Feds give UW over $700K to train faculty in ‘unconscious bias’
The University of Wisconsin-Madison has received more than $700,000 from the federal government to fund “unconscious bias” training for its professors.
The National Institutes of Health has awarded the public university two federal grants totaling $723,637 to fund a five-year study that seeks to promote opportunities for female and minority students by identifying implicit biases among their instructors. The first grant, awarded in June of 2015, amounted to $402,774, and in February the NIH kicked in a second grant worth $320,863.
The study, entitled “Breaking the Bias Cycle for Future Scientists: A Workshop to Learn, Experience, and Change,” was inspired by research demonstrating that “the mere existence of cultural stereotypes about racial and ethnic groups can invisibly and inadvertently impede opportunities for underrepresented minority students,” and seeks to identify and eliminate such unconscious thought patterns among faculty members.Gays Against Guns group brings gun control fight to main street America
The fledgling Gays Against Guns activist group made its Main Street, America debut on Monday. While the turnout was small, demonstrators left hopeful they could turn at least one November 2016 election toward gun control.
Gays Against Guns came together after 49 people were killed and 53 injured at a LGBT nightclub in Orlando last month. The group debuted at New York City’s Pride parade in late June. Monday’s protest was their first foray into a small town.
Hundreds lined Main Street in the 11,700-person village, watching local dance groups march and community figures drive by in flag-decked cars. While most focused on the festivities, many accepted the flyers.Trump names three apparent vice-presidential possibilities on Twitter
In a flurry of activity on Monday, Donald Trump named three Republican politicians seemingly in contention to be named as his vice-presidential pick at the party’s national convention in Cleveland later this month.
Those named were the first-term Iowa senator Joni Ernst, the first-term Arkansas senator Tom Cotton – like Ernst a military veteran – and the governor of Indiana, Mike Pence. Trump spent time with Pence and his family on Sunday and was due to meet Ernst in New Jersey on Monday.
Huma: Hillary Flouted Protocol, Used Burn Bags To Destroy Documents Prohibited By Federal Regs
“If there was a schedule that was created, that was her Secretary of State daily schedule, and a copy of that was then put in the burn bag, then that certainly happened,” Abedin stated. “On more than one occasion.”
Abedin also admitted to being “aware of [her] obligation not to delete federal records or destroy federal records.”
The State Department has clear regulations pertaining to the use of “burn bags,” and while government officials are directed to use them to dispose of both “paper” and “hardrives,” the government strictly prohibits several items — including “personal documents” — from being destroyed in burn bags.
On Independence Day, Leftist-Pushed #AmericaWasNeverGreat Trends on Twitter
Yes, America was great. America is great. That’s why everyone wants in – and that’s why nobody on the left wants out.
But for the left that thinks #AmericaWasNeverGreat, the solution is the destruction of the foundational principles that created that greatness: destruction of the nuclear family in the name of sexual license on a social level, attacks on traditional religion, racial division in the name of multiculturalism, unfettered immigration without regard to cultural differences, a growing welfare state that incentivizes dependency. None of that makes America great, or even good.
To keep America great requires understanding the values that made her great in the first place. Our educational system has utterly failed to teach Americans those values; it’s no wonder America’s children now spit in her face.
Israel Bars Hebron Governor From Entering Country After He Visits Home of Kiryat Arba Terrorist
The Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories accused Governor Kamal Ahmad Hassan Hamid of supporting terrorism, though he claimed that the visit wasn’t a political statement.
“We were hoping that the Palestinian leadership would issue a pacifying and restrained statement, but unfortunately it does the opposite,” said COGAT. “Israel won’t agree to aid supporters of terrorism, and therefore COGAT decided to revoke all the benefits pertaining to the governor of Hebron and bans his entry into Israel.”
Report: Hillary Is Considering Keeping Loretta Lynch As Attorney General
Picking Lynch as a holdover from the Obama administration would help Clinton’s stated goal of making her cabinet gender-equal. But the choice would likely prove controversial given that Lynch is the ultimate arbiter in the Justice Department’s investigation into the potential mishandling of classified information on Clinton’s private email server.
Concerns over conflicts of interest reached new heights last week after Lynch, the first black female AG, met in secret with Bill Clinton at Phoenix’s international airport.
Quid pro quo
We have 100,000 missiles in Lebanon ready to hit Israel
Hossein Salami said on Friday “more than 100,000 missiles are ready to fly from Lebanon,” according to Tasnim.
“Today, the grounds for the annihilation and collapse of the Zionist regime are [present] more than ever,” he declared, saying there are “tens of thousands of destructive long-range missiles” from Islamic territories aiming at all of “occupied” Israel.
“If the Zionists make a wrong move, all the occupied territories will come under attack from dedicated fighters and, God willing, the territories will be liberated,” Salami warned.
Lawyers are leading the coup against democracy
Today it is revealed that law firm Mishcon de Reya is taking legal action to try to block the triggering of Article 50 without a parliamentary act. At the behest of various unnamed business leaders — sinister, much? — Mishcon de Reya says it has informed government lawyers that the result of the referendum is ‘not legally binding’ and has warned them that ‘invok[ing] Article 50 without the approval of parliament is unlawful’. In short, if you do what the people want without first consulting parliament — where, of course, 80 percent of MPs are anti-Brexit — we’ll take legal measures to stop you. Heed the demos rather than us, and you’re in trouble.
Let’s speak plainly: this is an attempt by sections of the capitalist class to use the instrument of the law to slow and possibly slay the stated will of the British people. It’s a stab by the rich and powerful to prevent the swift enactment of the majority’s democratic desires. When that kind of thing happens in Latin America, when paunchy well-off Brazilian blokes lean on the political system because it isn’t doing what they want, we balk; we complain that their democracies are immature. Yet something very similar is now happening here. It’s more polite, yes; more British; but it’s similar.
ISIS is a Footnote: The Real Threat is Sharia and Islamic Supremacism
The battle against radical Islam isn’t an ‘over there’ fight confined to the wastebin landscape of some forgotten town. It’s a ubiquitous problem that takes place on American soil in two forms. The first is through direct jihadi attacks as we most recently saw in Orlando; the second takes the form of political warfare.
Yesterday, the battle of ideas took place on the floor of a Senate hearing spearheaded by Senator Ted Cruz. The “Willful Blindness” hearing, attended by Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, Philip Haney, and Andrew McCarthy among others, offered testimony to better understand barriers to combating radical Islam.
Other witnesses included soft-Islamist Farhana Khera, President and Executive Director of Muslim Advocates, who refused to admit that jihad or radicalization had absolutely anything to do with radical Islam. In fact, Senator Cruz’s attempt to engage Khera in dialogue yielded a minimum of 6 instances of denial within five minutes, with Khera defaulting to a regressive left narrative that the conversation is somehow empowering ISIS.