.com – Make offer
Veterinar.net – Make offer

LuckyDog.net – Buy now
EASYBIZ.com – Make offer
ORGANICO.com – Make offer
BIZGO.com – Make offer
SEBE.com – Make offer
GEES.com – Make offer
ABSU.com – Buy now
ACDO.com – Buy now
DNWK.com – Buy now
FIXP.com – Buy now
RROM.com – Buy now
RPOL.com – Buy now
CABD.com – Buy now
TSNC.com – Buy now
OACO.com – Buy now


Domains for sale, most wanted domain names, expired domain names, pre-delete domain names, pending delete domains, pre-drop domains, drop domains list, domain backorder, domain backordering, domain backorders, Domain Registrar, Pending Delete, Registrant Name, Admin Name, Admin Email, Name Server, DNS, DNSSEC, pending delete domain names, Namejet, Name Jet, Snapnames, Godaddy, Afternic, Freshdrop, Sedo, Enom, backorderzone, Pool, Pheenix, Network Solutions, Tucows, Moniker, Dynadot, Fabulous, RU-Center, Escrow, Estibot, Domaining, Domain tools, Deleting Domain Names, domain appraisal, webmaster, backorder request, Dropping domain names, Domain drop, Domain Name Registration‎, Domain Hosting, Web Hosting, domain broker, domain auction, Google page rank, WHOIS, Creation Date, Updated Date, Domain Status, Expiry Date, State, Province, City, Phone, Street, scheduled for release, DMOZ, open directory project, Yahoo, Yandex, SoSo, PR10 PR9 PR8 PR7 PR6 PR5 PR4 PR3 PR2 PR1 PR0 PR

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