
YbSync is a tool that allows users to connect their Google Calendars to Axosoft and keep them in sync. YbSync has a lot of options that allow users to configure how ybSync syncs your data: choose which Axosoft items get synced with Google Calendars and choose to have notifications added to your Google events. Administrators have the ability to set up default syncing options for the rest of their users. Users always have the ability to change the default options.

In this post we will demonstrate how to get started with ybSync, and we’ll walk you through the following steps:

Enable API access in Axosoft

Create a ybSync account

Connect your account to Axosoft

Connect your account to Google Calendar

Configure your account to synchronize data

Add a Google notification to Due Dates for Bugs.

Enable API access in Axosoft

The first step is to enable API access to your Axosoft account.  YbSync will use the Axosoft API to read your Axosoft data.  Log on to your Axosoft software as a user with admin privileges and select Tools -> System Options from the menu.

Click on the Axosoft API Settings on the menu on the left.

Click on the Enable API check box if it is not already checked.  Axosoft API access is now enabled.

Create a ybSync account

The second step is to create your ybSync account.  To create your account click on the Create Account link from the ybSync.com homepage.

Fill in the form and click the register link.

Connect your account to Axosoft

Next you will need to connect to Axosoft.

Enter the URL of your Axosoft application and click the Connect button. The URL if often something like https://COMPANY-NAME.axosoft.com.

You will be prompted to sign in to your Axosoft account.

Enter your name and click the “Sign In” button.

After successfully signing in, you will be asked to grant ybSync read only access to your Axosoft data.  Click the “Allow” button.

After granting ybSync access to your Axosoft data, you will need to let ybSync know which Axosoft user to connect your account to.  YbSync gives you the option to only sync items that are assigned to you.  When this option is used, ybSync uses this account to determine which items to sync.  The “Is Admin” checkbox is checked because the first account created for a company is always an administrator.  The administrator is allowed to create users for the company and to pay for user licenses.  Active users count toward a company’s user license count.  Inactive users’ data is not kept in sync.  “Sync Data” allows ybSync to sync your data.  If you deselect this check box your data will not be synced.  You can also turn this on and off on the dashboard.

Select an Axosoft User and click the save button.

Connect your account to Google Calendar

The next screen tells you that the next step is to connect your Google Account.  YbSync needs access to your Google Account to add calendar entries.

Next you will choose a google account.  Log in or click on the account you wish to sync with Axosoft.

The next screen allows you to manage your google settings.  You can select which calendar you want to have ybSync use.  You can also select the color of the entries that ybSync creates for you.  Select your calendar and calendar color and click the save button.

This is your account dashboard.  A trial account has been created for you with three users. The trial lasts for 14 days. The top of the dashboard tells you that your account is scheduled for syncing.  You can turn off syncing by clicking the “Turn off Syncing” link.  The Axosoft account section allows you to change the URL of your Axosoft software.  The Google account section allows you to change which Google account ybSync uses and to change the color of the entries ybSync creates for you.  The ybSync Plan allows you to modify the number of licenses you have.  YbSync uses Stripe to process its payments.   Manage users allows the administrator to add new users to the accounts after user licenses have been purchased.  Manage User Settings allows you to manage what Axosoft data gets synced to your Google calendar.  Manage Company Settings allows you to set up the default user settings for new users added to your company.  New users will be created with copies of the user settings created in the Manage Company Settings.

Only administrators have access to the Axosoft Account, ybSync Plan, Manage Users, and Manage Company Settings features.

Configure your account to synchronize data

The next step is to configure which Axosoft items get synced with the Google calendar. Click on the “Manage Sync Settings” link under the Manage User Settings heading in the dashboard.

Your sync settings are broken up into the three types of items that Axosoft manages for you.  The names of the items may be different from yours because the names are configurable by your Axosoft administrators.  The first check box for each of the items tells ybSync to only sync items that are assigned to you.  Items that are not assigned to you or not assigned to anyone will not be synced if this check box is checked.  The rest of the check boxes allow you to pick which dates get synced to your Google calendar.  Clicking the save button saves your changes.  Your changes will be reflected the next time the ybSync engine runs.

Add a Google notification to Due Dates for Bugs

The last thing we will do is to configure ybSync to create Google notifications for all bug due dates. Navigate back to the Dashboard by clicking “save” or “cancel” on the sync setting page or via the Dashboard menu item on the menu bar.

Click on the “Manage Google Notifications” link in the Manage User Settings section of the dashboard.

This is the screen that displays your Google notifications and allows you create new notifications and edit or delete existing notifications.  To create a new Google notification click on the “Create New Link” near the top of the screen.

You have the ability to create notifications for each of the different Axosoft fields that you can sync with ybSync.  The first drop down on the page allows you to select which Axosoft field you would like to create a notification for.  Selecting “Bug Due Date” tells ybSync that you would like to have a notification created for each calendar entry that ybSync creates for bug due dates in Axosoft.  “Days before” tells ybSync what day to create the notification on.  When days before is 1, ybSync creates a notification for one day before the date of the calendar entry.  “Notification Time” is the time of the notification.  There are two methods of notification: pop-up and email.  Clicking on the “create” button creates the new notification.  YbSync will create new notifications the next time the sync engine runs.

You will notice the new Google notification entry has been created.  Clicking the “delete” link allows you to delete a notification, and clicking the “edit” link allows you to edit a notification.


This post has shown you how to enable API in Axosoft. We created a ybSync account and connected it to Axosoft and our Google calendar. We configured ybSync to sync the data from Axosoft that we wanted to have synced, and we configured ybSync to add a notification for all bug due date entries.

You can learn more about ybSync.com at our blog.

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