
NameJet.com is the Goldnames favorite website where to place domain name backorders. Day by day “we” try the best to prepare a compact list of pre-drop domain names. This takes a lot of time and energy. Names selection is done following a certain rules and strategy. Thousand and thousand domain names are dropping each day, the main task is a skilled squeezing of everydays huge drop list. It doesn’t automatically mean that at the output side you will see the ideal domain name to backorder. It’s just a vision of Goldnames with pre-filtered domain names, some of them may have value, some may not. You need to do a final analyze yourself to gather the names you like. Few words about the process as a whole: compiling and squeezing is performed manually, with the help of FreshDrop.com website (still prefer the old classical web interface and it’s available, ask support). Finally the domain names are sorted in descending order by an age. Order of sorting is due to the fact that older names usually have more weight, because they are registered long time ago in the past. But absolutly everything count, not the age alone, backlinks, Google page rank, Dmoz listing, website history, domain itself, and so on

You always have the option to choose what you like.

Welcome and Enjoy!


Pending delete domain names:

beingthere.com 1994 being there

healthvillage.com 1996 health village

securityins.com 1996 security ins

becss.com 1997 becss 5L.com

archtec.com 1997 archtec

gotoflorida.com 1997 go to florida

prokote.com 1997 prokote

rmitchell.com 1998 r.mitchell

bancouno.com 1998 banco uno

bridgeservices.com 1998 bridge services

i-wish.com 1998 i-wish

services-online.com 1998 services online

slotszone.com 1998 slots zone

condoconnect.net 1999 condo connect

middletondolls.com 1999 middleton dolls

sterlingcircle.com 1999 sterling circle

induo.net 1999 induo

lvcv.net 1999 lvcv LV CV

pocketphoto.com 1999 pocket photo

st-george.net 1999 st-george

werthmann.com 1999 werthmann

ewirelesscommunication.com 1999 eWirelessCommunication

deersky.com 1999 deersky

religiousschool.com 2000 religious school

topinternetservices.com 2000 top internet services

hosthosting.com 2000 host hosting

alexcafe.com 2000 alex cafe

geile-frauen.com 2000 geile frauen

mitsukai.com 2000 mitsukai

laughinglamb.com 2000 laughing lamb

assafa.com 2000 assafa

bigbluecommunications.com 2000 big blue communications

cofx.com 2000 cofx LLLL.com

dancegarage.com 2000 dance garage

finnwall.com 2000 finn wall

connectingleaders.com 2000 connecting leaders

district14.com 2000 district 14

executivemanagementgroup.com 2000 executive management group

france-business.com 2000 france business

gesundaberget.com 2000 gesundaberget

maqamibrahim.com 2000 maqam ibrahim

filomania.net 2000 filomania

twistedspirit.com 2000 twisted spirit

vacationdvd.com 2000 vacation dvd

classicyachtrefinishing.com 2001 classic yacht refinishing

kiyoung.com 2001 kiyoung

canepadesign.com 2001 canepa design

heightmatters.com 2001 height matters

panorama-lounge.com 2001 panorama lounge

thaiwok.com 2001 thai wok

wordshops.com 2001 word shops

xlml.com 2001 xlml LLLL.com

jobcut.com 2002 job cut

smartfeatures.com 2002 smart features

southasianheritage.com 2002 south asian heritage

pashmina-shawl.com 2002 pashmina shawl

gillianrose.com 2002 gillian rose

theloangroup.com 2002 the loan group

cityonthemake.com 2002 city on the make

circostrada.net 2002 circostrada

martinandco.com 2002 martin and co

auctionsalberta.com 2002 auctions alberta

golfmart.net 2002 golfmart

slomo.net 2002 slomo

velocode.com 2002 velocode

aaunited.com 2002 aa united

aprylanddavid.com 2002 apryl and david

polizeistaat.net 2002 polizeistaat

beveragegroup.com 2002 beverage group

jochmann.com 2002 jochmann

sellyourcarforfree.com 2002 sell your car for free

shopworknplay.com 2002 shop work n play

ukrvodka.com 2003 ukr vodka

