Posted by Dan Slagen on September 23rd, 2015
If you’re in the midst of a website redesign or landing page test, odds are, there are plenty of visual examples and articles for you to draw inspiration. But what about the rest of your website? What about your “pricing” page? Your “about us” page or your “jobs” page? Here at Crayon, even though our homepage is the single highest driver of website traffic, our interior pages represent 80% of overall traffic.
While our 80/20 rule may not be applicable to everyone, the sum of your interior page traffic likely represents a greater number of site visits in aggregate than compared to your home page. But do you spend as much time testing, thinking about and redesigning your interior pages than you do your home page? No. Most marketers don’t. In fact, we were just as guilty during out first few months running Crayon.
Focus on the Aggregate
Often times it’s easier to focus on one thing like the home page, instead of trying to think about redesigning the 10 other pages on your website. While no interior pages individually generate a comparable amount of traffic to your home page, you’re missing out on a massive opportunity to optimize a greater sum of traffic! This method is similar to bidding on “tail terms” via Google PPC instead of just bidding on the most popular keywords.
Now that you’re interested in thinking about interior pages, it’s time to be inspired! While there are millions of home page design examples across the web, there are very few marketing collections for interior pages…until now…here are 7 different interior website page collections!
10 About Us Pages
Your “about us” page serves multiple functions. First, it’s a promise to customers, defining your company, mission and values that they can expect from doing business with you. Second, your “about us” page is one of the first pages that interested job candidates read when considering applying to your company, what do you want them to take away from reading this page? Finally, for those companies that have investors, the “about us” page is an opportunity to highlight those that have contributed to your success and growth to date.
This collection includes: GoDaddy, NPR, DuckDuckGo, Food Lovers United Co, Bitly, PopSugar, IFTTT, Food52, Canva, The Noun Project
See The Entire About Us Page Collection Here!
10 Case Study Pages
If you work in B2B, then you know the importance of your case study page. If you work in B2C, then you also know the importance of your case study page. In a connected world dominated by user reviews, your case study page is essential for building initial trust with prospects and driving engagement. Yes, case studies can be hard to attain and case study pages hard to build, but the value always outweighs the time/effort/cost.
This collection includes: W4, Rack Stories, Piktochart, Zimbra, Servoy, Corona Labs, PB Works, Recurly, Criteo, Amazon Web Services
See The Entire Case Study Page Collection Here!
10 Contact Us Pages
It’s pretty clear what a user wants to do when they land on your “contact us” page. Make the experience perfectly clear, simple, and give them what they want. The control you have is to regulate how users communicate with your company and how users find answers they’re looking for specific to your business. Regardless of if you provide contact information or an interactive FAQ/search function on your “contact us” page, make sure the experience is enjoyable, yes enjoyable. Users may not be thrilled to be on your “contact us” page, but don’t give them another reason to complain about how bad the page functionality is too!
This collection includes: Onepager, Payroll Hero, Studio Kallbom, Nextdoor,, Digital Ocean, New York Post, Leo, Grammy Festival at Sea, JetBlue
See The Entire Contact Us Page Collection Here!
10 Pricing Pages
It’s all about presentation! Even if your listed prices are representative of the value your company/products provide, the way you visually display pricing impacts conversion rates. There are tests you can run (like including video) that will decrease conversion rate on your pricing page, and others that will increase your conversion rate. The goal is to run quick, statistically significant tests to see which pricing page designs your user base responds best to over time.
This collection includes: Liquid Planner, Logo Grab, Change, Feeln, ZoomShift, Crowdrise, Infusion Soft, Woo Social Club. Zendesk, Zip Recruiter
See The Entire Pricing Page Collection Here!
10 Team Pages
It’s an employee friendly hiring market right now - Showing gratitude to the employees building your company and hiring new team members have never been more important, especially for those companies in growth mode. The old way of designing a team page with a short paragraph for each exec team member is over, it’s time to highlight ALL of the employees contributing to your success. Using design methods like interactive employee images, videos and social media info is a great way to make your team page come alive for current and prospective employees.
This collection includes: Advant, 180 Amsterdam, McBeard Media, Brandwatch, Sixthman, Giphy, Hootsuite, The Kitchn, Storenvy, Fanpics
See The Entire Team Page Collection Here!
10 Product Pages
Conceptually it’s easy; use your product page(s) to explain your company/product offering and communicate value. Sounds easy enough. So why is it so hard to design a product page? The answer is because you have to be concise, compelling and have internal agreement on page details. In addition, your product offerings change over time, and in some cases the story you told last year isn’t the same this you’re telling this year. In addition, with more product offerings/choice comes more opportunities to personalize, but this means you’ll need to invest more time and thought into your page design.
This collection includes: Perfect Bar, Moz, Roku, Creative Market, Inmobi, View Try, GNC,, Fitbit
See The Entire Product Page Collection Here!
10 Free Trial Pages
You want the conversion rate on your free trial page to be 100%. If it isn’t, then you can be testing new things! While it’s easy to test small things like the number of questions asked in a form, presenting various page designs to users can often move the conversion needle in a big way. Test different page templates, include things like video and overall you should really try to test different user experiences, not just user details.
This collection includes: VideoScribe, Tableau, Salesforce, Treehouse, Crunchyroll, Atlassian, HubSpot, Urban Airship, MINT, Check My Level
See The Entire Free Trial Page Collection Here!
That’s it! We hope you enjoy all of these collections and don’t forget about your website interior pages!