
NameJet.com is the Goldnames favorite website where to place domain name backorders. Day by day “we” try the best to prepare a compact list of pre-drop domain names. This takes a lot of time and energy. Names selection is done following a certain rules and strategy. Thousand and thousand domain names are dropping each day, the main task is a skilled squeezing of everydays huge drop list. It doesn’t automatically mean that at the output side you will see the ideal domain name to backorder. It’s just a vision of Goldnames with pre-filtered domain names, some of them may have value, some may not. You need to do a final analyze yourself to gather the names you like. Few words about the process as a whole: compiling and squeezing is performed manually, with the help of FreshDrop.com website (still prefer the old classical web interface and it’s available, ask support). Finally the domain names are sorted in descending order by an age. Order of sorting is due to the fact that older names usually have more weight, because they are registered long time ago in the past. But absolutly everything count, not the age alone, backlinks, Google page rank, Dmoz listing, website history, domain itself, and so on

You always have the option to choose what you like.

Welcome and Enjoy!


Pending delete domain names:

cyberlessons.com 1996 cyberlessons

ghostmachine.com 1996 ghostmachine

partynews.com 1996 party news

visualsystemsinc.com 1996 visual systems inc

jimabell.com 1997 jim.a.bell

anatomix.com 1997 anatomix

johnsonspark.com 1998 johnson spark

radmar.com 1998 radmar

marie-helene.com 1998 marie-helene

mikelane.com 1998 mike lane

citruspark.net 1999 citrus park

aceedu.com 1999 ace edu

annavissi.net 1999 anna vissi

armorwear.net 1999 armor wear

ballhead.com 1999 ballhead

exsad.com 1999 exsad LLLLL.com

thatgame.com 1999 that game

thuisbioscoop.com 1999 thuisbioscoop

camcorderclinic.com 1999 camcorder clinic

bondage-art.com 1999 bondage art

easyonlinegambling.com 1999 easy online gambling

gcmonline.com 2000 gcm online

evocomputers.com 2000 evo computers

buyatablet.com 2000 buy a tablet

dentaltech.net 2000 dental tech

elegon.com 2000 elegon

bookholidays.net 2000 book holidays

gabtech.com 2000 gabtech

infadent.com 2000 infadent

vidamediterranea.com 2000 vida mediterranea

cafepc.com 2000 cafepc

sa247.com 2000 sa247

turkishlira.net 2000 turkish lira

castleholidays.com 2000 castle holidays

home-income.com 2001 home income

moroccowine.com 2001 morocco wine

kinofan.net 2001 kinofan

danishdynamite.com 2001 danish dynamite

zonkerfilms.com 2001 zonker films

minnesotafitness.com 2001 minnesota fitness

wolfwatchers.com 2001 wolf watchers

jenthomas.com 2001 jen thomas

marow.com 2002 marow CVCVC.com

flagpull.com 2002 flag pull

delfis.net 2002 delfis

optus.org 2002 optus

seminarplace.com 2002 seminar place

tarifador.com 2002 tarifador

advancedcreativemedia.com 2002 advanced creative media

passionyoga.com 2002 passion yoga

carblue.com 2002 car blue

data-room.com 2002 data room

go65.com 2002 go65

moritec.com 2002 moritec

personalportrait.com 2002 personal portrait

personalportraits.com 2002 personal portraits

qatarschools.com 2002 qatar schools

schoolpartners.com 2002 school partners

windtalk.com 2002 windtalk

ukrstandart.com 2003 ukr standart

ianuti.com 2003 ian uti

flintlake.com 2003 flint lake

vdcg.com 2003 vdcg LLLL.com

midnightcat.com 2003 midnight cat

cdkingdom.com 2003 cd kingdom

angold.com 2003 angold

art-blog.com 2003 art blog

climaexpert.com 2003 clima expert

efakt.com 2003 eFakt

takepan.com 2003 take pan

eqna.com 2003 eqna LLLL.com

indiansweet.com 2003 indian sweet

usstudent.com 2003 us student

zdfw.com 2003 zdfw LLLL.com

goldallergy.com 2004 gold allergy

moscowtelecom.com 2004 moscow telecom

perpedia.com 2004 perpedia

supervip.org 2004 supervip

aboutbulimia.com 2004 about bulimia

emodul.com 2004 eModul

freedietplan.net 2004 free diet plan

worldblog.net 2004 world blog

thinkeuropean.com 2004 think european

gulfengineer.com 2004 gulf engineer

kakki.net 2004 kakki

massagetherapycolleges.com 2004 massage therapy colleges

nicwa.com 2005 nicwa

holytomato.com 2005 holytomato

welcomegirls.com 2005 welcome girls

acnetreatmentcream.com 2005 acne treatment cream

internetbusinessmarketing.com 2005 internet business marketing

discodepot.com 2005 disco depot

vatago.com 2005 vatago

aboutproductmarketing.com 2006 about product marketing

budapestmeeting.com 2006 budapest meeting

blenderbar.com 2006 blender bar

biztur.com 2006 biztur

lakeswim.com 2006 lakeswim

fibrecarbon.com 2006 fibrecarbon

babyatlas.net 2006 baby atlas

oceantheme.com 2006 ocean theme

rapmusik.net 2006 rap musik

girlsdategirls.com 2006 girls date girls

plastinki.com 2007 plastinki

byka.net 2007 byka

oazq.com 2007 oazq LLLL.com

mamaschool.com 2007 mama school

yogawealth.com 2007 yoga wealth

paganismus.com 2007 paganismus

caribeservice.com 2008 caribe service

localplum.com 2008 local plum

maskid.com 2008 maskid

internethall.com 2009 internet hall

520925.com 2009 520925 NNNNNN.com

mrolson.com 2009 mr.olson

travelcruise.org 2009 travel cruise

stabcam.com 2009 stabcam

forkstore.com 2009 forkstore

workoutforwomen.com 2010 workout for women

oledforum.com 2010 oled forum

netspiel.org 2010 netspiel

sexypeople.org 2011 sexy people

198089.com 2011 198089 NNNNNN.com

travelbali.net 2011 travel bali

smartpaddle.com 2011 smart paddle

iwineshop.com 2012 iWineshop

41802.com 2012 41802 NNNNN.com

eastcasting.com 2013 east casting

37655.com 2013 37655 NNNNN.com

555750.com 2013 555750 NNNNNN.com

33658.com 2013 33658 NNNNN.com

594939.com 2013 594939 NNNNNN.com easy remember

809900.com 2013 809900 NNNNNN.com

statecarbon.com 2013 state carbon

kodogroup.com 2013 kodo group

robotandco.com 2013 robot and co

sailinghost.com 2013 sailing host

smartkiev.com 2013 smart kiev

seopuls.com 2013 seo puls


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Domain name auctions, domains for sale, Flippa, Sedo, Godaddy, NameJet …

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Easybiz.com – Make offer
Organico.com – Make offer
Veterinar.net – Make offer

LuckyDog.net – Buy now
ABSU.com – Buy now
ACDO.com – Buy now
DNWK.com – Buy now
FIXP.com – Buy now
RROM.com – Buy now
RPOL.com – Buy now
CABD.com – Buy now
TSNC.com – Buy now
OACO.com – Buy now

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