
Amy Chen
4th grade
Louisville, KY

Amy’s computer class started Code.org’s CS Fundamentals courses last fall. Within just about a week, she whizzed through Course 2 and 3 by learning on her own at home. She’s motivated to build big things in the future and is helping her classmates along the way.

Tell us about learning computer science so far.

When I completed my first computer science course, I was pretty excited and couldn’t wait to go on. Near the end of course 2 or 3, I realized I could build something really cool, like a game. In course 3, I made a Flappy Bird game with random changes.

Loops are my favorite thing I’ve learned, because you can save space and reuse the code. It makes it less confusing for other coders to read and follow when I use loops.

What do you do when you get stuck?

I test ideas and add or change a little bit each test. I keep working until the code runs! I don’t get too frustrated because even when I’m stuck, I know I can find a way to make the code work.

Tell us about something you’ve built.
My brother is in first grade, and I made a game for him with a ball bouncing against a wall and two goals. He loves to play that! I like making games for him to play and would like to make others for younger kids to play.

What’s next for you?
When I grow up, I want to be an author and illustrator. My best friend and I want to work together to write, make movies, and make video games! We will use computers, coding, and other technology to do it.

I want to invent a way to make pictures look 3D on the computer screens so people could see their own photos in 3D on their phone or computer.

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