
NameJet.com is the Goldnames favorite website where to place domain name backorders. Day by day “we” try the best to prepare a compact list of pre-drop domain names. This takes a lot of time and energy. Names selection is done following a certain rules and strategy. Thousand and thousand domain names are dropping each day, the main task is a skilled squeezing of everydays huge drop list. It doesn’t automatically mean that at the output side you will see the ideal domain name to backorder. It’s just a vision of Goldnames with pre-filtered domain names, some of them may have value, some may not. You need to do a final analyze yourself to gather the names you like. Few words about the process as a whole: compiling and squeezing is performed manually, with the help of FreshDrop.com website (still prefer the old classical web interface and it’s available, ask support). Finally the domain names are sorted in descending order by an age. Order of sorting is due to the fact that older names usually have more weight, because they are registered long time ago in the past. But absolutly everything count, not the age alone, backlinks, Google page rank, Dmoz listing, website history, domain itself, and so on

You always have the option to choose what you like.

Welcome and Enjoy!


Pending delete domain names:

bootheel.net 1996 bootheel

columbustour.com 1997 columbus tour

aesenergy.com 1997 aes energy

ecoinfo.com 1997 ecoinfo

pineywoodsgroup.com 1998 pineywoods group

chimpanzee.org 1998 chimpanzee

zeeo.com 1998 zeeo LLLL.com

professionalescrow.net 1998 professional escrow

genaudio.com 1999 genaudio

wildclick.com 1999 wildclick

erotic-movies.com 1999 erotic movies

londonlink.net 1999 london link

aviaplus.com 1999 avia plus

islandcasinos.com 1999 island casinos

lionhouse.com 1999 lion house

athur.com 2000 athur

cardboardrecyclers.com 2000 cardboard recyclers

my-place.com 2000 my place

samueltravel.com 2000 samuel travel

startup-university.com 2000 startup university

daytonconsulting.com 2000 dayton consulting

impulsivity.com 2000 impulsivity

e-img.com 2000 e-img

lasvegasinsurancequotes.com 2000 las vegas insurance quotes

mungmung.com 2000 mung mung

topir.com 2000 topir

rapid-quotes.com 2001 rapid quotes

corporaterating.com 2001 corporate rating

chartergroups.com 2001 charter groups

tibetphotos.com 2001 tibet photos

chanceinternational.com 2001 chance international

luthermartin.com 2001 luther martin

polarblog.com 2001 polar blog

mirastro.com 2001 mirastro

lesnoy.com 2001 lesnoy

stocksolution.com 2001 stock solution

sotest.com 2002 sotest

remove-spyware.com 2002 remove spyware

miratio.com 2002 miratio

super-funds.com 2002 super funds

shopping-planet.com 2002 shopping planet

dallaschurch.com 2002 dallas church

polosport.net 2002 polo sport

koreawave.com 2002 korea wave

masmadera.com 2002 masmadera

registeryour.com 2002 register your

prozessoren.net 2002 prozessoren

timewall.com 2002 timewall

userdomain.com 2002 user domain

universitychiropractic.com 2002 university chiropractic

arcatarealestate.com 2003 arcata realestate

beijingsites.com 2003 beijing sites

scriptwood.com 2003 scriptwood

buttonzone.com 2003 button zone

solar-eyes.com 2003 solar eyes

essport.com 2003 essport

jzsy.com 2003 jzsy LLLL.com

star-agency.com 2003 star agency

otus.net 2003 otus VCVC.net

democracyfest.com 2004 democracy fest

metabet.com 2004 metabet

ontiltpoker.com 2004 ontilt poker

beljenjezob.com 2004 beljenje zob

farradomani.com 2004 farra domani

hoteleseuropa.com 2004 hoteles europa

andyandjess.com 2004 andy and jess

mediacorner.net 2004 media corner

bootserver.com 2004 boot server

royalfirm.com 2004 royal firm

planetalpha.com 2004 planet alpha

cinemawire.com 2005 cinema wire

isaakweb.com 2005 isaak web

jugendtelefon.com 2005 jugend telefon

comino.net 2005 comino

granmaster.com 2005 granmaster

makupala.com 2005 makupala

mixunlimited.com 2005 mix unlimited

cityrocket.net 2005 city rocket

ladiesacademy.com 2005 ladies academy

whatsmypagerank.com 2005 whats my page rank

smallformat.com 2006 small format

socialspy.net 2006 social spy

masseurin.net 2006 masseurin

uktaxi.net 2006 uk taxi

visitbosnia.net 2006 visit bosnia

dozvil.com 2006 dozvil

bnfu.com 2006 bnfu LLLL.com

tgjz.com 2006 tgjz LLLL.com

znhe.com 2006 znhe LLLL.com

toprankedseo.com 2007 top ranked seo

astrorealism.com 2007 astro realism

agadirvillas.net 2007 agadir villas

zangis.com 2007 zangis

nextcure.com 2007 next cure

ibalans.net 2007 iBalans

koreabiobank.com 2007 korea biobank

eestlased.com 2007 eestlased

mikeanddeb.com 2008 mike and deb

creditlawyer.net 2009 credit lawyer

therapyvideo.com 2010 therapy video

goldautomat.com 2010 gold automat

toscanashop.com 2010 toscana shop

judgeourfood.com 2011 judge our food

runoutoffuel.com 2012 run out of fuel

antibiotik.org 2012 antibiotik

ukrainky.com 2013 ukrainky

olivoli.com 2013 oliv oli

projectlion.com 2013 project lion

salima.org 2013 salima

holografia.net 2013 holografia

25397.com 2013 25397 NNNNN.com


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Easybiz.com – Make offer
Organico.com – Make offer
Veterinar.net – Make offer

LuckyDog.net – Buy now
ABSU.com – Buy now
ACDO.com – Buy now
DNWK.com – Buy now
FIXP.com – Buy now
RROM.com – Buy now
RPOL.com – Buy now
CABD.com – Buy now
TSNC.com – Buy now
OACO.com – Buy now

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