
Every decade right up to this point has witnessed an evolution. Be it technology, fashion sense, music, films and the usual what-have-yous. But there is one specific decade that stands out in comparison. This one decade revolutionized everything and literally bridged the gap between the past and the future. Yes, I am referring to the glorious ’80s.

Now, you either grew up in the ’80s and are nostalgic about it, or you are a ’90s kid who has heard so much about the ’80s that you are supremely jealous. Either way, here are 10 things from the ’80s that deserve a second coming:

1. The Walkman

It stood for ultimate swag, and will definitely sell like hot cakes now. Unlike the current minuscule MP3 players that can hardly be seen, a Walkman let everyone know that you have arrived.

2. Quintessential ’80s Rap Anthems

When rap first emerged in the ’80s, rappers made a statement with their rhymes. But all we have today in the name of rap is gangsta rap with lot of references to drugs and sex. Can we have the old raps back, please?

3. Lava Lamps

Yes, they were in style since the ’70s, but it was in the early ’80s that the lava lamp found prominence in every home’s decor. Vintage furnishing doesn’t get any trippier!

4. Synth Music Montage

The highlight of any ’80s movie was a synthesized music track played during the brief montage. It would either be the hero training or a big plan coming together. It almost always sounded the same, but it got the job done!

5. Arcade Video Game Machines

Now here’s something we would all love to bring back. Classic coin-operated videogames are the best gifts the 80s gave us. And though we have our PSPs and XBoxs now, many of us would go back to those simpler times in a heartbeat and play games like Super Mario Bros, Contra and Pac Man.

6. The Fashion

Some might call it tacky, but fashion in ’80s ruled. Wearing dungarees over a T-shirt was cool back then, unlike the uncomfortable and limited clothing options we have now. From the Reebok pumps to the mullet hairstyles, there was a lot of scope for experimentation for people of all ages. But this time, let’s skip the fanny pack.

7. The Rubik’s Cube

Today it might be reduced to a mere collectible. But back in the ’80s, everyone was busy trying to solve the Rubik’s Cube. Today, we have simply replaced them with smartphones. Rubik’s Cube at least needed some brains to operate.

8. The Pepsi Ads

In the eternal war between Coca Cola and Pepsi, the latter got an upper hand in the disco decade thanks to their awesome brand ambassador. Michael Jackson was on the cusp of fame and with him endorsing Pepsi, the brand only got more famous. Wish we had MJ and those lovely ads today with us.

9. ’80s Slang

With the dawn of the ’70s, slang such as “groovy” and “far-out” were quite the norm. But the comic book generation of the ’80s is more familiar with terms like “Rad”, "Don’t have a cow, man!", "Ay carumba", "Eat my shorts"  and “Cowabunga”. Why doesn’t anybody say that anymore?

10. John Hughes’ Films

If you are someone who has no clue where to start your ’80s research, just watch any of John Hughes’ amazing films. Be it Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club or Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, the director nicely captured the essence of the decade and also had iconic youth icons in great roles. The decade also is best remembered for its Star Wars craze and a much better version of the Transformers.

While we can reminisce about the past, we can only hope to have these things back. The ’80s were a great time in history and a lot of great things happened. Tell us what you miss the most from that era in the comments below!

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