
Cloudnine has conducted a live Facebook and Twitter chat on Thursday, 21 JULY 2016 at 3 – 4 p.m. with Dr. Meenakshi. R. Kamath on Pregnancy Health. #C9HealthTalk

Doctor Details: Dr. Meenakshi. R. Kamath.

Specialty – Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Clinical Focus and Expertise – High risk pregnancies like diabetes, hypertension, thyroid disorders, bad obstetric history, and complicated gynaecological cases.

Questions and Answers:

Q1. We are planning for a family; share the dos and don’ts for normal delivery?


1. Meet a gynaecologist close to you

2. Consider pre-existing illnesses

3. Take doctor’s advice on the right time to conceive

4. Indulge in yoga, exercise, and nutrition

5. Plan out your work and regular day to day life with the pregnancy


1.Every pregnancy is different

2. Do not over eat

3. No spicy and unhealthy food

4. No frozen food

5. No outside food

6. No fast food

7. No processed food

8. No packed juices

9. Lots of vegetables

10. Home cooked foods

11. Supplements that doctor suggests

12. Do not overdo exercise

Q2. Please suggest me the diet chart one should follow during pregnancy?

A. Take balanced diet including- Proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins. Please consult your Doctor.

Q3. Is it safe to use self-tanner during pregnancy?

A. Although there’s no proof that self-tanners are harmful, there haven’t been many studies on its effects on a fetus. So check with your doctor before applying it.

Q4. Any prenatal vitamin recommendations?

A. Please consult your doctor for this because every pregnant body is different.

Q5. Whatever fitness activities are safe for pregnant women?

Regular exercises


Respiratory exercises


No weight lifting

Antenatal classes

Q6. How can I deal with my digestive problems during pregnancy?

A. During the first two months, Constipation is prominent during pregnancy. Diet is the main factor; so, pay attention to your Diet and increase your fluid intake to cure constipation.

Q7. Can a family member come to O.T. during caesarean?

A. In our hospital, we allow only the spouse to come in O.T but most of the hospitals do not allow them.

Q8. How to cope up with the morning sickness during pregnancy?

A. Never keep your stomach empty. Morning sickness happens because of empty stomach. Eat something solid as soon as you get up. Have a cup of tea if you like and keep having something like – Juice, Milk, and Toast. Take tablets recommended by doctors. You can also have ginger extract; when you chew this, it takes very good care of your stomach and reduces the acid.

Q9. How long the baby should remain in the hospital after delivery?

A. It is recommended to keep the baby for two to three days. Baby goes home with the mother unless there is some medical condition like jaundice.

Q10. I would like to know about vbac’s and their chances of success and how safe they are?

A. We are trying to promote VBACs over c-section. We wait for the patient to go up to 38 weeks for VBAC. The period between her first pregnancy and 2nd matters-

If it 3- 4 years, we give trial.

If it is less than 3 years, we do not take chances.

There are 25% chances of normal delivery after c-section

Q11. If a pregnant lady catches cough and cold in the 38th Week, what should be the remedy?

A. Drink warm water and Ginger tea. If cold is getting worse, see a doc and take treatment.

Q12. Is it ok to lose weight in the first trimester as I am not ok with eating cooked food?

A. Not a drastic change. 1 or 2kgs is permissible. You can have lot of fruits, salads, milk, curd, buttermilk. It is okay if you don’t have cooked food.

Q13. How is baby monitored during labour?

A. As soon as the mother enters the hospital, the mother’s stomach is attached to a monitoring machine at Cloudnine. We monitor heart beats every half an hour. Her contractions will be monitored from the time of labour to the point of delivery. Nursing staff is also important. The entire staff is trained in Cloudnine. Good mother care and neonatal care is our responsibility. Specialized birthing hospital or center is important.

Q14. Should one call doctor on regular visits during pregnancy?

A. Yes. Patient should go to a doctor on a regular basis. It will develop a good rapport. Will clear all your doubts and will make you comfortable with the doctor who will help you with delivery.

Q15. How long does labour last, and the pain felt the whole time?

A. Not fixed. 8-10 hours minimum. Initial stages, the pain is not severe. Severe pain for 3-4 hours is common.

Q16. Do you perform episiotomies?

A. Yes. During normal labour.

Q17. My sis was 2 months pregnant but we found it was miscarriage. Wat could be the reason .

A. It happens naturally. If it happens in the first three months, it is genetic problem. If it happens repeatedly, visit a doctor.

Q18. We heard that women won’t be able to control the bladder after pregnancy. Is this true? Pls suggest

A. Yes. Very true. In the first three months and the last three months, the bladder irritability is very high and the frequency of urination is high.

Q19. Which diet is better during 3 months Pregnancy? Carb diet or Protein Rich Diet?

A. Balanced diet. Proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, everything has to be balanced.

Q20. Is there any way to avoid caesarean surgery?

A. Yes. Mothers should be prepared for normal delivery. Exercise is very important for normal delivery. Attend Antenatal classes. C-section can be avoided unless medically instructed.

Q21. How to calculate baby’s due date?

A. We calculate it as 9+7 days to LMP (last menstrual period) & generally the delivery happens 2 weeks before.

Q22. If somebody is asthmatic & suffering from food allergy & pregnant. Is it possible that baby will also born with this disease?

A. If someone is asthmatic, then the likelihood is high. It’s a genetic problem & most of the times, baby inherits it.

Q23. Can you tell me, if stress in any way harms the baby?

A. Whatever you are feeling, the baby also feels it. So stress can affect the baby. Try to avoid it.

Q24. Is it safe to do exercise during pregnancy?

