We’re excited to share with you the complete collection of Education Templates (so far) that launched with Flowboard Education last week!
School Report
About This Template:
Our School Report is a classroom-themed template perfect for any student! There’s plenty of space to enter all the details of your report, and even a table of contents to make navigating your Flowboard a breeze for your teacher or professor! If you want to be sure to score an A+, make sure you add a video and a gallery to put in your report!
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Science Rules
About This Template:
Our science rules template makes boring science reports a thing of the past! The fun bright blue will definitely make your content pop, and there’s plenty of room for images, charts, and graphics that represent all of your scientific findings. Don’t worry, there’s definitely plenty of room to add text and data to go along with your images and charts too!
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Book Report
About This Template:
Our Book Report template meets many of the 7th grade Common Core Reading and Writing requirements, but it can be repurposed for nearly any grade level! Change up the questions to make them easier or more complicated for students, or even reuse this template for a completely different task.
Common Core:
- RL.7.3 – Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g. how setting shapes the character or plot)
- RL.7.6 – Analyze how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of different characters or narrators in a text
- RL.7.7 – Compare and contrast a written story, drama, or poem to its audio, filmed, staged, or multimedia version
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History Lesson
About This Template:
Our History Lesson template is great for teaching students about a particular time period, or assign the template to students to create their own lesson to share with the class!
Common Core:
- RH.6-8.3 – Identify key steps in a text’s description of a process related to history/social studies
- RH.6-8.7 – Integrate visual information with other information in print and digital texts
- WHST.6-8.2 – Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/experiments, or technical processes.
- WHST.6-8.6 – Use technology to produce and publish writing and present the relationships between information and ideas clearly and efficiently.
- WHST.6-8.8 – Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources
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Science Experiment
About This Template:
Have a Science Experiment? Have your students create their lab report in Flowboard! You can customize it to fit nearly any type of experiemtn, have them add their then have them add their hypothesis, data, and conclusion!
Common Core:
- WHST.6-8.1a – Introduce a claim about a topic or issue, organize your reasons and your evidence logically.
- WHST.6-8.7 – Conduct a short research project to answer self-generated questions drawing on several sources and generating additional related focused questions that that allow for multiple levels of exploration
- RST.6-8.7 – Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a version of that information expressed visually.
- WHST.6-8.8 – Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented.
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About This Template:
Our Geometry Template is bright and attention grabbing! Get your classroom’s attention and customize the screens of the template to fit your lesson plans perfectly.
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My School Presentation
About This Template:
My Class Presentation is our most “generic” template, perfect for nearly any task. Utilize it for a quick lesson for your class, or have students use it for their daily assignments.
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Art History
About This Template:
Art History 101 Template is set up perfectly for comparing and contrasting two periods of historical artworks. You can also repurpose the template for nearly any other topic!
Common Core:
- RH.11-12.2 – Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas
- RH.11-12.9 – Integrate information from diverse sources, both primary and secondary, into a coherent understanding of an idea or event, noting discrepancies among sources.
- WHST.11-12.2 – Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/experiments, or technical processes.
- WHST.11-12.9 – Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
- WHST.11-12.4 – Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate for task, purpose, and audience.
- RST.6-8.7 -
- RH.11-12.7 – Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media in order to address a question or solve a problem
- WHST.11-12.8 – Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative sources
- RST.11-12.1 – Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources
Preview the Template:
View on Flowboard – Presentation software for iPad
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English Writing Assignment
About This Template:
The English Writing Assignment template is perfect for any essays or persuasive writing activities for your class. Assign a topic to your students, then have them write their “papers” in Flowboard!
Common Core:
- W.9-10.8 – Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources
- W.9-10.9 – Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analhysis, reflection, and research
- W.9-10.1 – Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
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Instructor Syllabus
About This Template:
The Instructor Syllabus template is the perfect resource to keep you and your students organized. There is space to upload documents for your school’s policies and protocols, list your office hours, share your contact information, and much more!
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Art Lesson
About This Template:
Teach art lessons? This template is perfect for you! We’ve got it pre-loaded to teach the color theory, but you can customize it for any sort of art lesson you may need!
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About This Template:
Our Prehistoric Template comes pre-loaded with some seriously awesome graphics and images. This template is perfect for a student report on prehistoric species, or you can utilize this template for your classroom lessons. The choice is yours!
Common Core:
- WHST.11-12.1 – Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content.
- WHST.11-12.9 – Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
- RST.11.12.5 – Analyze how text structures information or ideas into categories or hierarchies, demonstrating understanding of the information or ideas
- RST.11-12.9 – Synthesize information from a range of sources into a coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept, resolving conflicting information when possible.
- RST.11-12.1 – Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to important distinctions the author makes and to any gaps or inconsistencies in the account.
- WHST.11-12.8 – Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources
- WHST.11-12.4 – Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience
- WHST.11-12.6 – Use technology, including the internet to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products.
Preview the Template:
View on Flowboard – Presentation software for iPad
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