“Reflex enabled my students to thrive in math class. They were motivated, interested and truly loved using this program. Reflex is a fantastic math fact fluency program. The weekly update for teachers, the ease-of-use for teachers to track progress and the printable certificates make it a truly valuable part of my instruction. Not only do my students work on it at school, they love completing it at home as well. I have already had students from last year’s class return to me to let me know that they still ‘have’ their facts in their pocket—the term we used to say they were mastered. I even had a few students speak to my current class about their enjoyment and the importance of Reflex. It was heartwarming to hear their them share their positive experiences! Having students proficient in math facts is the key to being able to emphasize problem solving and higher order thinking skills. When students have math fact fluency, their confidence also soars in math. They feel as though they “get it.” Even the weakest math students feel successful when they know their basic facts. They can better able face open ended or multi-step problems knowing they can rely on their knowledge of their basic facts.”
–3rd Grade Teacher, Elementary School, East Windsor Regular School District, NJ