A. Yes. We can help you with different types of exercises at Cloudnine. There are prenatal and postnatal exercises. Even if you tell your yoga teacher about pregnancy, they will help you with relevant exercises.

Q25. Number of complicated cases is increasing day by day, what is the main reason? Just because of this, 1of my friend lost his baby last week. What are the mandatory tests required during pregnancy?

A. Yes, there are complications arising in recent times mainly because of sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise. Tests depend on complications & individual cases. We suggest to keep doctor informed. Some basic tests:

Complete blood count

Blood group

Blood sugar level

Glucose challenge tests


Thyroid profile

Urine routine examination




Q26. What precautions to take during pregnancy with PCOS?

A. It’s a very happy thing that the PCOS lady has got pregnant! Fantastic! So, PCOS has been taken care of already if the lady is pregnant. We though still recommend hormonal supplements to support pregnancy.

Q27. Heard about the benefits of castor oil post 36weeks. Does it help? Is it advisable if trying for a vbac?

A. NO. We do not recommend taking any oil. It will only help you end up in loose motions.

Q28. Which types of fitness activities are safe for pregnant women?

A. Regular exercises, yoga, respiratory exercises, walking, no weight lifting and Antenatal classes.

Q29. What would be your take on vbac’s, doctor?

A. We are trying a lot of VBACs. We are very much in favour. Depends on difference b/w the 1st & the 2nd pregnancy. We consider medical conditions as well.

Q30. Why most of the doctors emphasize on surgery rather than natural delivery? Is there any medical benefit behind this?

A. No, it is a wrong perception. All doctors especially at Cloudnine focus on natural birth. It is done only when it is necessary to save the life of the mother and the baby.

Q31. Can you tell the risks of C-section delivery?

A. Every surgery has a risk. In C-section the risks are-

Bleeding after c-section


Recovery time can be more

Lactation problems

Q32. We often have do’s and don’ts from our grandparents. How do we maintain a balance of old and new age study?

A. Follow your Gynaecologist and ask grandparents to come along.

Q33. Do you have any clinic in NCR?

A. Yes, in Gurgaon. MSJ House, Plot No. A-2, Mayfield Gardens, Sector 47, Gurgaon, Haryana.

Q34. How about a 2 year difference between the first baby and second baby’s due date? Exactly 2 years between the 2.

A. No, we recommend minimum 3 years of difference.

Q35. Low PAPP-A levels…should we be worried?

A. Don’t be alarmed with Low PAPP-A levels. Get a scan done and see your gynaecologist.

Q36. What can be done 4 my wife to relieve or prevent pregnancy symptoms like nausea, vomiting, leg cramps?

A. Never keep your stomach empty. Keep having something – Juice, Milk or Toast. Take Tablets recommended by doctors and Ginger extract.

Q37. Please, comment on giving birth in water and to let the umbilical cord to detach naturally?

A. We do not recommend as there are possible risks for both the mother and the baby.

Q38. What is Down syndrome?

A. Genetic disorder that can be present in the baby which is trisomy 21. It is basically a mentally retarded baby.

Q39. Does Pregnancy really cause Lower Back Pain?

A. Back pain can increase during pregnancy. Take care of it by back exercises. Hot compression and light back exercises are recommended.

Q40. What methods of pain management do you recommend?

A. Manage pain with hot bag, local anaesthetic cream and light back exercises.

Q41. Please suggest some good prenatal classes.

A. We can help you with different types of exercises and there are prenatal and postnatal exercises. Even if you tell your yoga teacher about pregnancy, they will help you with relevant exercises.

Q42. Whatever fitness activity is safe for pregnant women?

A. Patient can be normal; can go to office, avoid going hours of travel. Long and unsafe travel means are not recommended. Regular exercise is very important. Yoga, no weight training, walking is very good.

Q43. Please advise if it’s safe to get massage during pregnancy?

A. Very delicate massage of legs, back, spine and hands. NO abdominal and breast massage at all.

Q44. Can have sex during pregnancy?

A. After 3 months, intercourse is recommended but not too often. The position should be chosen carefully and please do check with your doctor before you decide. Do take your doctor’s advice. Also, in the last few weeks sexual intercourse is very good as it helps in normal delivery.

Q45. Can you tell the importance of thyroid test during pregnancy?

A. Rate of thyroid is increasing. We test it amongst the first tests and treat it accordingly. If you have thyroid, treatment for it should start before you get pregnant. With proper medication there should be no complication because of thyroid.

Q46. My cousin is having Polycystic ovary problem, how can she conceive.

A. Tell your cousin sister she has to lose weight and try to conceive. Polycystic ovary problem may not help you to conceive. She needs to lose weight to conceive.

Q47. How much weight is fine to put on during pregnancy?

A. Additional weight of only 11-12kgs should be put on.

Q48. My sister had delivered a baby last month and is suffering from cold. Because of that she is not able to breastfeed the baby. Please suggest what to do.

A. Home remedies are good. Take steam, keep yourself warm, take warm liquids and take anti-allergy medication and see your gyneacologist.

Q49. Is it safe to drink and smoke during pregnancy

A. No. Not recommended.

Q50. Can you tell me about the much required recovery time?

A. It is a strict time of about 6 weeks of rest which we call puerperium.

Q51. Is there any complication in pregnancy if women have dermoid ovary cysts? How long should we wait to conceive after dermoid removal?

A. It is better to get the dermoid cyst removed even during pregnancy because it can rupture or undergo torsion or get infected. One can get pregnant 3 months after the removal.

Q52. How important is it to take prenatal vitamins during 2nd trimester?

A. It is better to take vitamins in pregnancy.

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