
Competition is fierce when it comes to getting your website indexed by Google and appearing on the first page. Google continuously changes its algorithms and staying updated is very important, so the SEO tips and tricks you learned in the past may not be so useful nowadays.

The best way to make sure your website is SEO optimized is to hire a professional SEO expert. Unfortunately, small companies or websites may not afford this. It you are even slightly passionate about web related stuff, learning some SEO essential isn’t difficult at all.

In this article you’ll get 20 useful free SEO resources for beginners. These links include free SEO tools, great documented articles and tips and tricks on how to better optimize your website and make it search engine friendly. Enjoy!

1. What Every Programmer Should Know

In this article you’ll find minimum of amount of SEO knowledge a developer should have to properly optimize a website for search engine discovery.

2. SEO for ecommerce

Read this step-by-step guide and learn how to rank your e-commerce site. Be on your way to becoming an SEO savvy business owner or marketer!

3. SEO for Software Companies

This is a rough outline of the author’s verbal remarks while giving a presentation at the Software Industry Conference. Learn valuable information from case studies in this article.

4. Strategic SEO for Startups

SEO for a small business is very different than it is for larger companies. Learn the strategies with limited budget in this article.

5. Making Content Memorable

If you’re looking to start a brand new blog, add a little smoething to your content, or simply understand the basic rules of SEO and content creation, read on.

6. SEO for Blogs

This article will help you understand a few simple tweaks in the writing process could see them ranking considerably higher.

7. Setting up an SEO Friendly WordPress Site

For serious WordPress publishers their search engine rankings are very important. Learn more in this great SEO article for WordPress websites.

8. Test Page Speed

PageSpeed Insights analyzes the performance of your web pages and provides suggestions to make them faster.

9. WordPress SEO Plugin

Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast.

10. Spider View Simulator

Check out how a search engine spider, robot or crawler views your web page contents.

11. Broken Link Finder

This free online Checker / Validator not just tells you which of your hyperlinks are dead but it will also show to your where exactly those stale references locate in your HTML code!

12. Open Site Explorer

Open Site Explorer is Moz’s Search Engine for Links. Perform competitive link research, explore backlinks, anchor text, and more for free.

13. Google Trends

With Google Trends, you can compare the world’s interest in your favorite topics. Enter up to five topics and see how often they’ve been searched on Google.

14. SEO Tips for Beginners

If you’re new to SEO then you’re probably overwhelmed by the abundance of information. Here are five basic SEO tips to get you started.

15. Getting the Basics

The Webmaster Guidelines provide general design, technical, and quality guidelines. In this link above are more detailed tips for creating a Google-friendly site.

16. How Google Works

This is a reat video from Matt Cutts with an overview of how Google works. If you’ve never understood the basics of how your search query turns into relevant results, this 7 minutes video is worth your time.

17. PageRank

PageRank is an algorithm used by Google Search to rank websites in their search engine results. Learn more about it here.

18. SEO Starter Guide – Written by Google

This document is very useful to webmasters that are new to the topic of search engine optimization and wish to improve their sites’ interaction with both users and search engines.

19. 8 First Step SEO Tips for Bloggers

Here are a few basic first steps and SEO tips for bloggers. Learn how to optimize your blog posts and make them Google-friendly.

20. How Google Crawls

Learn how Google discovers, crawls, and serves web pages.

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