
With each year comes new opportunities for improvement in your life, and what better time to make much needed changes than at the beginning of a new year. We all know making lifestyle changes can be difficult, but if you take one step at a time you’ll be on the road to a happier, better you in 2014. Check out these five things to know this month.

National Mentoring Month

Did you know January is National Mentoring month? There are many ways to make a difference through mentorship in your community. Spending time developing relationships with people can make a lasting impact in their life and yours. Check out Mentoring.org for opportunities to help make a difference and for information on how to start a mentoring program in your community. If you’re looking to be mentored, here are a few tips on how to pick the right mentor.

MLK Day – Jan. 20

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is celebrated on the third Monday in January. MLK Day was officially signed into law as a national holiday in 1983 by President Ronald Reagan, but was not observed by all 50 states until 2000. This day is all about honoring the achievements and life of pastor and civil rights leader, Martin Luther King, Jr. Let this day remind you of your achievements, and motivate you to see your dreams realized.

National Letter Writing Week

Traditionally, the second week of January is designated as National Letter Writing Week. During this week, take time away from your keyboard to write a handwritten letter to someone. Cards, letters, and notes are precious to those who receive them. If you can’t think of a way to start a letter begin by saying, “In honor of National Letter Writing Week, I wanted to write you.”

National Blood Donor Month

Blood donation is very low this time of year yet incredibly important during winter. Help change a life by giving blood during National Blood Donor month. You’ll feel good knowing that your donation helped save a life.

National Hobby Month

Whether or not you’re a creative person, you can find some way to celebrate National Hobby month. This month is a great time to expand your horizons. Ask yourself what you enjoy doing and what those interests mean to you. Taking up a new hobby is a good way to reenergize, inspire, and expand your mind. And, it could help you make some extra money or land a job.

January is full of holidays and reasons to celebrate, so there is plenty to experience and do during this beautiful winter month. What do you like to do in January? Let us know in the comments section below!

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