Arizona Association of REALTORS® (AAR) President, Jim Sexton, and Arizona Department of Real Estate (ADRE) Commissioner, Judy Lowe, recently sat down at the AAR offices in Phoenix to discuss topics and issues that frequently cause disputes and violations for REALTORS® and consumers. This meeting was the first of several planned to discuss issues and problems being faced by REALTORS® and consumers alike.
Over the next several weeks, we will share information on their topics of discussion.
HOAs, Landlord-Tenant and Property Management Issues
The ADRE frequently receives complaints and calls regarding HOAs, however, these issues don’t fall under the ADRE’s jurisdiction. In 2011, the Arizona Legislature passed legislation providing Arizona homeowners and condominium and planned community associations (HOA’s) a venue for resolving disputes. Therefore, the ADRE forwards all HOA problems to the Department of Fire, Building and Life Safety or the Attorney General’s Office depending on the context of the issue.
Landlord and tenant issues also aren’t under the ADRE’s jurisdiction, so those issues are forwarded accordingly. For more information, see the Arizona Residential Landlord and Tenant Act or the Tenant Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.
Property Management has been a focus of both the ADRE and AAR for several years. Property Management Trust accounting has improved as AAR has started the PM boot camp, as well, AAR is working on a Property Management certification program to further these improvement efforts. In regards to property management, and specifically continuing education (C/E) courses that pertain to property management, AAR provides many educational opportunities for property managers. For information on an upcoming Property Management Class on April 10th visit the AAR calendar, as well, the Trust Account Reconciliation process information can be found on the ADRE’s website. The Commissioner shared that she encourages property managers to become REALTOR® members in order to gain access to quality property management specific courses.
Of the 78,000 licensees in Arizona, 57,000 are active, and of those, 43,000 are REALTORS®! However, over the last year we’ve seen a trend of more licensees choosing to leave the industry. Arizona is currently losing more real estate agents each month than we are gaining – with approximately 500 leaving per month and 400 joining.
Editor’s Note: Additional Property Management classes are taught throughout the year through AAR, here are upcoming Property Management Bootcamp offerings:
April 10th, hosted at West Maricopa Association of REALTORS® (WeMar)
July 8th, hosted at the Phoenix Association of REALTORS® (PAR)
September 25th, hosted at the Scottsdale Area Association of REALTORS® (SAAR)
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