As the city rolled out its Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda roadshow last month, CHS reported on a split on Capitol Hill — those living in already dense areas generally support the proposed upzones and changes, while those living in less dense areas generally, well, don’t. That fault line is especially apparent around the Miller Park neighborhood where the area around the Miller Community Center is slated for a boost to mostly 40-feet for townhouses, row houses, or apartments with 7 to 10% affordability. Near the southeast corner of the Miller Playfield a 50-foot zone and 11% affordability is proposed.
Other areas of Capitol Hill that sill have a strong presence of single family-style homes like North Capitol Hill are insulated from the HALA proposals. But many Miller Park residents, apparently, are feeling exposed. A longtime neighborhood group is being rejuvenated as the Miller Park Neighbors have organized a “critical meeting” on the HALA proposals next week:
Join Your Neighbors to Protect Miller Park Neighborhood!
6:45 PM, Holy Names Academy Auditorium, 728 21st Ave E, Seattle
The City is planning significant zoning changes
Your Help is Needed to Shape Those Changes
As part of the City of Seattle’s HALA & the Mandatory Housing Affordability program, the City proposes to rezone ALL Single Family areas to Multi-family in & near Urban Villages (see map here) and to add 10 FEET to the height limit in ALL the multifamily areas (apartments, townhouses and condos in the NC and LR areas between Madison and John).
We need to organize as a neighborhood to develop a balanced plan that:
Preserves Neighborhood Character
Encourages Diversity and
Truly Supports Affordable Housing Goals
Our Neighborhood currently exemplifies what an Urban Residential Village (URV) should be. The proposed rezoning promises to make all streets in the urban village look like this:
Join Your Neighbors to Protect Your Community
at Miller Park Neighborhood Meeting, February 15,
7:00 pm, Holy Names Auditorium, 728 21 Ave E.
Just so we’re clear on the their thoughts on the situation, the organizers called the image (above) used in the meeting invite “ugly by SF. jpg”
The Miller Park group is meeting in advance of the Madison-Miller Urban Village Community Design Workshop on February 28th. The city is using the workshops in areas across Seattle to gather feedback on and, likely, refine the HALA proposals.