
Did you make a resolution at midnight? Maybe you want to get fit, travel more or just enjoy life to the fullest. But did you consider a resolution for your home? Your home environment can play just as important a role in your happiness and welfare as your body and mind. In fact, a clean home and yard can be essential to good health and a good maintenance plan can save on time, stress and money. You can even meld the two like HouseLogic did in their Top-10 List of New Year’s Resolutions for Your Home (Bet you never thought to compare losing weight to cutting energy use!)

Top 4 Home & Yard Resolutions for 2016

Make a maintenance plan and stick to it. – It’s easy to say you’re going to follow through, but it’s hard to start good habits; especially if you don’t know exactly how to go about it. There are tons of online calendars and schedules to help you out. You can make a big, overarching, 12-month home maintenance plan like this one from American Home Shield. Or divide your tasks up into different seasons or months. We’ve got plenty of timelines on the Briggs & Stratton blog for you to choose from, like our Lawn Care Schedule: Yard Maintenance Tips for Every Season.

Treat your equipment and appliances like your car. – You know that your car needs regular oil changes, tune ups and other maintenance in order to perform well. That goes for anything with a motor and moving parts. From your HVAC to your snow blower, regular maintenance is essential for efficient, reliable use. Think about using your car’s oil change as a reminder to check on other engines in your home, and service them if necessary.

Take care of the little things. – Smoke and CO detectors are easy to overlook—or worse, turn off completely. Putting off changing batteries here or ignoring clearing filters there can lead to disaster. Take a look at Consumer Reports’ New Year’s Resolutions for Your House for a few “small” things that can make a big difference in your health, pocketbook and peace of mind.

Get organized. – Take a couple of days to get your home, yard and garage in order. This single step can make the rest of your maintenance run smoothly and painlessly for the rest of the year. Briggs & Stratton has tips on organizing your garage, and HGTV has some great ideas for home organization.

It may seem like a lot to accomplish, but you don’t have to complete everything all at once. Make a plan that is right for your family, schedule and level of experience. There will be less temptation to throw out a plan if it’s one that doesn’t overwhelm you. Need help staying on course? Money magazine has “4 Surefire Ways to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick”, with tips like being specific and sharing your goals.

New Year resolutions are often portrayed as something you make at midnight and break by noon, but they can be helpful ways to make your life easier, more fulfilling and happier—even for your home environment. What are some resolutions you have for your home and yard? Let us know in the comments.

The post Top New Year’s Resolutions for Home & Yard Maintenance appeared first on Briggs & Stratton.

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