
Last week we introduced the State of The Stack – Ruby Edition infographic and while it provides a great visual snapshot of where Ruby’s at, some of you asked for more in-depth data. Being data nerds over here at New Relic, how could we refuse?

Without further ado, here are some graphs to fulfill that hankering for more data!

Ruby Versions 

Ruby 2.0 released in February 2013 with a major goal to make migration from 1.9 to 2.0 easier than 1.8 to 1.9. Looking at the quick uptake, the newest Ruby is achieving that goal admirably.

* _Note: 1.8.7 includes all Rubies declaring 1.8.7 as their version, which includes MRI, REE and JRuby in 1.8 mode_

Rails Versions

Rails 4.0 released at the end of June, and is already our second-most prevalent version of Rails. While it has a long way to catch up to 3.2, it’s off to a good start.

JRuby Versions

JRuby has been cranking out releases in the 1.7.x line since the end of 2012, and its users are keeping pace. It’s worth noting as well that we’ve seen the number of JRuby applications reporting to New Relic double during this time period.

App Server

In Ruby there’s a lot of choice about the server software for running a web application. While these changes aren’t always quick, we are seeing a shift as Unicorn leaps past longtime front-runners Thin and Passenger.

So there’s more data on what’s happening in Ruby. Did we answer any nagging questions? Or was there some bit of information we missed that you’d love to see? Drop us a line as we continue watching this vibrant technical ecosystem develop.

The post Deep Dive into the State of the Stack: Ruby Edition appeared first on New Relic blog.

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