
NameJet.com is the Goldnames favorite website where to place domain name backorders. Day by day “we” try the best to prepare a compact list of pre-drop domain names. This takes a lot of time and energy. Names selection is done following a certain rules and strategy. Thousand and thousand domain names are dropping each day, the main task is a skilled squeezing of everydays huge drop list. It doesn’t automatically mean that at the output side you will see the ideal domain name to backorder. It’s just a vision of Goldnames with pre-filtered domain names, some of them may have value, some may not. You need to do a final analyze yourself to gather the names you like. Few words about the process as a whole: compiling and squeezing is performed manually, with the help of FreshDrop.com website (still prefer the old classical web interface and it’s available, ask support). Finally the domain names are sorted in descending order by an age. Order of sorting is due to the fact that older names usually have more weight, because they are registered long time ago in the past. But absolutly everything count, not the age alone, backlinks, Google page rank, Dmoz listing, website history, domain itself, and so on

You always have the option to choose what you like.

Welcome and Enjoy!


Pending delete domain names:

analogdesign.com 1995 analog design

bwline.com 1997 bwline

fototag.com 1997 fototag

acefab.com 1997 acefab

ecoteam.net 1997 ecoteam

ansur.net 1998 ansur

failte.net 1998 failte

shillelagh.net 1998 shillelagh

crystaltech.net 1998 crystal tech

slainte.net 1998 slainte

ainda.com 1998 ainda 5L.com

ebbie.com 1998 ebbie 5L.com

ecopillow.com 1999 ecopillow

valentinefamily.com 1999 valentine family

wgrs.net 1999 wgrs LLLL.net

angelcrest.com 1999 angelcrest

tvtgroup.com 1999 tvt group

furnitures.net 1999 furnitures

helados.com 1999 helados

webpagewriter.com 1999 webpage writer

cinnamoninn.com 1999 cinnamon inn

proimageinstallers.com 2000 proimageinstallers

speedmuseum.com 2000 speed museum

usolympics.net 2000 us olympics

nutritiondetective.com 2000 nutrition detective

adrium.com 2000 adrium

naturesoft.net 2000 naturesoft

seatnumber.com 2000 seat number

famousteens.com 2000 famous teens

leathershoes.net 2000 leather shoes

autobella.com 2000 autobella

595.net 2000 595 NNN.net

bioholz.com 2000 bioholz

themediamakers.com 2000 the media makers

canadamattress.com 2000 canada mattress

mennen.net 2000 mennen

hoehe.com 2000 hoehe LLLLL.com

fimaster.com 2001 fimaster

caad.net 2001 caad CVVC.net

sportexpo.net 2001 sport expo

2of.com 2001 2of

amusicstore.com 2001 a music store

tonyzito.com 2001 tony zito

aspex.net 2001 aspex

designernote.com 2001 designer note

eroticpoetry.net 2001 erotic poetry

jaredcox.com 2001 jared cox

dentaris.com 2001 dentaris

domainek.com 2001 domainek

iraba.com 2001 iRaba LLLLL.com

mastervideos.com 2001 master videos

wellness-tirol.com 2001 wellness tirol

bedandbreakfastwebsites.com 2002 bed and breakfast websites

arlingtontechnology.com 2002 arlington technology

dog-fleas.com 2002 dog fleas

buste.net 2002 buste

disser.net 2002 disser

remake.net 2002 remake

foodpunk.com 2002 food punk

internet-team.com 2002 internet team

brainshield.net 2002 brain shield

internetharbor.com 2002 internet harbor

almagra.com 2002 almagra

bohemiapiano.com 2002 bohemia piano

communication-internet.com 2002 communication internet

marketing-communication.com 2002 marketing communication

efaxing.com 2002 eFaxing

kosmetix.com 2002 kosmetix

otcar.com 2002 otcar

turbobooster.net 2002 turbobooster

zipserver.net 2002 zipserver

statearizona.com 2002 state arizona

