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Episode #43 – Grab Bag


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Upcoming Events: The Balanced Bites Workshop (Powered by PaleoKits!)

We’re also proud to welcome US Wellness Meats as a workshop sponsor!

We’re nearly booked up for Fall 2012! Make sure you check for events near you!

What we’re up to in the Workshop “off-season…”

July 13-15: Diane and Liz will be at the CrossFit Games in Los Angeles, CA

July 20: Diane will speak about nutrition at the Juvenile Arthritis Foundation Conference.

August 7: Diane’s book, Practical Paleo, released!

August 9-11: Ancestral Health Symposium in Cambridge, MA

Show Links:


# 1. IBS/Crohns & a low-residue diet

# 2. Cooking time and temp for optimal nutrients

# 3. How can I keep wieght on?

#4. Looking and feeling good for a special event

#5. Food sensitivities

#6. Eczema

#7. Psoriasis

Click here to download the episode as an MP3.

The episodes are currently available in iTunes, Stitcher & Blog Talk Radio.

#1. IBS/Crohns & a low residue diet

John from Dallas TX says,

I’ve been mostly Paleo for a few months and been fairly happy with it. I was coming off of what most people would call a healthy diet which was similar but with whole grains and dairy and less fat. I don’t have any history of food issues so it has mostly been about long term health. My wife on the other hand eats pretty poorly even though she has a lot of food and intestinal problems. She has been off gluten for a while since she appears to have celiacs but rather than teaching her that food changes can have a big effect, she has mostly acted as if she’s already given up too much to be asked to do anything else. She has a serious carb/sugar addiction problem. In the last month she’s had a real escalation in IBS/Crohns type symptoms and I’ve been trying to encourage her to finally give Paleo a shot. She says that a lot of the food she sees me eat would be impossible for her, mostly in terms of how much fat I’m eating and she says she can’t eat all the leafy greens and other salad type vegetables that I do. Her doctor recommended a low residue diet (http://www.webmd.com/ibd-crohns-disease/low-residue-diet-foods) which doesn’t look too good to me. Do you think that a Paleo diet sticking to the low-inflammatory side is a better starting point? Or maybe just the intersection between these two approaches? Or maybe I should just support the low residue diet until she feels a bit better and try to get her to transition then?

#2. Cooking time and temp for optimal nutrients

Emily asks,

I keep hearing that food should be cooked as lightly as possible and definitely not browned or fried. In practical terms, what does this look like in the kitchen? I know how to cook, but am heavily reliant on grilling, roasting, and sauteeing, and must admit that I like my veggies fairly brown. In particular, how should I be cooking meat? I have found that I very much like calf liver and fatty cuts of grass-fed beef but am not sure of the safest ways to cook these. One thing I have been doing with beef is stewing it in coconut milk, but I could use some more suggestions. This is probably not terribly relevant to the question, but I eat pretty strictly paleo — breakfast is wild canned salmon (with skin and bones), avocado, and nori; lunch and dinner are meat (I try for beef or lamb more often than poultry or pork and grass fed/pastured more often than grain fed) and fermented veggies (sauerkraut or kimchi). I keep my carbs very low to control blood sugar — before I discovered the ketogenic diet I was always hungry. If I do need a snack, I go for eggs, cheese, and/or butter. I just started making bone broth. My exercise focuses on strength and flexibility classes (though I inadvertently signed up for a class that involves a fair amount of cardio this month) four times a week. I typically sleep from about 10pm to 5am and would love to sleep later, but my body just doesn’t seem to want to. I stopped taking my Trader Joe’s multivitamin because I noticed that it contains soy, but I do take Natural Calm because my early morning waking and infrequent eliminations both seemed like they could be related to magnesium deficiency. The addition of magnesium and  fermented veggies do seem to have helped somewhat with the elimination, but it’s still only about every other day.

#3. How can I keep wieght on?

Jada says,

I sort of have the oppsite problem from most. I thin and ecspecially thin right now becuase I’m still nursing my 15 months old. I WANT to keep my wieght on but can’t! I’m also still losing a good amount of hair. How can I keep wieght on? I don’t get much sleep. My baby still wakes a few times a night but I have a hard time sleeping as it is. II’m only taking fermented cod liver oil. My exercise consists of chading my kids and we go walk after dinner. Breakfast:coffee and water Piece of gluten free toast with raw butter/sausage or bacon snack; pistacios or olives lunch:salami and cheese,crackers or eat lunch out dinner roasted chicken, veggies and kombucha I’m wanting to be grain free but worried about getting enough calories.

#4. Looking and feeling good for a special event

Brianne says, Hi!

I want to start off by saying how much I enjoy your podcasts. I always learn SOMETHING and it feels like I am listening to my girlfriends chat about nutrition. My real life girlfriends would never indulge me in this, so it is much appreciated! My question has to do with how you look on the outside, but before I go any further I want to clarify that I have a great body image. It’s taken me some time to get there, but over the last year or so through Crossfit and going strict Paleo, I have finally come to terms with my body. I am muscular and fit and will never be described as petite. But I am healthy, I can lift some crazy weight and I feed my body the fuel it needs. I am so grateful that the paleo diet and crossfit have brought me here. With that being said, I am getting married at the end of October and want to be sure I look my best in preparation for the big day. I have absolutely no desire to drop major pounds or try to look like Heidi Klum for a day. Just want to look and, more importantly, FEEL my best that day. And when I look back at my pictures I want to like them! So do you have any tips for something like this? To make sure I am not bloated, feel my very best etc. are there foods that are normally acceptable on a paleo diet, but maybe I should steer clear of for some time leading up to my wedding day? I think this is the one day you can kind of be a little body conscious (within reason of course).

#5. Food sensitivities

Marie asks,

Why would ginger, and now possibly garlic, make my stomach feel like its imploding for hours after I ingest it? It’s hard to even describe the type of pain. Nausea plus a cross between burning, and a similar to menstrual cramping…lol but not like heartburn. This seemed to start about 1.5yrs ago. I can’t put it down to anything specific happening because /everything/ was wrong with me. Too many auto-immune issues with way to many symptoms to list. Is it just another ‘allergy’ caused by leaky gut? If so, will it clear up so I could eat it in the future? Also In the same vein, will I be able to tolerate small amounts of nightshades after i’ve ‘healed’?

#6. Eczema

Christina says,

Made the change to Paleo nutrition in Feb 2011 for my family (2 adults, boy 9, girl 5) with 95% adherence; some candy and oreos still exist. Everybody has seen amazing results with asthma, sleeping, activty, weight loss/ gain (as needed) and cholesterol levels; except my son who has eczema. After two ER visits for severe allergic reactions and multiple blood tests by two allergists, we have learned he is allergic to coconut, mustard, sunflower seeds and all tree nuts. I was using coconut oil and flour at the start, then stopped, however we still use almond flour since he can tolerate it and we see some control of the eczema. My son is 4ft & 48 lbs at 9 yrs old. We would like to get better control of his eczema and put some weight on. What kind of Dr do I need to look for or can you recommend in MI to support our Paleo living and get his gut healed/ eczema suppressed? Or is this something we can do online? Thanks. Christina

# 7. Psoriasis

Keely says,

Our family has been doing the paleo diet for a little over 2 months and we all feel great! My only problem is that my psoriasis is worse than ever. I have suffered from scalp psoriasis for most of my life. The only times that it has cleared is when I am pregnant. I figured that is would get better since we re eating so clean. I do not want to take medication or put chemicals on my skin, so I am wondering what my other options could be???? Thank you!

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Diane & Liz

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