forexmanaged.com 2003 forex managed

mobile-themes.com 2003 mobile themes

sportvision.net 2003 sportvision

opengsm.net 2003 open gsm

85b.com 2003 85b

albinas.com 2003 albinas

j-p-g.com 2003 jpg

dirtwar.com 2003 dirt war

miafarrow.com 2003 mia farrow

proweld.com 2003 proweld

beautyoflife.net 2003 beauty of life

wurst24.com 2003 wurst24

dehip.com 2003 dehip CVCVC.com

tobusiness.net 2003 to business

zollberatung.com 2003 zollberatung

44445.com 2004 44445 NNNNN.com

hjkv.com 2004 hjkv LLLL.com

desinfecciones.com 2004 desinfecciones

gregalex.com 2004 greg alex

sherpanet.com 2004 sherpa net

secretsdechefs.com 2004 secrets de chefs

perpetualpeace.com 2004 perpetual peace

drgreen.net 2004 dr.green

dimensiontv.com 2004 dimension tv

realrobert.com 2004 real robert

amston.net 2004 amston

1132.net 2004 1132 NNNN.net

victorh.com 2004 victor.h

powermarket.net 2004 power market

whopaysyou.com 2004 who pays you

bobbydavis.com 2004 bobby davis

yourofficeassistant.com 2004 your office assistant

agoradns.com 2004 agora dns

jrnj.com 2004 jrnj LLLL.com

zumwohl.com 2005 zumwohl

vegiworld.com 2005 vegi world

runfasterjumphigher.com 2005 run faster jump higher

brexperts.com 2005 br experts

transpontes.com 2005 transpontes

expometal.com 2005 expometal

rarename.net 2005 rare name

kheq.com 2005 kheq LLLL.com

tribalism.net 2005 tribalism

dancerpro.com 2005 dancer pro

forbiddenmobile.com 2005 forbidden mobile

gphgroup.com 2005 gph group

translationtorussian.com 2005 translation to russian

alexchin.com 2005 alex chin

bulgariacares.com 2005 bulgaria cares

nuniversity.com 2005 nuniversity

wiltonhighschool.com 2005 wilton high school

notesandwords.com 2005 notes and words

inexecutive.com 2005 inexecutive

thelouis.com 2005 the louis

mygambling.net 2006 my gambling

onspotmedia.com 2006 on spot media

tantraspirit.net 2006 tantra spirit

watch2.com 2006 watch2

onelittlelamb.com 2006 one little lamb

bridgecapitalllc.com 2006 bridge capital llc

novartica.com 2006 novartica

kdconsult.com 2006 kd consult

funnymoon.com 2006 funny moon

birgitwagner.com 2006 birgit wagner

smallbusinessmarketingsolutions.com 2006 small business marketing solutions

religionwithoutborders.com 2006 religion without borders

goproductivity.com 2006 go productivity

shoppigmall.net 2006 shoppig mall

greenmountainhost.com 2006 green mountain host

multibon.com 2007 multibon

gpcar.com 2007 gpcar 5L.com

zombiedefence.com 2007 zombie defence

teasummit.com 2007 tea summit

curryjam.com 2007 curry jam

nysop.com 2007 nysop LLLLL.com

bigredcars.com 2007 big red cars

raah.net 2007 raah CVVC.net

easylift.net 2007 easy lift

allclub.net 2007 all club

sobaka.tv 2007 sobaka

topsolar.net 2007 top solar

makemoneylikeme.com 2007 make money like me

telcoapp.com 2008 telcoapp

muzey.net 2008 muzey

mobilepowerbank.com 2008 mobile powerbank

midnightmystery.com 2008 midnight mystery

movieblock.com 2008 movie block

interlol.com 2008 inter lol

thebabyathlete.com 2009 the baby athlete

strims.com 2010 strims

altimare.com 2011 altimare

sosaa.com 2011 sosaa 5L.com

dentistnearatlanta.com 2012 dentist near atlanta

defaultmanager.com 2012 default manager

einri.com 2012 einri 5L.com

currencymining.com 2013 currency mining

happycatcam.com 2013 happy cat cam

uberexecutive.com 2013 uber executive

telecomranking.com 2013 telecom ranking

cyber-soft.com 2013 cyber-soft

osad.net 2013 osad VCVC.net

86601.com 2013 86601 NNNNN.com

utoma.com 2013 u toma

sakasaka.net 2013 saka saka

domainpan.com 2013 domain pan


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Easybiz.com – Make offer
Organico.com – Make offer
Veterinar.net – Make offer

LuckyDog.net – Buy now
ABSU.com – Buy now
ACDO.com – Buy now
DNWK.com – Buy now
FIXP.com – Buy now
RROM.com – Buy now
RPOL.com – Buy now
CABD.com – Buy now
TSNC.com – Buy now
OACO.com – Buy now

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