goldenretrieverdirectory.com 2003 golden retriever directory

mik-mik.com 2003 mik mik

antibodyservices.com 2003 antibody services

plusonlineshop.com 2003 plus online shop

angeltouren.com 2003 angeltouren

elainerogers.com 2003 elaine rogers

europoster.net 2003 europoster

kindia.com 2003 kindia

medtrax.com 2003 medtrax

odsx.com 2003 odsx LLLL.com

photato.net 2003 photato

calamo.net 2003 calamo

struller.com 2003 struller

coupledancing.com 2004 couple dancing

mexicoblog.com 2004 mexico blog

skyorg.com 2004 skyorg

cancunblog.com 2004 cancun blog

coinmedia.net 2004 coinmedia

cluster19.com 2004 cluster19

traveltimes.net 2004 traveltimes

easypass.net 2004 easypass

deepbass.net 2004 deep bass

tsde.net 2004 tsde LLLL.net

smarttrailer.com 2004 smart trailer

igosso.com 2004 iGosso

tuningparts.net 2004 tuningparts

urbanique.com 2004 urbanique

roxxi.com 2004 roxxi 5L.com

brasile2014.com 2005 brasile 2014

sarastevens.com 2005 sara stevens

domainrobo.com 2005 domain robo

usinstructor.com 2005 us instructor

saschakramer.com 2005 sascha kramer

workinsingapore.com 2005 work in singapore

tiedhands.com 2005 tied hands

anagura.com 2005 anagura

tradetron.com 2005 tradetron

vipturkey.com 2005 vip turkey

theorias.com 2005 theorias

estfinancial.com 2005 est financial

anepc.com 2005 anepc 5L.com

fanparty.com 2005 fan party

kredimarket.com 2005 kredimarket

lehuong.com 2006 lehuong

spiceproperty.com 2006 spice property

worldrepo.com 2006 worldrepo

fitnesstime.net 2006 fitness time

ikabel.net 2006 iKabel

outsidethewall.net 2006 outside the wall

atqu.com 2006 atqu

parkyourself.com 2006 park yourself

workpilates.com 2006 work pilates

uniboerse.com 2006 uniboerse

blogpointer.com 2006 blog pointer

gurutoy.com 2006 guru toy

countycoffee.com 2006 county coffee

toprepo.com 2006 top repo

bestwatchstore.com 2007 best watch store

solahome.com 2007 solahome

nabif.com 2007 nabif CVCVC.com

ongsolutions.com 2008 ong solutions

winebuyersusa.com 2008 wine buyers usa

lightpattern.com 2008 light pattern

emailwhitelist.com 2008 email whitelist

sandtrips.com 2008 sandtrips

puhelinmestari.com 2008 puhelinmestari

canvasman.net 2008 canvasman

urota.com 2008 urota LLLLL.com

appspoker.com 2009 apps poker

screengloves.com 2009 screen gloves

trainery.com 2009 trainery

34512.com 2009 34512 NNNNN.com

everettpizza.com 2010 everett pizza

kidzapp.com 2010 kidz app

madcomputers.net 2010 mad computers

mobilesauna.net 2010 mobile sauna

dayblog.net 2010 dayblog

aboutnewyork.net 2010 about New York

freox.com 2010 freox LLLLL.com

kayango.com 2010 kayango

allfirm.com 2010 all firm

sweethelp.com 2011 sweet help

dobrot.com 2011 dobrot

daxe.net 2011 daxe CVCV.net

moon8.com 2011 moon8

djpan.com 2011 dj pan

diffserver.com 2011 diff server

designdemos.com 2012 design demos

196197.com 2012 196197 NNNNNN.com

tsunami2004.com 2012 tsunami 2004

74176.com 2012 74176 NNNNN.com

vizitori.com 2012 vizitori

lovedetroit.net 2012 love Detroit

zdave.com 2012 z.dave

coolsally.com 2012 cool sally

futuresurgery.com 2013 future surgery

zedhunter.com 2013 zedhunter

esolle.com 2013 eSolle

dreamanddoit.com 2013 dream and do it

20353.com 2013 20353 NNNNN.com

42628.com 2013 42628 NNNNN.com

610520.com 2013 610520 NNNNNN.com

066588.com 2013 066588 NNNNNN.com

ivitamines.net 2013 iVitamines

youhostel.com 2013 you hostel


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Easybiz.com – Make offer
Organico.com – Make offer
Veterinar.net – Make offer

LuckyDog.net – Buy now
ABSU.com – Buy now
ACDO.com – Buy now
DNWK.com – Buy now
FIXP.com – Buy now
RROM.com – Buy now
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