
Consumption of news video online has been on the rise for years — both in terms of number of video viewers and time spent watching. Revenue from video display ads has also increased, and at a faster rate than for any other display category.

Quality video production and data-driven promotion strategies have never been more valuable to publishers. Good thing Video Editors can use the Chartbeat Publishing Video Suite to:

Leverage the Past to Drive Daily Decisions

Start the day with the auto-generated Daily Video Perspective to get a historical look at the top performing videos from the previous day, and use it to plan your strategies for the day. Which videos aren’t relevant anymore? Are there any newer videos to take their place—or more recent content to pair them with?

Take Decisive Action with Real-Time Metrics

What do these signals mean for the videos on your site?

High Starts and low Engagement: Plenty of people are curious and click play but don’t stick around to actually watch the video — maybe the video content doesn’t add anything to the story it’s paired with, or viewers felt the title was misleading.Low Playrate and high Engagement: Not that many people who see the video are clicking play, but the people who do are actually watching it for a long time — try changing the video title or how it’s positioned on the page to boost its exposure.High Starts and low Ad Drop-Off: A great money-maker. Not only are a significant number of people starting this video, but they’re also watching the pre-roll ad and sticking around for the actual content. If the engagement is also high, you’ve got an all-star video and you should be promoting it as widely as possible.High Ad Drop-Off: No matter how well the video is performing in other areas, if your video has a high ad drop-off percentage most people aren’t even getting to the real content. Think about how much that ad impression is worth, and if it maybe would be better gained from a different video.

Let Videos Build Loyalty

Viewers are more likely to return and watch another video during the following week if they watched for a significant amount of time or watched multiple videos during their first visit. Filter on your most engaging video pages and check to see which of them have few new visitors, then boost them on social media to get your best videos in front of a new audience.

Want to see how other team members can put Chartbeat tools to work? Check out the stories for content creators, producers, section editors, homepage editors, and mobile editors.

For more information on how Chartbeat Publishing helps Video Editors keep ‘em watching, reach out to productoutreach@chartbeat.com.

The post Incorporating Data into Your Video Workflows appeared first on Chartbeat Blog.

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