
By Jim Travitz, Senior Imaging Analyst, Trinity Health, Holy Cross Hospital, and President, Carestream VIBE User Group

When becoming an end-user of a particular piece of technology, one way to ensure you are able to get the most out of that technology is to join a user group, if the company has set one up. By joining a user group, customers are essentially creating a line of communication between not only themselves and the company, but with like-minded customers like themselves as well—and that is where some of the most important benefits exist.

Collaboration is the name of the game when it comes to user groups. The ultimate goal is for customers to discuss issues and solutions among each other, allowing the company to chime in when necessary. As an example, I am currently the president of Carestream’s VIBE User Group for its HCIS products, and am currently corralling more Carestream customers to join the group because of the benefits it offers. In addition to learning about the latest PACS, RIS, and other HCIS updates, there are several other initiatives in the works for VIBE:

How-to guides for users: We want users to have knowledge and informational materials available at their fingertips when joining the group. This is made possible by creating channels for users to reach out to one another, as well as Carestream delivering on providing the information we need to learn about its technologies.

Bring clarity to the user group:  As a group, we have the ability to decide what are the most important ideas/issues that need to be addressed. Collaborating to decide this is able to give Carestream a better idea on how to develop its products so it can meet our needs. Being from diverse organizations, we are going to have different needs we want addressed, so it becomes up to the group to deliberate on what the most universal needs are that can be focused on.

Sharing content: The best source of content in a user group tends to be the users themselves. Coming across an article or research, and then sharing it with the group is one of the best resources available. The best user groups are those that are the most educated and participate often, so by sharing content, users are contributing to improving the education of the group.

Education from Carestream about new features: If users are to experience the benefits from Carestream’s technologies, then education will be needed on its part to educate users about new features. Be it in the form of webinars, demo videos, or downloadable guides, education about these features is a must, and one the company is looking forward to providing.

Regarding the future of VIBE, I am currently working to fill a couple positions in the user group. I am looking for a PACS Knowledge Manager and a RIS Knowledge Manager. These two positions will be tasked with organizing all of the content that is shared among the PACS and RIS sections of the group, and ensuring that this information is accessible for all members.

Additionally, I recently attended RSNA in December and was able to talk with other members of VIBE about what they are looking from joining the group. The two biggest needs users are looking for from the group are consistent user collaboration and webinars from current VIBE members. With these features being put into place, it is our plan than as VIBE evolves, so will the members of the group. That will be the most beneficial end-game for all of those involved.

If you are a Carestream HCIS user and are interested in joining the VIBE user group, you can click the link to sign up.

Below is an interview I conducted at RSNA about VIBE, what changes are currently taking place in the user group, and what improvements users can expect in the future.

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