Yes. The answer is yes, and that’s important! But do you know exactly why?
You may know you need to “do SEO” on your website, but in our humble experience, most small business owners aren’t exactly sure what SEO actually is. Well, today we’re going to fix that.
SEO stands for search engine optimization and is one of the most important factors in your site being found by search engines like Google and Bing. The better your SEO, the higher your site’s ranking in the results. There are some things you can do to improve your website’s SEO, but we’ll leave that for another post. Today we’re going to talk about what Duda does automatically to boost your search ranking.
1. Site Map: A site map is a file that Duda automatically creates that basically tells search engines what pages are on your site. So instead of leaving it to a search engines algorithms to figure out, you’re essentially saying, “Hey Google, these are pages I have on my site.” This is a huge help in getting your site higher in rankings.
2. Robots.txt: Like a site map, robots.txt is automatically included in your DudaOne site. This file tells crawlers and bots (what search engines use to actually search your website) what pages they can and can’t look at, enabling you to dictate what is and isn’t important.
3. Vary: user-agent: Okay, this one is a little more complex, but it boils down to this- vary:user-agent tells search engines they will get different content based on the device visitors are using to view the website. (Don’t think too deep into this one, just know that it helps.)
4. Responsive Web Design (RWD): This may be the most straightforward and apparent SEO benefit of DudaOne. You may know that Google considers RWD to be a best practice, but what you might not know is why. The answer is simple: one URL is easier for Google to index in it’s search results than separate mobile and desktop URLs.
5. Optimized for speed: Search engines like to see that your website loads quickly. We optimize your site in all kinds of ways, most recently your images, so your visitors always get a speedy response from your site. (Note: Google LOVES this.)
So there it is ladies and gentlemen, a clear answer to the question, “Does Duda do SEO.” Yes. Yes we do. And we do it quite well. Stay tuned for our next blog on what YOU can do within Duda to raise your search ranking even more.
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