A quick glance at Michigan Ross: Ross currently ranks in 13th place as one of the best business schools, according to US News & World Report (March 2012). It is ranked in 11th place for entrepreneurship.
Ross’s Class of 2014
This year’s incoming class had 502 people in it. The average GMAT score was 703 and the class has an average undergraduate GPA of 3.4. The average number of years of work experience for the class of 2014 is 5 years.
26% of the class of 2014 have undergraduate degrees in engineering; 24% in business; 21% in humanities/social sciences; 15% in economics; 5% in math/physical sciences, 5% in computer science; and 4% in other areas.
Ross Academics Related to Entrepreneurship
Each year of the Ross MBA program consists of 4 terms. First-year students take required core courses during their first 3 terms. (See a list of required courses here.)
A highlight of the Ross curriculum (not only for entrepreneurially focused students) is the Multidisciplinary Action Projects (MAP) course. This required first-year course provides opportunities for students to work on collaborative projects for a global, hands-on, action-based, real-life experience.
Second year students choose electives in several areas of interest. Electives offered in the entrepreneurial studies subject area include:
ES 504 Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship
ES 515 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
ES 516 Entrepreneurship via Acquisitions
ES 520 CleanTech Venture Opportunities
ES 569 Managing the Growth of New Ventures
ES 586 Entrepreneurial Practicum A and Practicum B
ES 605 New Product and Innovation Management
ES 615 New Venture Creation
ES 623 Venture Capital Finance
ES 624 Private Equity Finance
ES 626 Global Private Equity
ES 627 Continuing a Legacy: Leading a Family Business
ES 629 Financing Research Commercialization
ES 644 Introduction to Microfinance
ES 646 Solving Societal Problems Through Enterprise and Innovation
ES 701 Wolverine Venture Fund
ES 702 Frankel Commercialization Fund
ES 703 Social Venture Fund
ES 720 Commercialization of Biomedicine
ES 730 Marketing for Entrepreneurs
ES 735 Entrepreneurial Turnaround Management
(See course descriptions for these courses here.)
Michigan Ross Entrepreneurial Clubs
• Entrepreneur & Venture Club
• M-Entrepreneurship
• Ross Small Business Consulting
Entrepreneur Hiring Stats at Michigan Ross
2.2% (or 11 graduates) of the class of 2012 (U.S. citizens/permanent residents) reported that they started or bought their own businesses upon graduating. For foreign students, 0.3% (or 2 people) fell into this category.
For 2012 interns (class of 2013), 0.6% of students (3 people – U.S. residents) reported that they were starting or buying companies.
Companies started by Ross entrepreneurs include:
• JetBlue – Dave Barger
• William Davidson Institute, Guardian Industria, owner of Detroit Pistons, Detroit Shock, and Tampa Bay Lightning – William Davidson (1947)
• Syntel – Bharat Desai (1981)
• Groupon – Brad Keywell (1991)
• Sherpalo Ventures – Kavitark Ram Shriram
• Bonanza Restaurants – Sam Wyly (1957)
Are you applying to Michigan’s Ross School of Business? Please see our Michigan Ross B-School Zone and Ross School of Business Application Packages for more information on how Accepted.com can help you get accepted.
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Tags: bschool strengths, entrepreneurship, focus on entrepreneurship, MBA Admissions, Michigan Ross