
I’ve learned a lot about myself from preparing a live three-day workshop focused on building a successful, creative blog.

1. I’m really good at coming up with reasons why I need things like this amazing camera bag when I travel.

2. Putting together 12 keynote presentations drives me a tad bit crazy.

Actual conversation in my house yesterday while I’m working and my husband is chopping veggies for dinner: Me: “I’m talking to myself aren’t I?” My husband: “Uh, yeah.” Me: “Sorry, I’m no longer capable of thinking inside my head today.” My husband: “I was wondering what was going on over there.”

3. I push myself to create my best work when on tight deadlines.

A month ago, as I was working on the voice section of the workshop, I tried out some of my ideas via a blog post: How to Develop Your Blogging Voice.

This week I received the kind of email that motivates me to keep finessing my material until it’s just right:

“I wanted to thank you again for the info you shared about finding your blogging voice as it helped me really create an awesome post. That was not only my most popular post, but it was also featured on the BlogHer homepage last Thursday! Here’s the actual post.” –Jennifer Kennedy from Create Amazing Online Courses 

That’s pretty awesome, right? Using my advice, this post became her most popular and got featured on BlogHer!

And, that’s just a small piece of my blogging workshop.

I truly can’t wait to see what students create after attending or viewing the three-day course (RSVP here!). I hope to make this kind of difference for EVERY SINGLE PERSON who gives me their time.

Lastly, I reconfirmed something I already knew about blogging while creating this workshop: relationships matter more than anything else.

Finding “your” people online, nurturing those relationships and getting their support can mean the difference between success and failure. Often, it does.

I reached out to bloggers who I admire, get inspired by regularly, and couldn’t imagine my online world without and asked them to participate in a “blog tour” leading up to my workshop.

The idea is to get as many creative entrepreneurs as possible to watch the course live, so they get FREE access.

Luckily, my friends said they would love to help me spread the word.

Over the next week, this out-of-this-world group of bloggers will be posting about their experiences with blogging. I couldn’t think of a better way to get you pumped about improving your own blogs.

Here’s the lineup:

Posting on April 24th:

Lisa Lehmann (jewelry designer, super mom of four kiddos and two adorable golden retrievers–you should hit up her Etsy shop for Mother’s Day gifts)

Sage Grayson (life editor who constantly amazes me with the thoughtful comments she leaves on Blacksburg Belle and a super blogger herself!)

Coral Lee (crazy talented artist–you should see her art journal pages, beautiful and unique!)

Posting on April 25th:

Michelle Ward (the one and only When I Grow Up Coach who’s booked through October she’s so in demand–oh yeah) will be interviewing me live at 11am EST for Grown Up Gigs

Mayi Carles (the BEST partner a girl could ask for, a super talented artist and soon to be cookbook author with Life is Messy Kitchen)

Kimberly Palmer (author of the helpful, engaging and totally awesome book, The Economy of You–this is must-read for entrepreneurs)

Ashlee Thurlow (sweet-as-pie multi-passionate entrepreneur who puts together simple business bundles each month)

Posting on April 28th:

Laura Clempson (amazing illustrator and super cute wrapping paper designer and seriously awesome at Facebook marketing without sounding sales-y–like her page, you won’t be sorry)

Posting on April 29th:

Emily Thompson (coded our beautiful Connecting the Gaps site, helps those of less design-savvy create websites to be proud of at Indieshopography, and creator of delicious cocktails like this one–yum!)

May 1st:

Michelle Ward will be posting the interview from the 25th on her blog if you can’t make it live

Make you sure you LIKE my Facebook page and follow me on Twitter, because I’ll be sending out links to their posts as they’re published.

If you’re looking to reignite your love with blogging, follow along this blog tour.

I’m highly anticipating each and every one of these posts.

Please help us spread the word:

Click to Tweet: This all-star lineup of bloggers will reignite your love for blogging. Join the blog tour here!

Click to Tweet: Don’t miss this blog tour with @WhenIGroUpCoach @claraandmacy @SageGrayson1 @mayicarles @alphaconsumer and more!

Click to Tweet: Don’t miss this blog tour with @EmilyM_Thompson @AshleeThurlow @CWBusiness @StudioJewel @mayicarles and more!

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