
NameJet.com is the Goldnames favorite website where to place domain name backorders. Day by day “we” try the best to prepare a compact list of pre-drop domain names. This takes a lot of time and energy. Names selection is done following a certain rules and strategy. Thousand and thousand domain names are dropping each day, the main task is a skilled squeezing of everydays huge drop list. It doesn’t automatically mean that at the output side you will see the ideal domain name to backorder. It’s just a vision of Goldnames with pre-filtered domain names, some of them may have value, some may not. You need to do a final analyze yourself to gather the names you like. Few words about the process as a whole: compiling and squeezing is performed manually, with the help of FreshDrop.com website (still prefer the old classical web interface and it’s available, ask support). Finally the domain names are sorted in descending order by an age. Order of sorting is due to the fact that older names usually have more weight, because they are registered long time ago in the past. But absolutly everything count, not the age alone, backlinks, Google page rank, Dmoz listing, website history, domain itself, and so on

You always have the option to choose what you like.

Welcome and Enjoy!


Pending delete domain names:

eurekaco.com 1995 eureka co

dscltd.com 1996 dsc ltd

vitelelectronics.com 1996 vit elelectronics

imarx.com 1996 iMarx 5L.com

achei.net 1996 achei

british-american.com 1997 british american

nyplan.com 1997 ny plan

ceeon.com 1997 ceeon 5L.com

cms-solutions.com 1997 cms solutions

dancercam.com 1998 dancer cam

flyshow.com 1998 flyshow

impressionsdesign.com 1998 impressions design

50plus.net 1998 50plus

bravogolf.com 1998 bravo golf

macalla.com 1998 macalla

mainos.net 1998 mainos

polaristravel.com 1998 polaris travel

solventa.com 1998 solventa

traveltickets.net 1998 travel tickets

wintersporten.com 1998 wintersporten

wintersports.net 1998 wintersports

foothillsystems.com 1999 foothill systems

mcconstruction.net 1999 mc construction

onmaui.com 1999 on maui

oilfurnace.com 1999 oil furnace

diplomax.com 1999 diploma x

interactive-learning.com 1999 interactive learning

interdeck.com 1999 interdeck

kellymedia.net 1999 kelly media

lasikclinic.com 1999 lasik clinic

lasikspecialist.com 1999 lasik specialist

raysolutions.com 1999 ray solutions

vegasroom.com 1999 vegas room

lasvegasroom.com 1999 las vegas room

best-accommodation.com 1999 best accommodation

softandsweet.com 1999 soft and sweet

daidalus.com 2000 daidalus

eqcommerce.com 2000 eq commerce

vonetix.com 2000 vonetix

fruitpickingjobs.com 2000 fruit picking jobs

pubzero.com 2000 pub zero

derekthomas.com 2000 derek thomas

jrtf.com 2000 jrtf LLLL.com

waveprint.com 2000 waveprint

dinnerclub.net 2000 dinner club

wavescan.com 2000 wavescan

world-of-shoes.com 2000 world of shoes

scatchat.com 2000 scat chat

advertencia.com 2000 advertencia

trodden.net 2000 trodden

mytraineronline.com 2000 my trainer online

pavela.com 2000 pavel.a

giantlaser.com 2000 giant laser

kwun.com 2000 kwun LLLL.com

semenov.net 2000 semenov

ping-zero.com 2000 ping zero

lasikportal.com 2000 lasik portal

brainactivityimaging.com 2001 brain activity imaging

75057.com 2001 75057 NNNNN.com

japanese-translation.com 2001 japanese translation

zanemiller.com 2001 zane miller

brainimaging.net 2001 brain imaging

memberline.net 2001 member line

emailsrv.com 2001 emailsrv

fairenergy.com 2001 fair energy

lizziebee.com 2001 lizzie bee

sisain.com 2001 sisain

mzou.com 2001 mzou LLLL.com

olzz.com 2001 olzz LLLL.com

siliconspy.com 2001 silicon spy

paradisestar.com 2001 paradise star

primarytechnology.com 2001 primary technology

moresalesonline.com 2002 more sales online

mosedi.com 2002 mosedi

thebreastcancer.com 2002 the breast cancer

absolutequality.com 2002 absolute quality

gonorar.com 2002 gonorar

sqlsolution.com 2002 sql solution

tagtic.com 2002 tagtic.com

firstlife.net 2002 first life

triptone.com 2002 triptone

amle.net 2002 amle LLLL.net

hotellist.net 2002 hotel list

platinon.com 2003 platinon

mirja.net 2003 mirja

minerali.net 2003 minerali

pungi.com 2003 pungi LLLLL.com

aromazona.com 2003 aroma zona

makewebsites.net 2003 make websites

ukpark.com 2003 uk park

dbinnovation.com 2003 db innovation

skitraining.net 2003 ski training

marketing2.com 2003 marketing2

promostyle.net 2003 promostyle

wannatrade.com 2003 wanna trade

domainua.com 2003 domain ua

hywi.com 2003 hywi LLLL.com

intralaser.com 2003 intralaser

ecobound.com 2004 ecobound

betaphone.com 2004 betaphone

superflashgames.com 2004 superflash games

soulcompass.com 2004 soul compass

de35.com 2004 de35

theweddingagent.com 2004 the wedding agent

kingdomforum.com 2004 kingdom forum

leopage.com 2004 leo page

eyetip.com 2004 eye tip

coralvitamin.com 2004 coral vitamin

omangolf.com 2004 oman golf

musicrocker.com 2005 music rocker

ovio.net 2005 ovio

aviationjob.net 2005 aviation job

nutberry.com 2005 nutberry

verkaufenkaufen.com 2005 verkaufen kaufen

sporthouse.net 2005 sport house

alternativehealtharticles.com 2005 alternative health articles

techany.com 2005 techany

eulogistics.com 2005 eu logistics

countryfragrances.com 2006 country fragrances

cityofsouls.com 2006 city of souls

wasserratten.net 2006 wasserratten

bbbg.net 2006 bbbg LLLL.net

sousao.com 2006 sou sao

poolfestival.com 2006 pool festival

nocorn.com 2006 no corn

irontooth.com 2006 iron tooth

tvoperator.com 2006 tv operator

usualtime.com 2006 usual time

subchef.com 2006 subchef

ronrichard.net 2006 ron richard

maysaloon.com 2007 may saloon

patrona.net 2007 patrona

resetbody.com 2007 reset body

yogaconsult.com 2007 yoga consult

ledconsult.com 2007 led consult

biosen.com 2008 biosen

toptowel.com 2008 top towel

velgro.com 2008 velgro

piunlimited.com 2008 pi unlimited

domainshore.com 2008 domain shore

diabeticpie.com 2008 diabetic pie

carar.com 2009 carar CVCVC.com

zoled.com 2009 zoled CVCVC.com

heatstrike.com 2009 heat strike

syrre.com 2009 syrre 5L.com

dailydessert.com 2010 daily dessert

fivelock.com 2010 five lock

sempler.com 2011 sempler

19427.com 2011 19427 NNNNN.com

sugarmobile.net 2012 sugar mobile

45291.com 2013 45291 NNNNN.com


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Easybiz.com – Make offer
Organico.com – Make offer
Veterinar.net – Make offer

LuckyDog.net – Buy now
ABSU.com – Buy now
ACDO.com – Buy now
DNWK.com – Buy now
FIXP.com – Buy now
RROM.com – Buy now
RPOL.com – Buy now
CABD.com – Buy now
TSNC.com – Buy now
OACO.com – Buy now

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