
In the first couple of years of business, I had a lot of ‘I wonder if I’m the only one’ type of questions.

You know…the kind that make you feel as if you’re the only one who hasn’t figured “it” out yet, that secret ingredient to a successful business that everybody else knows but you.

“I wonder if I’m the only one who doesn’t get the point of emailing out blog content?” (Sidenote: you should be doing this!)

“I wonder if I’m the only one who can’t design a decent looking email opt-in form even though I’ve spent 10 hours watching tutorials and experimenting in AWeber?”

“I wonder if I’m the only one whose armpits start sweating every time I think about returning to my day job because I don’t have a steady stream of clients yet?”

It helped that I had a business bestie, Mayi Carles, who would exclaim, “me too!” when I asked these questions on our Skype calls and we’d both laugh and sigh with relief.

She made me feel normal and understood.

When I look back on that time, I’m scared to think about what would’ve happened if I didn’t have someone like Mayi to turn to in those lonely moments.

Would I have been too scared to speak at the Etsy Success Symposium without Mayi telling me that I needed to go for it? Would I have turned down CreativeLive when they asked me to teach three full days of content? Would I have had the guts to spend thousands of dollars on a video crew without her?

One thing I can say for certain is that my business wouldn’t look anything like it looks today. It’s crucial to have at least one person who just gets it and will take your hand and leap with you when you’re too anxious to take the step by yourself.

I wish I had a whole group of Mayi’s to get support and feedback from, especially in the moments of doubt and failure.

That’s one of the reasons that I created Sunday Society: Chats, Tea and Fishtail Braids.

I wanted to give creative entrepreneurs a place to ask questions, get feedback and support and vent on a bad day. A place to work with me every month through ‘group coaching’ type calls without having to pay a ‘group coaching’ pricetag. A place to laugh with someone else who understands the embarrassing moment when someone points out a typo in your blog post title.

“Sunday Society is like having a world-class coach educating and leading us, along with a club full of members who are working towards similar goals and sharing their experiences along the way. Everyone is here to offer expertise, experience, advice and support as needed. We learn from the best (April) and also from each other. It’s been a really uplifting and energizing experience!” -Sara Eynon

The other main reason I created Sunday Society was to help those creatives who lose focus and need lots of accountability.

I work really well with creatives who suffer from ‘look a squirrel’ syndrome, the type of creative who needs someone to keep them focused and on track to get a weekly blog post out and to actually sell to their email lists.

Every week, we share our to-dos and goals for that week and we recap at the end of the week to see how everyone did. I also have the group members share their quarterly goals and I randomly check in with them to see how those goals are coming along.

If that sounds like the kind of thing you need, enter this giveaway to win a six-month Sunday Society scholarship (current members can enter, too).

On January 31st, I’ll choose FIVE winners and announce them right here on this blog post.

The winners will also receive an email, letting them know how to register to the membership site.

Here’s how you enter:

1. Leave a comment on this blog post, letting me know why you think Sunday Society would be a good fit for you. Why do you think joining the group would help you?

That’s it! (Make sure you use a real email address when leaving your comment so that I can email you if you win.)

2. BONUS POINTS: If you want to earn bonus points, share this blog post on social media and let me know in your comment which platforms you shared it on (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest). Bonus points really do help when I’m trying to pick between people!

If you’re one of the five winners, you’ll be joining a membership site that’s already filled with content, including 50+ hours of video recordings of our calls.

We’ve talked about sales funnels, product packaging, choosing your next product, integrating hobbies into your business and more. And, we start every call with a dance party. Plus, you’ll get instant access to the 2017 Sunday Society Life and Business Planner (100+ pages).

Good luck!

“My favorite part of Sunday Society is the collaborative support and energy within this group. There is a real feeling of genuine support and we all want to see each other rise and succeed!” -Neesha Merani

P.S. I planned to host this giveaway during the website redesign launch hoopla, but decided to wait a bit so it didn’t get lost among all the other giveaways that I ran. So, this is still part of the ‘welcome to the new Blacksburg Belle’ celebration! Who says I can’t celebrate for two months?!? Amanda Creek…you still have your streamers up, right? *wink*

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