
Ever since I began high school, I never really wanted to enroll in P.E. at school (mile runs, 100 push-ups, etc.). I kept pushing it off to the side until 11th grade when I said, “I have to do it! If I don’t, I can’t graduate.” One day, my friends told me about Florida Virtual School.

I sort of knew what it was all about, but I never really looked into it. So, after a few days, I made an appointment with my guidance counselor so I can talk with her about Florida Virtual School. She explained to me in very good detail what it was and how it could help me with my graduation requirements. I was hooked instantly! She told me that day to go sign-up when I got home.

The first thing I did when I got home was go to Florida Virtual School’s website and made a student account. I picked my two classes for P.E. The registration process was quick and easy. I was able to pick my preferred start date. I picked to start a week later. I had immediate access to my first course (Personal Fitness) on my VSA (Virtual School Administrator). I was very happy that I was enrolled.

The first step I took was to make a Welcome Call with my teacher (Mrs. Hinton). She talked with me and my parents. She was very supportive and helpful. She answered any questions me and my parents had. I had a successful start! I was worried about taking a course via the online environment. However, I became used to it and was really satisfied with its components. After taking Personal Fitness, I signed-up for my remaining P.E. course (Fitness Lifestyle Design). I did the same process as with registration and doing the Welcome Call. Everything went smoothly and it was a really beneficial course. I learned much more than I ever would in a regular P.E. course.

Overall, Florida Virtual School should be an option for every high school student. If a student is in need of credit recovery, remaining credits or even just to take a course that your school doesn’t offer, they should enroll in Florida Virtual School.

This post was received on the FLVS Facebook page from high school student Adrian Salgado. He is one of 59,842 fans (as of July 2013) who follow our page for regular news and updates from FLVS!

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